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8-Ball Update
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8-Ball Update
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8-Ball Update
As some of you might have already discovered, we have updated the 8-ball pool game.

What's changed besides the obvious things, new design, graphics, etc.:


In pro mode you have to call pocket/ball, double hits are detected. You can select this option in the game settings menu.


you can select the number of frames you wish to play. This setting can be accessed in the game settings menu as well.

These two are only available for subscribed members.


- you can now move the cueball "over" other balls, so you can place it in areas which is blocked by other balls, and you can not move it out of the table

- spin is limited if there is another ball or cushion obstructing


- zoom with mouse wheel, middle button + up/down, zoom buttons, numpad +/-
- revised aiming system, which makes aiming more smooth 


- show environment
- animated view changes
- animated automatic camera
(this can be turned off if it hinders performance on slower machines)

- game can be resized
- automatic resizing of window and fullscreen mode (for subscribed members)
- ability to change rooms without having to open a new window (for subscribed members)


Rules have been refined in order to comply with the official BCA rules (with some minor modifications).

Nice update & thanks!
please update Tanx too if you have enough free time for it. you did great work with your updates toplists, tournament win lists, new settings for subscriber players. keep up the good job ;) 
Most of the people who play on fod are pretty unhappy with this big change.Players who used to be top on 9ball left after the update.We'd really loved to have the old version back.
You can still play old version if you prefer that one.

(link near bottom of page)

BaĐ BøY 8™ : it is pretty interesting that you complain about the game before even playing a single frame.

Maybe you can explain what you dislike, and what you prefer in the old version after playing a bit.


Its just some people cant get used to the background and the new rules.Anyway..il try to find the old one.
Some people dont like the new version and some do. If you want to play old version: 

Go to: More 8-ball (Under 8 ball) and then scroll down and you will see "Click here to play the old version"

However, the people logged in the new version will not be able to play the players from the old version... You must be logged in that version to play someone.
The newer version of 8 balls is more real than the old 8 ball version. Nice update!
I really like this update, its awesome.
wow cool update 

can even fluke better now:p

uve all been warned :)
I dislike this new version. The main reason being the limited spin. Even when the cueball is nowhere near another ball or another ball, you can't use backspin or even sidespin. p dash.
if at least u asked ppl before to change..
this version doesn't let me post links for league tournaments dose anyone know how i do it on new version 
OP i had a reset about a week ago i want another coz of this update i play lg id rather not lose 25+ points all time coz i need get used to this new version.. 
To enable clipboard transfer in the webbased version, follow the steps described on this useful page:


If you wish you can also set it so that only FlyOrDie applets can access your clipboard and nothing else (recommended for security reasons). 
To do this, you will need to set 2 permissions with the policytool, the codebase should be

for first and

for the second one.

If you all remeber when you first joined FOD ,, you had to learn how to play,,,well learn again and give the new graphics a try,,,its a changing world people either change with it or live in the past
If you all remeber when you first joined FOD ,, you had to learn how to play,,,well learn again and give the new graphics a try,,,its a changing world people either change with it or live in the past
It really does beat me as to why everyone hates the new version, I think it's really good!

The game was crying out for more realism, well now we have it with no more backspin while on the cushion, push-out shot in 9-ball, and a new UK Pool game which people have been crying out for for ages. Not to mention the graphics are a million times better and smoother now.

Like I said somewhere else I guess everyone is happy to live in 2001 (the old version)

The updates have brought me back, for the time being anyway.
Dont  care for  update one bit.  its already  causing problems  with tornrmanent directors for posting lg links and tournaments. some of us only sub to have the pc version of this  game and now its not available. this gm is so called a update? i personnaly think its a blast from the past. its more like a old version of Virtual  pool  version 1 and 2. far from a new update. its  what i call back to the future .My sub runs out tomorrow  and wont resub  . sry  fod  you lost one customer so far now
well alot of people are mad becouse you have to scroll up or down to se anything and the advertisements are blocking the table/game becouse their 2 big. i think evrybody loves the graphics they just dont like scrolling up or down to see evryhting. it also slowes my computer down and took me 10 mins to log in. i had to close all other sites i was looking at. and then people say try fullscreen wich is f11. i did that and nothing. we shouldnt have to click fullscreen to see it better becouse alot of us are looking at more than one site. i love the graphics. im glad they changed the, looks like im in a bar playing pool but the other changes are bad.
COUNTRY BOY : you can try to adjust your screen resolution, and/or your browser zoom level.
OP is full screen only available to subscribers? ty
Where can I download the PC version for 8-ball and 9-ball?
Only snooker is available now...
The only bad thing in this new version is the tournament "pro" rules.I lost 3 games(because of it). I don't like that rules.
Hi Operator!, are you guys adding unrated rooms to the new games?, Blackball, 9ball,8ball etc..

Im going to drink and celebrate when snooker will be updated . You are doing a great job OP, and people who dislike these updates i think we should call them: weird
i changed my browser zoom level to 75% and that dont help none, makes it small but the advertisemnt is still 2 big and i gotta change screen resolution evrytime i play here? screen resoluction works fine for all other sites. i do have a 14 inch monitor and im sure thats why i saw the blue scroll bar to scroll up or down.  i havent played becouse i cant see to play, scrolling up or down is aggrvateing and the advertisemtn blocks part of the game or table. i need new monitor but cant afford it. thanks for the info though
it must be cuzz people tell me to use it and it dont work. they say f11 works and i tried that but no point in full screen if your like me and are looking at more than one site while you play. i got a 14 inch computer monitor and that dont help none cuzz i cant see the page good with the new changes.
COUNTRY BOY: try 100% zoom first. the game should display a lower resolution screen on small displays. if that does not work, please post a screenshot so we can recommend optimum settings for you.
To be fair its not that different , good job i guess (Y).

ok thank you very mutch. i will do that.
I have a microsoft word document of the screen shot. where do i post?
Images should be saved in jpg gif or png format.

ok ill send now. i wish there was a myspace button on there so i could post and share to my myspace. not evrybody likes facebook. the new myspace is awsome and i got several friends who like it better than fb and itd be cool if that was added here so we can post and share their 2. night fare to have a fb post button and not a myspace.
New features added:

- ability to pan right/left which makes aiming more comfortable in some situations
- call shot arrows disappear when using "fine aim" or "shoot",  so they will not hinder aiming
- added "hand" when moving the cue ball (handy when opponent has ball in hand)
- copy/paste for subscribers

Bugs that happened after the break shot had been fixed.

I was wrong. The updated game is far superior to the previous game. Thanks for the update! (y)
I think it's a bit odd that after I win a 3 frame match 2-1 my points neither increased or decreased.  I had a rating of 433 and my opponent 307.

Has the point scoring been changed?  Before this update I would have received roughly +10 points.

FlyOrDie Moderator
433 vs 307 2-1 u didnt win points in old version lewis..
No it's not changed, +10 for win 2-1 only when u have same ranking like your oponent
You wouldn't have got anywhere near +10 points at any time. It sounds about right there would be no point change. 
hi, when you go to 8ball room1 you only see a few 500+ players where you used to see 10+ during the day.
also the top player is 730 and 2nd 652 so many high players have left FOD because of the updates... :$

I am not happy with the new update, it doesn't make fun to play anymore. last time I subscribed.
The top players have been ranked low for ages, it's not just because of the updates that people have left, get over it, the game is better now.
i agree it is much btter i just came back frm few years not playing i like it and i was a (1) at 1 time lol
Can anyone actually tell what a double hit is? people say different things ty .. steve
When the cueball and the other ball are very close, u cant play straight otherwise the cue touch 2 times the cueball. That's why its called 'double hit'...
There are still some areas for improvement.
Me bra, dis b a sound upd8 from ya. u keep up da up8s nd stop da haters from gettn to et.

der is a lyn between criticism nd hatin.

old version needs to return as room 1 
Cant understand why ppl is complaining about updates. Everything goin the right way as it should be, updates is just a normal thing everywhere. Visual is now better even for standart user's (standart - non-premium).

And about that, that top players are leaving because of this updates.. its not a big deal, there always gonna come new players, probably near future top players.

Calm down, enyoj the game.
See you at the tables.
Its nice to see nearly a 1000 players in 8ball 6 rooms full :)
Yes, now the rates should go high again.
Would be nice to see top ranked players about 900 again. :)
These billiards updates are much healthier for my eyes.

Sorry, what are double hits?

Stopped playing but thought i'd play for a game or so out of boredom and notice an update :O 

100% liking the update, time to start playing again!
You can still play old version if you prefer that one.

(link near bottom of page)


Apologies in bringing up old posts but is this still available?