Oh dear, not sure what happened to my post, looked fine when I previewed it :p Luckily I saved it in notepad so here it is again B-)
Haven't seen you around for a while Ghost.. good to see you showing your face :p
In reply to some of your points:
>the forums and the games suffer from a constant artillery barrage of bad behaviour when the straight jackets are loostened on some of the members here
And I would agree with this 100%. However surely there is a case for "loosening the straight jackets" on those members that are shown to be able to put forward decent posts that don't break the rules. -Scotty-, Paralyzed, Baz Attack, Triggy, Massimiliano, Mr Ambitious, Eagle eye, Peter, Ocean, fstal, Audi S4, are just some of the people I can think of who contribute to the community in various ways and (I can only assume) they wouldn't break the rules if their posts did not need to be moderated. Of course these privileges could be reversed if, let's say, Baz Attack decided to spam the forum and abuse everyone at every opportunity (Although I don't see this happening :p)
>the main reason for the delays in approvals of messages is because the mods are volunteers throughout the site and most have real life stuff to do as well..
I think the majority understand and give a big thumbs up to the moderators for doing the role in their own free time. But, it's quite clear that not all moderators have an interest in the forum and I would hazard a guess that the majority do not participate in the approval system either. I get the impression that there are a handful of moderators that take control of the approval system which in my eyes is totally unfair on them.
>Perhaps interested parties, who wish to make a good effort to the cause, can post a constructive message describing not only how good of a job you would be at monitoring the forums
Well, if FOD decided to implement dedicated forum moderators (i.e. their duties go no further than the forum) then I would quite happily put myself forward. I check the forum numerous times a day and would actually read the post I'm accepting in a neutral manner (and reject those which are abusive which is not always the case with the current system). I also know a couple of people on here who would be great for the role, but it's not my position to put their name forward :). The problem is, forum moderators have been suggested for ages yet FOD do not respond with any feedback about the idea, let alone any recognition of it. Now, if they want to consider such an option I don't see why they can't get some feedback off us on what we would want from people doing such a role.
>but also in enhancing them in various ways
See my post above :p. But again the issue with this is that we very rarely get any feedback on the ideas we put forward. It's fine OP or someone else saying "we do look at the forums regularly and we do take your ideas into consideration", but, without any sort of personal response from OPERATOR it all gets a little repetitive and we begin to lose (or in my case, have lost) faith in FOD using this forum for anything productive on their part.
>type in what you feel is a good, fair and balanced forum and engage in active, constructive discussion about it instead of complaining..
The problem is Ghost, we've been putting forward some good constructive discussion for a couple of years (in my FOD lifetime anyway :p) and we've had nothing to show for it so, naturally, complaints have become an everyday occurence around here.
>sounds logical..? yes?
Logical? yes, realistic? unfortunately not lol
>By the way.. how is everyone?
Ahhh not bad, and yourself? :D You've given me something to do for 20 minutes while I wait for my next lecture on
contemporary industrial relations
.... typing a reply to you is far more interesting.. believe me :p
Oh and thanks for taking the time to reply to this post. We
criticise a lot on here but I think we often forget to praise when moderators like yourself take the time to address an issue ;)