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Dear Developer - Tanx Update 
Dear Developer - Tanx Update 
Dear Developer - Tanx Update 
Dear Team, we'll let you know what we think it would be great for make our dear tanx game better.

Thanks for the post Don :p

I think ops should be able to hold 10 players for 5v5 clan battles.

There should at least be a flat ground map for players with hills to go on, so if someone does want to duel 1v1 on flats.

I don't ask for much xD.
Yes, i think it would be great to update tanx! :)
--MY IDEAS--  
new maps(like forest,city)
new weapons 
bigger operations( with around 10players in one operation)
and also the lag and delay is ALOT !  :)

Thank you
FTW Kreaper :p
I Already made a post from tanx players oppinions & ideas ,


Dear moderator section of the forum..

Yes,An update to current tanx version is highly needed,New maps,lesser lags,and an higher end version with good graphics would be good,there has been a decline in population in tanx due to poor quality graphics,lag etc. Please update the version of tanx and it would be great if you would do it. 
I think tanx need and update, thats all im gonna say ! its been a while since u, FOD dont make any changes on tanx. Remember us ;)
Unlike Sam i do ask for big things and its good cause gives the developer some challenge. And i am sure things can be changed in tanx and better improvements like for starters better bandwidth for the servers maybe that will help the lag for the non-subscription users. Another tip that will improve its game and interactions like have more users into one operation like a 6vs6 for clan wars and also more view slots I'd say like 6 or 8 would be nice too. We would love to have better upgrades of the current maps like have trees at least make them look logo like, but more things where you can hide also like the tank that you explode and die for it to stay and not for it to disappear over time. Make it more realistic logo like :D. And for last have more gear power to destroy your enemy like mines that you can detonate at your own free will not that auto explode, rockets that shots 2 at a time or perhaps 3. Well these ideas are just mine but would help the productivity of tanx and populate its community.

We encourage tanx users to posts here!!

TanxGuide Staff
I want to thank the Developer to make a change on 
 cause its a start and it looks great. "Liked the 50 top list" Is the Top list only Subscribers? Like the Top 20 List?

Anyways keep doing what you do best is updating TAnx and it will go far :P

TanxGuide Staff
I just saw the new top50 players tanx update... this gives us hope for more future updates! and i'd like to say thanks for the update :D :P

Kreaper :P
yea i agree... i hope we will get something even better..after all wat we need in tanx is a spark to attract many players...;)
I'd like to thank FlyOrDie for tanx main page change - as a frequenced Larkinor player I know that players that are inactive are getting removed from the list - we can see who is still active or not during the current tournament running in tanx, copa tanx. Enlarging it really helps :)

In addition to what was said above I would like to point a few most important tanx issues:
1) grenades, that blow up above ourselves with no reason (for example, in classic map when your tank is in the center of ring made of 3 hills you can barely throw a grenade without damaging yourself).
2) rejection of tank to shoot sometimes. This happens if you click exactly on the tank of your opponent. My explaination to this is that there is a nickname of player poping-up and sometimes players (especially during the duel match) have no time to shoot exactly the tank but click on opponent's nickname, and, as a result, no rocket or nuke flies out. Some years back it wasn't like this (I guess issue has appeared after the update where new smiles, tanx PC version and black dots on the radar (final destination of shot) has appeared), when you accidently clicked player's nickname it still would shoot right into his tank. Please fix this issue as it was back then.
3) Shot delays issues

As for further updates - my suggestions would be:
1) Giving subscribers the additional option to customize "energy" parameters: whether to allow "energy" powerup to be in the operation or not. A lot of players would like this option I guess, especially the duellers (according to written-by-noone tanx codex, duels are played without usage of "energy"), who are mainly tanx subscribers.
2) Option for customizing tank's color for subscribers (from light-green up to dark-green, something between private#****** tank's color and the current usual tanx user's color). It could help for masking purposes a little (e.g. to be coloured like a private would help beginners to pay less attention to themselves), plus would allow subscribers of one team to be painted in one color, so their unsubbed team member would find out faster - who's friend or foe on the battlefield. Plus, it's fun :D...
3) Any new map. 
 I offered some in this post (3rd page), the copyright is yours if you like them. If no - even a SIMPLE FLAT MAP would make tanx players much more happier - no single hill, no single pit - just plain ground (would be super for tanx "flats" duel).

Thank you for your attention to us, tanx players!
TanxGuide Staff,
 - help and entertainment for tanx!
here is that I suggest :D 
Here's how: :D
1. New room (English, Hungarian etc)
2. New  weapons :S
3. New maps!!!
4. Need to make some room 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, 5v5 !!!
5. and this is the main! The fact that the room is open operation (Desert, Mars, Snow, Class)
Yeah I think an upgrade would not only bring in a lot more players but your gaming experience would be way more enjoyable. Some very good idea I'm reading about on this forum post.
