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In memory of SteveO
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In memory of SteveO
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In memory of SteveO
I just wanted to let everyone know that a really good friend in Darts has died. He was in a gas explosion that left him with a brain hemmorage. He was a great friend and a father of 4 sons. He will be so missed! May you rest in peace my friend, I love you!  Teri
   I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend Steve0, Teri. May God Bless him & may he rest in Peace. A Rose in SteveO's memory.              Swooop (Gregg)
Sorry to hear about our loss. Many bullzeyes to his friends and family...
am sooo sorry for your lose mate. he will be missed alot by every1

R.I.P mate:)
soooooo sory for your lose and his families loss. i cannot thin of anyting worse. 

R.I.P my friend
Ms. Playtime,

Come hang out with us. We are sad too. But you cant just give up on darts.
Why would you say something like that? What are ya 12?  Show some respect and grow up!
   Well..... Turns out this whole thing was a hoax or WHATEVER IT WAS !!! It's a shame for those who sent out their HEARTFELT sympathies. GROW UP PPL. !!!!!!!!!
HAY gang back from the dead i dont no that is going on somebody must want me not to play anymore.anyway i hope you are all glad to see me back .better go and get in my GRAVE and have a sleep see you all soon, steveO
Why someone would lie about another person dying is beyond me, but I apologize for posting wrong information. I was just trying to do something nice for someone I cared about. Thank-u to the people who did care and posted. And again, Im sorry for the wrong information.
aint like this aint happened b4
Thx but I still feel like a idiot!