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Tanx Moderator 222man
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Tanx Moderator 222man
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Tanx Moderator 222man
[CONTENT REMOVED] and subjective. Privates running and hiding in and out of games disrupting them running from op to op... hassling people. But, when you start following them and texting them... 222man comes to their rescue as a moderator. Clearly whoever the private was is a friend of 222man. Talk about subjectivity and favoritism? This clown is as bad as the people who he is supposed to be taking care of. Note there was nothing offensive in my text in the opt except warning the people about him and openly complaining of his antics. 

So 222man sends me a private text and says "who you talking to" and then disables my chat. And as I come back into the operation he goes.. "he he". So now I will say that he is probably a big part of why [CONTENT REMOVED] like this continues, the [CONTENT REMOVED] power [CONTENT REMOVED]!

[Edited by: Ian Cognito on Jul 12, 2009 6:33 PM]
I agree. There are several privates running in and out of games, disrupting and spoiling the fun of it. Very juvenile. If there is one shred of proof to what loot2 says, then it is obvious that 222man is not moderator material. Under any standard of review, a moderator should never power trip or make an emotional decision- if one does, then their moderator days should come to an abrupt halt. Immediately and at that instant.
I was on Fod playing tanx today and was harassed by 222man  in the lobby !  222man kept saying dead dead Wildcard dead after he came to my op. I have never spoke to him and think that 222man is a total disgrace if he is a mod , harassing someone like me who keeps to himself and  respects other players when playing on FOD . I have to ask why is this 222man a mod he respects no one !
hes my buddy <><> keep <> Mamas Boy