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bad losers
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bad losers
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bad losers
hi i,ve been playing snooker for quite some time in snooker lite. i do now beleive this room is for ppl to come in and slagg you off.. not to play snooker. i dont know how to do a screen shot (can some one tell me please ] im naming one person KIRK STEVENS he is a disgusting person to play with. i dont need to come in and have my parents talked about and not in a nice way.this has to stop my parents are both dead.why dont mods go into this room abit more. how far have these ppl got to go b4 they are banned. it seems a long way.
                                thankyou wildblood 55
Unfortunately 'bad losers' as you put it wlll always be on a site like this, best bet is to mute them ;)

As for taking screenshots 

- Press the "PrtSc" button (should be near your F12 button) on your keyboard when you want to take a screenshot of abuse

- Open paint (Or any other image program) and go to edit and paste - this will put the image onto the program

- Make sure your screenshot is clear and able to be read. 

- Save the screenshot as a JPEG

- If you managed to do all of that without any problems you should now have a screenshot saved onto your computer

Now go to


click on contact the moderators and send in the screenshot and let the moderators deal with it from there :) 
Interesting topic which will be putted here several times during the years i guess.
Bad loosers...it seems that its getting worse and worse.
Moaning is not the main problem. Its more abusing en annoying.
Putting nicknames of those people here makes no sense...every week they come up with a new nick.
Muting is all you can do.
Sending screenshots? Then they spend my time...not worth it.

Ive decided last week only to play "buddies". From the 20 that are in that list there is every evening somebody online to play.
Problem solved.
ty chris & upnorth for ur kind replys.i will see how things go. i will try a screenshot just to see if i can get it to work lol. ty both very much
Yeah the abuse, moaning, sore losers is unreal. 
I play snooker alot , different times of the day/night and I have seen ONE mod in about six months(Veriac).
We need more mod's in snooker big time!
If you want u can download Screenhunter off the net for free its only purpose is to take screen shots. 
Why is Kirk Stevens and all his other nicks(check ip address) not banned or demerited or muted or something as almost all the last topics seem to involve him abusing? 
T H E    S T I G.
well this is another bad loser. his name is armix, i was beating him and beyond him coming back. anyways he started to roll up behind coulours, fouling on purpose so i couldnt get to the ball, and if i passed hed jst tap anuva foul. in the end i won 307-80!!!! so jst a word of warning, do not play this guy! hes a real bad loser
stop your moanong and get on with it. its the same 4 every body.
Abuse by foul-mouthed players is not new. I have a complaint about one in particular...but I just wont play him again. There are some that just want to try and make their opponents quit, gaining their points.
Who needs it? If Flyordie can't police it actively, maybe they should be making players like lukemiller a moderator with the tools to deal with it on the spot.

my two cents...