Are there any rumours about Flyordie updating or fixing their servers? They seem to go down a lot and I have suffered from the downtime myself. If there isn't, is there any way Flyordie can program or add a new section to the scripts for the games? For example; If Flyordie installs a 'network tester' or a tool which repeatedly checks the server's uptime. Then if it reports that a server(s) is 'down' or is suffering from major lag (packets being delayed) then it will relay that to the points server or a tool which will add an exception if you time out, resulting in you not loosing points? Another solution for losing points due to downtime would be to increase the delay time it takes for the game to automatically sense that you have lost connection, giving the server's time to catch up. Being a server manager myself, I realise how frustrating it is when a server is lagging due to very high load but there are ways around this. I hope this is taken into consideration. I understand that this topic can come under both Technical and Suggestion Forums. Thanks for reading.