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     I have been here a while now and i and probably a whole lot more players are totally fed up with players playing what they call PRO FOULS . let me explain what this means ... when you snooker a player he deliberatly plays the white ball into a space not making any attempt to play the object ball i.e yellow , green , brown etc which they call a PRO FOUL . What it actually does is that it reduces the amount of points they give a way i.e as in they have to play say the green ball which you have snookered them on but the green ball is next to the pink or black so they play into a space and give you only 4 points instead of 6 or 7 points if they hit the pink or black by accident . I know its only 2 or 3 points but it could make the difference between winning or LOSING the game . the mods have already addressed the problem TIMING OUT by banning players who use this method to win , what i am asking is that the PRO FOULS should be punished with a RESET ( 0 POINTS ON THEIR NICKNAME ) so that this unsportsman like way of playing the game can be minimised and a fairer level of play can be achieved !!!!!! .

I completely agree with you, alot of players do it now, i actually emailed flyordie the other day about this matter, no reply of course but worth a try.

The current crown in snooker Sven, does them whenever he see's the opportunity, its unsportsmanlike behaviour and players who do it should be banned as you say.
i agree with you,but how do you see mods controlling if someone pro fouls or not?
I don't agree with people being reset for it, there's a few issues regarding judging whether someone made a decent attempt or whether they did actually "pro foul" (i.e. It's pretty easy to hit the ball hard and still avoid going anywhere near the pink/black which I assume would still be classed as a pro foul).

But I've always been a supporter of having a foul and miss system, the problem is that there are various technological issues that will make it impossible if not at least extremely difficult to implement ;)
i agree with you it isnt fair when a player does this as its happened many times in games ive played. 

FruitFlakes™  :)
get over it bob, its not in FLYORDIES RULES, SO NOTHINGS GOING TO CHANGE!!
I dont agree with it but this is just pathetic
I totaly agree with BOBSYOURUNCLE, and something does need to be done about it. 

Make's alot of sense to play in the right manner. But don't get me wrong here because i have played pro fouls myself but it doesn't seem right because it changes the whole attitude of the game.

'Outta Control'
well bob you kind of make a good point there mate...i seen alot of higher rates do it like phoenix23 sven n some others but nothing gets done but maybe this topic will change things...well i hope so makes it fair for everyone then

Don't shoot much snooker anymore, but it is always nice to try and add some class to what is a really class game.
nice one fret and no its not in the flyordie rules , it happens to be a glitch in the program which players exploit !!! . the mods have dealt with the problem of timing out by banning players who do so , so why not reset them for using a pro foul ? , or do you use them yourself ? . for those of you who want to see a change it is easy to identify a pro foul , all you have to do is take 2 screen shots of the white ball before it is played then another after showing the position of the white and it is then up to mods to clarify if a decent attempt was made , after all they are the referee's here and not you fret . your opinion is always welcome in my threads fret however bizarre and worthless they may be .
and ty everybody so far for your support !!!!
it's not taking advantage of bug so u cant ban a player for pro foul...
^^It's not taking advantage of a bug but its definitely gaining an advantage for themselves, and unsportsmanlike behaviour, it would be pretty tough to prove it with screenshots, maybe if you could record them doing it using a recording software and then email that into the mods?
>all you have to do is take 2 screen shots of the white ball before it is played then another after showing the position of the white and it is then up to mods to clarify if a decent attempt was made

This wouldn't be the way to go in my opinion. I think it's enitirely plausable that someone could make a decent attempt, miss the balls, and end up near where they started again. If someone was to take two screenshots then it would look like they had made no attempt when really they had. It's happened to me before, I've played to get out of a snooker only to miss the target ball and end up near or behind the same ball again! 

Scotty's idea of taking some kind of video clip is the only thing that I can imagine could be used to prove something like this. The problem is that this would mean that you would have to be on constant "stand by" to catch someone in the act and I have no idea if FOD would accept video files as evidence of cheating?
well well ... lap actually played a pro foul on me to win a game no wonder he is against the idea lol ... your right scotty about the screenshots and there is a program you can download which i have for videoing the game ... its called FRAPS ... have a look at it if you wish there is a free version but it has a watermark across it and the only other problem i have with it is the size of the program ... its too big for fod to handle even a short clip is unless you can find a way of converting the format it does it in ... let me know if you can it would be a great help and a step closer to the mods doing something about it .

many thanks all
you got my support 100 % for this.....
Bob, I use Camstudio, its very good and has no watermark on it, just type camstudio in google and follow the link, its easy to use aswell.

true Bob, I think there must be done something. Not sure how, what, who and so on but you are right. 

In my opinion it will be not easy to find a clever solution but we have clever staff @fod to handle this.


I will be the first one who gets a ban for a "PRO FOUL".

Why? Cause I'm to stupid to play. If I'm not snooked 

sometimes my mouse decides which way to go -->

hit nothing and thats a real "PRO FOUL" :)

Cheers Fib

snooker is supposed to be a tactical game, i think it should be left as it is
mr universe .... it is a tatical game and it is also a game of SKILL .... WHERE IS THE SKILL PLAYING THE WHITE BALL INTO A SPACE AND NOT TRYING TO HIT THE OBJECT BALL FROM A SNOOKER . mind you , for players like you it would probably be too hard to play the game PROPERLY !!!!

once again ty all for your support and i,m sorry for the minor amount of stupid responses but all comments are welcome . it does show however how some players are ignorant of the proper rules of the game .