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abusive rulez...A.R.C
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abusive rulez...A.R.C
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abusive rulez...A.R.C
Hey everyone,im sure that you are sick and tired (as i am) of Rulez abusing people/calling people cheats and generally making their time on fod unpleasant,and all because he's jealous of good players.
He has had millions of demerits but still hes abusing.
My aim is not to start a hate group,but just to make moderators aware of what is going on because he needs to be sorted out.
Yes we can use the mute button but iv heard so many complaints about him i thought something has got to be said.
So lets have a petition,all who agree leave your comment below


Everytime i played him he wud never be quiet :| 

I agree completly with what you have said there Phil, Its not the fact that he goes round abusing players that annoys people so much, Because you can just mute him, Its how childish he is 99% of the time that gets on people nerves. When he's crown he just sits in lobby all day and wont play anyone, But when someone does eventually take crown off him that's when the trouble starts. He starts going into games accusing people of handing out free wins and saying people cheat, And then when you do mute him he starts flooding your games with guests to try and put you off, Its a joke and its this kind of behaviour that annoys people and puts people off playing in snooker these days. 90% of the people in snooker just want to play and have some friendly games, But its impossible to do that when you have to put up with this kind of thing. Hopefully he will grow up one day, Then people can go back to enjoying playing snooker again. 
Well, in the past he was bad to me when i made my Maximum in Quick against him.
But now we are mates so I can't give my opinion Phil. :)

  Rulez, you d'better get a life otherwise we not gonna see your sons and daughters. Don't break your dynasty.
  I just can't understand those people who create many nicknames and subcride every one. Of course I've already reached my goal in this game 2 years ago and maybe just ca't understand him but I don't think so
Well said Phil and Jazz yere 100% right(y).
Rulez now plays under the name masło_147 and is still a pain
Just mute him, its pathetic windging about it!!!
dont know what the big fuss is about EVERYONE does it deal with it
I find it funny that THE WARDEN makes a clan against Rulez mainly because he sits etc, and then he THE WARDEN gets crown and sits hiself. what a joke he is. no better or worse than Rulez. 
Warden doesnt sit, he also doesnt run unlike Rulez or play reds like rulez 
i was watching him play a game and he just says go away, get out and he even said the f word :|. something has to be said. cheers


i sit?:) no....... i just dont have time to play because i work,theres a difference
now there is 3 rulez' :s. Rulez™, .Rulez™, ᴙulez ™. :|