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*repost* And the first person to 500 posts is...
Posted in 
*repost* And the first person to 500 posts is...
Posted in 
*repost* And the first person to 500 posts is...
Me! Wooo! for me. And I 
 first, someone just deleted the other one. And most of the 500 have been of the highest quality too. Unlike some people I could mention...

Bear in mind though, that this was 500 posts when it was written. No doubt a few will get deleted, and I'll be back to the 490's again. Ho-hum.

I've been wanting to have a good rant about things for a while now, and 500 posts seems like the 
 time to do it. I've been 
looking forward
 to this.

I've made many friends on 
, but thankfully a whole lot more enemies. And it's you, the people that I despise, that I have to thank first. Without you lot, moderating these forums and posting here wouldn't have been so enjoyable. You idiots. You truly are the biggest bunch of incompetents ever to walk the face of the planet. God help us if you ever breed. The world might as well end tomorrow.

But, for the few of you that I consider to be my friends: it's been emotional. You have provided me with hours of fun and amusement, and more than a few laughs and tears along the way. Some of you are truly the best bunch of people that I have had the pleasure to converse with on the interweb. You know who you are, even though I've never had the chance to speak to most of you on a one-to-one basis. It's been a pleasure to spend time with you.

And it is the people that make this site an enjoyable place to spend time. Why else do we spend every waking moment playing games on the internet? It's fun, that's why. Although in the case of some of you, it's because you have no life and no friends. I know that's the reason I spend so much time on here...

Ahhh, the people. And what a mixture of people! 

The insecure obsessive compulsives.

Who are 
 to tell the world 
 what they have been doing today, what they had for lunch, and a whole bunch of other crap we don't want to hear. No matter that we don't want to hear it: they'll tell us anyway! Seriously, we don't care. You might judge the fact that people respond as a sign of affection, but it's not. They just want to tell you how annoying you are being. Idiots.

The shy one's.

That act all sweet and innocent to your face, but would stab you in the back the first chance they got. Butter wouldn't melt in their mouths. It's okay though, you can trust them: they'll never tell another soul. Hah! If you believe that: you'll believe anything. Never trust them, it'll only backfire on you at a later date. 

The immature ones.

The people that try to convince us they're past puberty, but who's slapdash approach to grammar and spelling can only mean they are barely out of nappies and still waiting for their balls to drop. Learn some 
 before it's too late. Or go back to school. Oh wait, you're still at school? Better start again then, eh?

The naive ones.

The one's that live inside a fantasy land, that don't even know what's going on outside their front door. God help them should they ever decide to leave the house. They'll pretty much believe anything you tell them, no matter how ludicrous it is! And then they'll probably come on here to tell everyone else about it. The fools. No, the earth's 
 flat. No, it 
 make you blind. And yes, rub it 
 over: It's good for the skin.

The moderator wannabe's.

Oooh! Oooh! Pick me! Pick me! I'm someone you've never heard of before, except whrn I've been breaking the rules, but I want to be a moderator! Please! I'd be the best! Vote for me! Gaaaaaaaah! Get lost will you? If they need new moderators, they'll come looking for you. You'd need a completely unblemished record, the ability to spell correctly and two brain cells to rub together. You don't have any of these qualities. And posting topics about it only serves two purposes.

 Filling up the forum with crap

 Making you look stupid.

The spammers

I know, I'll write the same thing over and over again. But ever now and again I'll change a few words round to make it seem different. I'm 
 cool. Umm, no. You're not. Cool is one thing you're not. Replace 
, with 
really annoying
. At least make an effort with your posts, don't just write a few garbled lines that look like you're had a fit while posting. And stop with the pictures please. They're crap.

The CAPS LOCK kids.

Why oh why do you write LIKE THIS ALL THE TIME? It's 
 big, it's 
 clever, but it is 
 annoying. It's like you have some attention seeking disorder, that means you have to do things like this to get noticed. You treat spelling and grammar like a game, and you play it 
 badly. I wouldn't mind if you typed in all lower case, that'd be fine! It's just ALL CAPS that's stupid. Why do it? 

The Moderators.

My favourite bunch of people. Generally. Want to be a moderator? Here's how it works.

: We've got a great idea. Why don't you give up a large portion of your time to making 
 a better place for the players? Oh, and we won't pay you for working for us, we'll tell you what to do all the time, and if you step out of line we'll crap on you from a great height. Oh, and we'll hardly ever talk to you, unless we want something. Sounds like a great job! 

The poor sods. Those lovely moderators do the job because they want to make this site a nice place to be, not just to get up your nose: 
That's what I did as the forum moderator
. Also one of the reasons they never gave me my 'red wings'. Respect the moderators, or get your arse kicked. Nuff said.

Oh, and do you have any idea how much mail passes through the 
 address every day? Hundreds of the bloody things. And you think your 
'I waNt Two bE A m0d plz'
 e-mail will get answered right away? Pfffffft. Be lucky it get's answered at 
. I was the only one of the lot that had enough time at work to check this forum every five minutes, and answer your questions and queries as soon as humanly possible. But I was unique, as many people will tell you, so you'll just have to be patient for your answers now.

So long my friends, it's been fun. I might return eventually, but for now, I have only one more thing to say.

P.S. Delete away. No offence meant. Obviously.
That is pure brilliance. Move aside Martin Luther King....
Wow Bishi....
You certainly had alot stored up inside!  Hope this post helped you.  Its a shame i never got to know you, except for the odd remarks on forum!  

Wish you the best in your future endeavors.... and if you are ever are in Fly Or Die, I would love to play a game with you.

All the best....
Sandyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy  (aka Sad_eyes)
Wow Mr Bishi,nice going. You should be an author one day...Dat was well enjoyable to read.....could you do it everyday for us please??? And turn FOD into an online book! Cheers, 
₪ ЯắPŦǑR ₪
oh and one more thing..........how long did that take you to type? Must have been ages!!
One thing I hate more than a lier is a bragger. You may not be a lier, but after posting this, your sure a bragger. 
WOW? so you've posted more than every one eles but thats no reson to wast you time. i mean thats all your doing! alls you do is set in front of the computer and type. you must not have a life if you have 500 posts!
Wow:O Very Good Post Bishi. Everything you said is nothing but the truth, as well as very well worded. I do agree your the only Moderator that did always reply to our questions whether you had an answere or not you still gave us the time of day to reply. Much more then I can say for some of the other mods. I would myself like to personally 
Thank You
 for doing so. Your a good person Bishi and an excellent writer. Your words and posts I will greatly miss as well as when you were the Forum Moderator. I'm glad I got the priveledge to Meet you and to play you some games. I wish you all the best of luck and good health in days to come and hope to see ya sometime on here even if its in the Forum. Take Care ~*~~*~PeachySweet~*~~*~

P.S. Oops for got to say Im Peachy;)
Well said Mr. Bishi, & it was fun playing pool with you too. You were always nice to me & showed me respect.
Your sense of humour was one of a kind.:p
Take care....
Tara xxx
and he's ruddy good at pool !
Hi Mr Bishi, You were the first person I ever played against on Flyordie a long time ago, you have always been a good player, and you took the time to show me how to play the game. Thank you. We all miss you as a moderator, you were the best on Flyordie. 
lol that was a quick return lol u was on game 2 the nite you posted this lol must of been another glitch ;)
heather00 lol hes wasnt a mod,only a forum mod lmao..
ohhhhhhhhhh, i thought he was a mod mod if u see wat i mean!
After Raptors post look at mine Mr. Bishi. 530! And I answered your post on the day it came out!
General Hawk....I salute U,lolol....
Sorry Mr.Bishi but I got to do it,


Dear _Tara_

is this wot u call cat N mouse?
Sorry it took so ling for me to understand. Im tired as he11. =00=

My mouse.
awwwwwwwww poor gh   heres a new mousey 4 u 

lol... :p

= U =

watch out, cats about!!
I think the word of the wise Mr.Bishi deserve reposting cause nothing he said has changed 1 bit.
I agree with u virus...bishi spoke many words of wisdom,and this paticular post ..(the winner) is just the thing many people (intelligent people) would like to post...its just a pity bishi couldnt put up with a few brainless people (i do it every day lol)
uh oh wrong post lol ..refer to virus...
i'm sure it was a good post but i don't like to read novels.
peace out
i'm sure it was a good post but i don't like to read novels.
peace out
Oh well, heres a quick quote; 

The spammers.

I know, I'll write the same thing over and over again. But ever now and again I'll change a few words round to make it seem different.


P.s - Nobody like to read the same post twice...