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145 break in pro!!!!!
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145 break in pro!!!!!
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WOW very nice man


guys stop posting fakes...its not funny

Want a blue peter badge for knowing how to fake an ss? :D
i prefer my 117 at ur fake ty very much
break of 145 with no chat lol?
Clearly a fake, lmao.
Or does anybody else see the "match entered" message, that usually appears in the chat box? :p
Oh and why didn't it say match entered?;)
Then why didn't it say match entered in the text box?
Obvious fake..... i'll tell u why with my next post
lmao nice try CheeseOnToast™ 
ontly thing rong with the ss is it doesnt say match entered   pff another  faker

cheese gets moldy   same as this fake ss  will get;)
omg, can you not see what he is trying to do lol? The talk in the other topics about making fake screenshots and how to do them, next thing you see is some one saying "145 Break in pro!!!!!" he just wants to have his lil moment and hope people reply and congratulate him on it, and your all discussing if it's a fake etc, we all know it's a fake :|
the best thing to do was to ignore this lol :|
expect a few more of these topics about these "amazing breaks" ;)
There you all go again. Its called a...um, wait for a it... JOKE!!!

Yep sarcasm may be the lowest form of wit, but its given me a good laugh at you!
wasnt even a good fake, it was only a joke once he got caught out ?
ok ok lets just clear this up the reason for it not saying match entered and no chat is coz i typed /clear coz if not i wudda got banned for what the contents of the screenshot was

ty ;\ 
to be fair mate if u really got 145 and ur rating is 21 u must be good. and must have learnt v incredibly quickly. or theres the chance it could be lies? hmm dunno which i would presume...
cheeseontoast is matt aka rocket aka yummy dot com
Well maybe they were talking. . .
but he out "/clear" and that clears all conversation.
No it is not ;\!

To know who it is, all you got to do is look at the photobucket address, he is greavesy!!

ty matt :D

Well aint you clever Bran? :O
scotty2002 ssshhhhhhhhhhhhhshhhhhhhhshhhhhhh
>scotty2002 ssshhhhhhhhhhhhhshhhhhhhhshhhhhhh

By any chance are you a rocket scientist? :|
to be honest fake or not does it really matter!
 this is a game on a computer ...not the crucible
Someone teach me how to make fakes, il make a 155 with a freeball B-)