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CHEATING with engines
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CHEATING with engines
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CHEATING with engines
I hope that soon all players marked with a computer next to their names 
will be banned
. The administration of flyordie should repeat that every month, until there are no more cheaters. Play fair or go play checkers.
> I hope that soon all players marked with a computer
> next to their names 
will be banned
. The
> administration of flyordie should repeat that every
> month, until there are no more cheaters. Play fair or
> go play checkers.

> Leocad used a program to beat me in a game. He told
> me that he was using a program but I lost... Please,
> ban him... He is a cheater although having 20 points.

Read Chess Rules...

Using a computer to decide your moves in a board game on FlyOrDie is allowed.
FlyOrDie members have the right to know if they are playing against a computer. Therefore FlyOrDie uses a system to detect suspected program use, which will be indicated on the concerned players' info screen with a small icon.

That's okay if he uses a program. 

Next time bud read the rules!!!

Well I know that and if they mention that in their info, I won't have any problems with that. But as you know, about 90% doesn't do that, so it is not clear then whether somebody is using a progam or not and that's no fair in my opinion.
whats that computer thing mean anyways
Means they use a program (most likely). Don't ask how, but somehow this site claims to be able to detect if someone is using one. I would be interested as to how they do that... 
You can`t prevent som players from doing that. You have to live with.
programs are allowed in this website i dont know what r u on about m8
I've seen a few people complain about "cheating" and I've had my accounts marked as "may use computer" (I don't).

Do you realise the difference in playing strength between really good players and beginners? I suspect that a lot of "cheats" are just better players.

Honestly, I don't see how Fly Or Die could have the slightest clue who has a computer and who doesn't.

I've also been insulted once by somebody I beat. The things is, they played badly - really badly but just bleated on about computers when they should have been studying opening or tactics.

Years ago I played a lot at club level and remember watching players from Eastern Europe take on anybody for one pound sterling per game 5 minutes at a Hastings, UK tournament. They played like demons. They would easily wipe the floor with 95% of players on this site.
i can tell you how did they do that:
1.  to use a chesssoftwere (like fritz 6-10,or chessmaster or...)is very easy they just open another window with the chessprogram and play exact the same moves like the computer and against the computer they play your moves the system of FoD works in that principe that they can detect when a player switch to often his window of FoD and another(to play the move of the computer)but this system is a big shit because maybe i wanna talk to a frind in msn and i must switch over to the msn window and when i do that to often the system think that i use chesssoftwere 
i can tell you how did they do that:
1.  to use a chesssoftwere (like fritz 6-10,or chessmaster or...)is very easy they just open another window with the chessprogram and play exact the same moves like the computer and against the computer they play your moves the system of FoD works in that principe that they can detect when a player switch to often his window of FoD and another(to play the move of the computer)but this system is a big shit because maybe i wanna talk to a frind in msn and i must switch over to the msn window and when i do that to often the system think that i use chesssoftwere 
[Watch the rules of use, thanks]


"they just open another window with the chessprogram and play exact the same moves like the computer ..."

Are you kidding me?

There is no way that you can play 2 games at once (one compter, one against human) at blitz speed while switching bteween windows.

If a computer comes up with some deep tactical idea in a time scramble then that is worse than useless because without understanding the position, you are probably lost. In a time scramble, a computer would just be a distraction.

There are lots of strong players at FlyorDie. Just accept it. It is *possible* that you may come across a computer assisted player in 20 minute chess but I suspect that this unusual in practice.

[Edited by: Mervin on 23.06.2007 11:50]
"There is no way that you can play 2 games at once (one compter, one against human) at blitz speed while switching bteween windows."

Not all reds use programs.
But sometimes it's hard to find one that doesn't.
And I still don't understand why people use programs 
Would someone like to explain ?
What's the use ? Gain more points ?
Maybe they should add a button that says 'I use a program'
and you gain 500 point for admitting it.

some nobody (spanish apeaking) accused me of being an engine, I thrashed him, and i don't care if he was satisfied or not
Xanthe why dont you take a very long walk off a very short peir. 
People that use Chess Progammes to play for them make me laugh. To be honest I think this site needs a faster chess room, one like I played over at worldchessnetwork. Its called bullet and there is only 1 minute each for player so I don't see how anyone could possibly cheat at that, although I know some who have already found ways to cheat at blitz which is lame
please do not use caps lock it makes it hard to read and you sound like a poor loser.

I think it makes no difference that people are using programs or not. It just shows how good they are... and it is only a game.

If you ban people who use programs it isn't to hard to make a new account.
Not all reds use programs look at master yoda he don't use program he's like a world champ and its not hard to see if some1 is using program u can tell by the way they play it's to near perfect and no pieces are taken. and i know how to beat programs neway so it don't matter.
Not all reds use programs look at master yoda he don't use program he's like a world champ and its not hard to see if some1 is using program u can tell by the way they play it's to near perfect and no pieces are taken. and i know how to beat programs neway so it don't matter. plus they use programs cuz they like being red
someone said all red use programs ?????  well i no i dont! with elopoints over 2200 and bliz strengnth between 2350-2450 i dont need use programs....i dont even have chesscomputer! operaitors here could forexample find out that i am kmown as very strong bliz player in that coyntry where i live!
What sad state of affairs - I guess self improvment never goes unpunished.  Oh lets make everyone equal.  Where is the self-motavtion.
I hope that people who whine about people who have a red exclaimation mark next to their name first understand that not all of them use a program or machine or whatever, before that make irresponsible statements like "banned for life".  
Hi I"m Puchelmuncher on flyordie. I only play 1 minute chess. I am usually at 200 points. Well i played hard all day not long ago. Then i beat a 570 player with 37 seconds still left on my clock! He had 7 seconds left, so he gave up. Then someone told me that it was a program.I only play book moves and study the Masters. These people give chess a crap feeling. The cheating player is called dragonsrage?? I,ve seen red players givin free points to brown players. Chess was good. Now all the weak freaks use engines.How will they beat anyone in real life?? On the street? They will get whipped by anyone half as good as me
It is very good to find a engine like this!(Although it is cheating, I totally agree.)
I am over 500 and I don't use an engine.
But I just played a 780 player who's play was at least suspicious. is there a anti cheating mechanism? 
Using the computer program with second winows will be slow. In 1 or 2 minutes games it could not work. It should be direct line and computer program is playing direct !
How do you expect someone to do that in a 1 minute game?! how is anyone in bullet chess cheating? so far i have played horrible people...

I'm allways very surprised when a player with a rating less than 150, who has lost against players with a rating of 50 doesn't make any mistakes and wins several times.

Last time I asked him how such an increase in his possible. He saied, he is allways that good but let's win friends on purpose, that would be the reason for his low rating.

A cheater that should be banned anyway.
The rules specifically state : " no cheating " 
Perhaps you need to read the rules bud. 
I hope that soon all players marked with a computer next to their names will be banned. The administration of flyordie should repeat that every month, until there are no more cheaters. Play fair or go play checkers.Not all reds use programs.
But sometimes it's hard to find one that doesn't.
And I still don't understand why people use programs 
Would someone like to explain ?
What's the use ? Gain more points ?
Maybe they should add a button that says 'I use a program'
and you gain 500 point for admitting it.
well, I am easily 500+ maybe  600+ but i play only in the 1 minute pool ( there are cheaters there... so imagine what you can do at 2 min and 5 minutes.

when i was younger I used to do it, too look cool. But, only for a few days. its not worth the time....

flyordie should add pre move and make it a faster game. In 1 min games it takes around 30 seconds to make 10 moves on both sides by doing it the quickest possible. because the moves are in slow motion...i even play 15 second games at lichess but that aint chess. 
Good evening...I was wondering what a moderator is in terms of the description. Thank you...
High rated cheaters who get banned easily make new nicks and rip other peoples points even faster its kinda pointless to manage right when you know the duties will become even worse. Just avoid playing them and accept that they will beat people cheating so they wont be banned and afterall wont have anyone to play.
2022 and still no acitivity to ban cheaters.
Is there a mechanism to report cheating, and have the games checked?
Hi Silver Fox,
Yes of course there is.
As long as you don't have 3 dots on your dice or a subscription you may report here:


Kind regards,
I tried to make a fair play abuse report and it says my email address is invalid when I know it is not. What should I do?
Hi Silver Fox,
Did you complete your email address? You'll have to replace the asterisks in your email address with actual letters.
Kind regards,
Thanks. I will do that and get back to you.