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Programme Players
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Programme Players
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Programme Players
How come some people use programmes, and they dont have a sign behind there names? Look to the red players they win eveything with programmes an they have no sign behind there name? Can they trick the system?

Greetings Lincoe
I suspect that they are buddie buddie with the room monitors who ultimently are the ones that place the mark.  If your not in the blend, you probably cannot shake the mark. Its like life, its all who you suck up to.
Using a 2nd PC or they just dont use any program. :p

All player of 2009 -- 2011 have a program here 
Lady, I could not agree with you more, so why do they not have the mark  "!", ?
Seems some of the mods follow me from room to room and some evan harass me while I play.  I have come to just ignore them. I never challange anyone anyway.  PPl that play me have to challange me.