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8Ball Tournament
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8Ball Tournament
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8Ball Tournament
After the success of Martin's tournament, I have been thinking of making another 8ball tournament. And yes I know its been done before, but it would be nice to do it again! Would like to get at least 16 or 32 players in if possible. The tournament is open to 
 players. If your interested please leave your name here so I can get a rough idea of whos interested, then we will take it from there. If anyone has any ideas on the structure of the tournament, please let me know. (e.g. No of frames per round, no of rounds.etc) Your feedback is much appreciated :p

P.S. I will personally subscribe the winner for 4months if this goes ahead.

-Iguana- :D
Good idea!

If im good enough I am up for it!
Oh, cool. Save me the hassle of having to organise another, cheers! :D

Count me in mate if I am considered good enough.

As for the structure of this one, I think you should decide as you are the one who's trying to organise it, but personally I would make sure it's a little different from the one I had.

Keep the long races though. :)

Yeah I'm in! Sounds fun. Will need to get a bit of 8ball practice in now as I've been playing snooker for ages ;)
I dont need a tourney to tell me im the best but sure count me in :D
Euphoria - Yes you can join and you are good:p

Martin - You are considered good enough:D and thanks for the feedback! Will take it into consideration.

Monty - Yes, you can join...

Emile - im not sure - im not saying yes to you at the moment - as i belive you have caused problems in previous tournaments. 

Also, im hoping to get my website up and running so I can post up to date results to you on that. Will post the link once its sorted

If i'm good enough,you can count me in Ray ;)
Current name : Potting Machine ™
I'm in after my shock performance at getting to the semi finals in the last one

Hopefully can do better this one

Eh, oh when I disconnected? Yeah, that doesn't seem to happen as much now *touch wood*.

I think though we can safely say that I wasn't trying to cheat as I conceded after disconnecting 2 or 3 times, even though I hadn't technically lost yet.

I haven't d/cd in a few weeks now so I think that's ok! ;)
not played in a while but im interested
im interested, am i good enough..?
Ill join if considered good enough of course ! :p
I'm interested can I join please Ray?
Yay ray... count me in if u think im good enough to get in..
Hi , Ray!
  Long time no see,how are you?
Well heres who is confirmed so far..

Mr Vanian
Damien - Im fine ty its been a while... Are you interested in joining?

Could you all spread the word about this tourney please, as I would like as many players to be involved as possible. 

^^ Also all starz in.. sorry Liam:p!
Stick me in for it as well if you want. I missed the last one cuz i was on holiday :p
I am interested if i am enough good lol

I am interested if i am enough good lol


Cmon! you must be kidding...haha
>I am interested if i am enough good lol


>>Cmon! you must be kidding...haha

He's better than a lot of the current players. And who are you? ;\
Anyway is anything happening with this? :D

I suppose we need a few more.
Yeah i might just keep it at 24 players and adapt the format a lil bit... What do you think?

Hopefully we can get this started in the next week if thats ok with everyone?
>He's better than a lot of the current players. And who are you?

No1 likes him...he keeps playing yellows in light and cry when loses. Ask steve aka king of pool ;)

however if you want a gd tourney bring decent players.
where is the prob to play yellow?

Go read rules of fod.

>No1 likes him

No one likes him? I don't mind him actually, he plays a good fair game and is better than a lot of current players.

Anyway, enough about that, we're ruining this topic. I agree the best thing to do would be to reduce the number of players if you don't get much more interest but like I said before I'll leave it up to you Ray. :)

well i guess if u get enough to play, count me in man, unless u think im not gd enuf lol.
Ok the following are definately in the tourney:

Mr Vanian
The Majestic
Art Of Dying.

I have decided to join, as you will agree that flyordie is quiet at this time of the year... I need 1 more player in, as this tourney is going to be for 16 players....


Ok, 16 players, heres how its gonna go.

All selections for leagues are drawn 
completely randomly.

Round 1: 2 groups of 8 - play each other once and the top 4 from each group will advance to the next round. Its 2 points for a win and 0 obviously for a loss. 
Please note all games in this round are rt9.

Round 2: 2 groups of 4 - once again its random selection. This time you guys much play each other 
 The top 2 from each group will then advance to the semi final. 
Please note all games in this round are rt13.

Semi Finals: Random again - winners go through to play in the final - losers can play for 3rd and 4th if they wish! 
All games played in this round are rt20

Final - Winner wins the subscription 
Your gonna hate me, but this is a rt25!

Tourney Rules

To abide by flyordie's rules!

Have fun and enjoy the games.

Anyone caught breaking these rules will automatically be 
 from this tournament, so you have been warned!!

A final note.. if anyone has any questions or queries, please feel free to add me in msn on rayz@hotmail.co.uk.

Thats it from me for now, as my fingers hurt from typing:p If anyone can find a 16th player then point them in this direction.

I want to register this tournament when? Please avisame my email The.Allan.UC @ HOTMAIL.COM thanks
I want to register this tournament when? Please avisame my email The.Allan.UC @ HOTMAIL.COM thanks
hi ray ... i would play in ur tournament :$ 1st girl :$thank you for wanting to accept
Like the sound of this format Ray with 2 group stages, and I'll be happy to play 7 good matches even if it means I get knocked out in the first round. Should be a good tournament.

Will be happy to play a good rt25 if by some chance I fluke my way to the final! :D

Hopefully won't be as busy as I've been this week though, need to keep myself in good form, or I'll just get hammered! :|


I like the format of the tournament. Let's hope another one of these runs well!:p

My email is LiamEffectz@hotmail.co.uk

I'll probably come and find my opponents though.
hewitt1000@hotmail.com add me:)
So when do you wanna get this started, I cant wait :p

Mr Vanian
The Majestic
Art Of Dying.
Super Player

This is who's in, ive decided to drop out as theres 16 there, and i hardly have the time to play anyway due to work problems. 

Once again, I will stress that if you break the rules, or in anyway try to screw up this tournament - you will be withdrawn. So guys (and sofi:p) come on lets have a good, fair and fun tournament!! 

Will post the fixtures and link to my site asap. Once again will stress that its totally random - any problems email me!

Thanks for all your comments as they are much appreciated.

Thank you for having allowed me to play :p I am thrilled to begin >:)
yeah i want to go in my current name is:
RonnieTheRocket ;)
Ronnie your too late sorry.. This is filled now.
Ok this has been drawn - and was done so out of a hat  
100% Randomly!

Group A

Art Of Dying
The Majestic
-Paralyzed- (Martin)

Group B

Mr Vanian
Potting Machine™ (Max)
Sixers (Rich)
Official. (Damien)
Super Player

Ok guys im not going to put a time limit on this - however if it does drag on, then I will have to set a deadline. 

If there are players who dont show up for the tourney, there is a chance that you will be 
 by someone who is active.. 

Once again I cannot stress this enough - lets keep it clean guys. If you are proven to break the rules or cause any trouble within this tournament, then you will be removed.

You can play games in rated or unrated, as long as both players agree.

Gl, play as many people as you can, post your score here or email me it.. 

Will get my site setup and will post link so you can view up to date results.

Thanks for joining in... Rt9 Good luck!!!!


Lost 9-5 to Super Player. Well played man! I shouldn't have got any to be honest lol
Rich 9 - 8 Liam

lucky me :p
ggs, nice lil comeback :p
I have finally got my backside into gear and setup a results page! This can be found at:


It will display group A & B league tables and results.

Keep posting the results and keep playing!

The Majestic 9 Sofi 3

found her to put me off and be rude on important shots.


Maj :p
Super Player 9-8 Max
Super Player 9-7 Scotty
Majestic 9 Monty54 3

wp m8 ggs

Maj :p

monty54 2-9 -Paralyzed-

ggs cheers.

The Majestic 9-5 -Paralyzed-

ggs thanks.

Majestic 9 Paralyzed 5 

vggs ty

Maj :p
To everyone who hasnt started yet, hurry up!

Maj :p
Well i dont go on as much but ill play ma matches


add me on here if u need 2 play me and ill come on when needs be
Ťħε ğĩяŁ-OBL- 0-1 -Paralyzed-

After I won the first frame she left.

Sofi returned about an hour later and we finished our match, which finished

Ťħε ğĩяŁ-OBL- 3-9 -Paralyzed-

ggs thanks

hi just beat sofi 9 - 4 ggs ty
Beat Art of Dying 9 - 7 vggs ty

Maj :p
Anyone I have yet to play, if you haven't already got my MSN my address is martin_lister@hotmail.co.uk - I'll make an effort to actually go on it, as I'm hardly ever on it these days.

I won Liam 9-7   and  Max 9-5   

   Damien ok
Lost to Mr Vanian 9-7

GG's mate, should have been a bigger margin to be honest :p
Respect da champ 3-9 -Paralyzed-

Should have been a much closer match as he got ul a lot but to be fair I played quite well.

ggs man

Art Of Dying. 5-9 -Paralyzed-

ggs man :p

I won Lapo 9-3 and Vanian 9-5

   Damien Obv.
Lost (again :D) to Super Player 9-6

ggs mate!
lol well,me and sofi played i got up 5-0 and she left.so i guess we finish nxt time:p
Beat Euphoria 9-5 ggs ty.

Lost 9-5 to Liam, and won 9-6 against Potting Machine.

ggs both!
So is this tourny ever gonna be updated ? , like the league tables have been the same for a while now and ive finished my games so would like to know were i stand...
Seeing as the tables haven't been updated in a while, I thought I'd have a go at doing it myself. Dunno, got bored.

Group A

	P	W	L	F	A	+/-	P
Martin	5	4	1	41	22	19	8
Majestic	4	4	0	36	18	18	8
Kris	3	1	2	21	22	-1	2
Monty	4	1	3	18	31	-13	2
Chris	1	0	1	3	9	-6	0
Sofi	3	0	3	10	27	-17	0

Group B	
Tiago	6	5	1	51	35	16	10
Damien	4	4	0	36	20	16	8
Rich	4	3	1	33	31	2	6
Liam	7	3	4	52	53	-1	6
Max	6	2	4	45	49	-4	4
Scotty	7	2	5	47	58	-11	4
Euphoria	4	1	3	27	33	-6	2
Lapoueze	4	1	3	23	31	-8	2

If you can make any sense out of that! :)

God ive had a bad tourny ! :p won 2 lose 5 :D o well always next time :p
rich beat damien, thus givin damien a loss, and damien beat tiago, but other than that, gd tables ;)
rich beat damien, thus givin damien a loss, and damien beat tiago

Oh, sorry. Any idea what the scores were, and I'll update that? I don't seem to be able to find them here. :p

Hope you don't mind me helping ya out Ray! :D

am i good enough for the tournament today if i am how do you  register to it ok thx
Lapoueze 9 - 7 Euphoria

Hey Guys

Apologies this has dragged on a bit. You need to get your games played asap, so we can progess to the next round... I wont be around much next week, so please get your games played it would be much appreciated!!

Results have been updated Here:


If anyone has any queries on this let me know.

Martin - Thanks for taking time to update the table for me - was kind of ya mate cheers :p

Ray :)
No problem Ray, and good tables apart from having me down as losing 9-5 to Kris, it was the other way round! :p
I won a game against potting machine which isnt on there!
ejeje ggs Kris

Beat Martin 9-5 ggs m8
baller42 9-5 -Paralyzed-

ggs man :p
The Majestic 9 Lucas 5 
ggs ty 

Maj :p
updated tables for anyone who still actually cares,

Group A	P	W	L	F	A	D	P
Majestic	5	5	0	45	23	22	10
Martin	6	4	2	46	31	15	8
Kris	4	2	2	30	27	3	4
Lucas	3	1	2	19	23	-4	2
Monty	4	1	3	18	31	-13	2
Chris	1	0	1	3	9	-6	0
Sofi	3	0	3	10	27	-17	0

^^ don't think he wants to play anymore.						
Group B							
Damien	6	5	1	50	34	16	10
Tiago	7	5	2	56	44	12	10
Rich	5	4	1	42	36	6	8
Liam	7	3	4	52	53	-1	6
Max	6	2	4	45	49	-4	4
Lapoueze	5	2	3	32	38	-6	4
Scotty	7	2	5	47	58	-11	4
Euphoria	5	1	4	34	42	-8	2

and because ray missed a couple results out, and messed up a couple of the scores (including one of mine :p), here's the results taken from what's been posted in the forum,

group a
martin 9-3 chris
kris 9-5 lucas
maj 9-7 kris
martin 9-5 kris
kris 9-4 monty
maj 9-5 lucas
lucas 9-5 martin
maj 9-5 martin
maj 9-3 monty
maj 9-3 sofi
martin 9-2 monty
martin 9-3 sofi

and kris is 5-1 up on sofi i think but apparently sofi doesn't wanna finish.

group b
damien 9-3 lapo
damien 9-7 liam
damien 9-5 max
rich 9-5 damien
damien 9-5 scotty
damien 9-5 tiago
lapo 9-7 euphoria
liam 9-5 euphoria
euphoria 9-6 max
scotty 9-7 euphoria
tiago 9-6 euphoria
liam 9-7 lapo
lapo 9-4 scotty
tiago 9-4 lapo
max 9-5 liam
rich 9-8 liam
liam 9-5 scotty
tiago 9-5 liam
rich 9-8 max
max 9-8 scotty
tiago 9-8 max
scotty 9-6 rich
rich 9-6 tiago
tiago 9-7 scotty

don't ask me why i'm bothering, i just get too bored on sunday nights.
Does this mean we can move onto the next round?:)
Scotty why you getting destroyed by bad players :O
I had a bad tournament mate :|
*Looks around as if he isn't a bad player*

Ye Scotty :-O
Didn't mean you mate:p ment like lapouze and tiago who are downright terrible.
Hi all

Firstly id like to thank Martin for taking the time to update the tables. Once again its much appreciated!! I would like to apologise on the length of this once again - I have things going on in my personal life which must come first. Due to this, I have decided to change the format of the tournament from here:

All games from the next round are knockout.

Judging the tables Martin has produced, I have decided to close off. And now I have the fixtures for the QUARTER FINALS:

Majestic - Lucas
Kris - Rich
Tiago - Damien
Martin - Liam

I have decided that all games will be rt13...

And remember - Ive changed the format for YOUR benefit - to speed this up, and remember the lucky winner will receive a 4 month subscription to FlyOrDie games.

If anyone has any queries - send me message at rayz@hotmail.co.uk

Good luck with the games.
Max can qualify if he wins vs me lol and same for me if i win vs rich and max. But np
Good call Ray. It was dragging on a bit in the end, looking forward to it.

Maj :p
no problem ray, i just want to get this over with so if i don't win i can have a break from this site. :p

liam mate i'm never on msn so just come looking for me on fod, you'll most likely find me in 8-ball whenever i'm on.

look forward to some quality games :)
Can't you just sub me cos i'd obv beat all of those?
Was a joke before people shout at me!
I'd love to Scott but unfortunately for you, it does'nt work like that.
Yeah but I can't play without a sub, and it's too much effort to do it myself =[
im rich
not played in 2 months tho, but i'l giv it a go :D
wait wait wait, i won 12, he won 13, he cud neva beat me 13-3!

was 13-12, he fluke on decider

well i dno wat rich sed, but he seemed pretty upset:(.score was really 13-12 and i hit a lucky shot on 8,and he just stormed out.im sry man ggs:p..btw im kris lol:D
lol, dnt think that looked very convincin :D?
Everyone has new names!!!!! Lowskillers:p
i lose cos laptop on 95 :( he much lucker, he moved white wen i fouled
lol ok the truth is was 13-3,but he told me to start he was on a older pc which lagged,so prlly the reason i won so bad:p!
Sorry to be a pain in the backside, but you've got until Saturday to play your games guys - please help me out here!!:p Let try get them played asap so I can give the winner the subscription before I become skint :D 

Any problems with this then you need to let me know quickly.

Come on guys this is taking ages!!! If you havent played your games yet, could you please do your best to look for your opponent and play them. The Following are outstanding games that need to be played urgently:

Majestic - Lucas
Tiago - Damien
Martin - Liam

Please hurry!

Maj 3 Lucas 3
I should be 6 nil up lol.....
Playing later again Ray ok

Maj :p
Maj > Lucas
Tiago < Damien

Martin ~ Liam gogogo
Maj 13 Lucas 10

ggs ty m8, very funny!

Maj :p
well we started on monday or tuesday and the score was 4-2 in my favour before he left, and i haven't seen him since. that's probably mostly my fault as i've spent most of the week either working or out with mates.

is there any chance of an extension until tomorrow? i will most likely be on all day tomorrow, i can't play today as i'm busy again.
Yeah no problem, I will give you lot a couple of days to get these games sorted. If anyone has ANY results, please post it here so we can keep up to date. Wanna get this tourney cracked off asap:p

Hey does any1 know who i play now?i've won my rt13, and i know ray wants to get this done.im kris btw:p 
I won mine too kris, but dunno what ray is doing. Damien vs Tiago is the last match left i think.

I still have to finish Liam off...:p
martin u obv puttin it off, so u dnt gotta get owned again eh:D!?
AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I forgot. I will be on whenever you are Martin. Just tell Mahks to message me on msn :P

I've been VERY busy lol
if anyone is gonna be making another 8 ball tourney i would love to take part if its not any trouble.. let me know ty.
Whats the story ray, you sorting out the end of your tournament or not? been draggin on a while now, only 1 full match to be played......

well Maj if people played there games it would make it a whole lot easier for everyone. 

Gonna do the first semi now:

Kris vs Maj - gl both and btw semi's are Rt20.

Outstanding Quarters:
Damien vs Tiago
Liam vs Martin

whoever wins in quarters will obviously play each other in the semi as a rt20.

Please guys lets get this sorted :|

[Edited by: chillo1983 on Mar 21, 2008 11:07 PM]
lol Kris, I hope I get you in the next round, assuming I beat Liam, then I can show you once and for all who's the boss :p!

[Edited by: chillo1983 on Mar 21, 2008 11:07 PM]
Kris, im on 2nite if you want to play some of our semi final match...

Maj :p

[Edited by: chillo1983 on Mar 23, 2008 11:11 PM]
I am interested

[Edited by: chillo1983 on Mar 23, 2008 11:11 PM]
martin if i get passed maj ima own u so bad man:p!, an maj i be on at like 1pm my time if u wanna play sum:)
Kris, wont be on until this evening now m8. And btw sry Martin, if you win ur quarter u will be playing me...:d

"assuming i beat liam" Martin!!!!????
didnt u read my name aswell lmao? or u suposed to beat me izi -_-

     Damien (stills alive)
Damien nice of you to join us. Now when are these games getting played as this is turning into a joke. :|
Sorry ladies,

My PC has been broken for the last couple weeks, think it's sorted now though.
Okay now when are we finishing marty :D 

I'm mostly in Lite so see me there when possible :D
I'll come looking in 8 for you as well of course
Shall be on Friday or Saturday (barring a broken PC, of course!)

Will look around for you, I'll be on this name.
Liam 7-13 Martin

Sorry for the delay Ray. Who do I play next then, Damien or Tiago?
ok thanks for the reply Martin, good to know someone is still alive!!! :p Tiago and Damien please get your games played as your holding things up. This is not fair on other players so please get this sorted!! If anyone who reads this sees either damien or tiago, could you inform them to play there games, as this has gone on way too long!

Thanks for those who are making an effort though! 
Damien "can't remember" if he played Tiago or not lol, so I'm still confused who I play next.

And Maj looks like he's taken a sabbatical from FOD, so I think you should just give me the sub because the only person left in apart from that is Kris and I'd obviously beat him easily! :D
Well ive kept my word about the sub, all members who are still active in this tourney need to post before the end of April 30th. If you dont post, this means your inactive and you will then be 
 from the tourney. Martin - you dont need to post as I know your active :p!!! Probably looks like its you and Kris in the final for now lol... However, where did the others disappear to :\?
I still active. But Damien didnt play me yet.
lol if its just me and martin left,do i even gotta play:(:p..obv im guna own him like every other time:)
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