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Server hanging
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Server hanging
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Server hanging

if i play in checkers, sometimes the server hang.
The Time for one turn (the turn of my opponnent) goes down to 1, then it stucks there.
Next the message "Disconnected from the Server" comes, and then i lose points.
I lost against bowya. And i lost 29 Points, just because of the Server.

How can that happen? Is it because of the Server, or does some people cheat with something? Or is it because of me?
Thanks for your answers.
You cry now, cause you lost 29 cheated points?
You know you are nothing.
lol, who are you then? I just wanted an answer from an competend people and not from a middle classic player. Some people take care about things they should not care about. Greetz
You are a little player. Please dont talk here and shut up. I am your mentor.
I beat you easy when you play without programm.
Hahahahaha Larsen...............
Hey--I complained about it too (see "Something's fishy" in this same forum from a month ago).  After I wrote it, it seemed to stop.  Now it's started again.  Complain to the moderators (I think it's support@flyordie.com)  I'll complain too.  These are definitely cheaters--it only happens when i've just made a move to beat someone. Maybe you experience the same......

I have exactly the same problem. Thanks for answer.