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To few friends in here
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To few friends in here
Posted in 
To The One:

"Thru the darkness
of Future Past
the magician longs to see
one chants out
between two worlds
Fire -- walk with me."
i know i went out of limits....i know ill never forget those 4 days...... will a simple "sorry" do?? :(
Is all fine, kido, relax; just your first lesson saying that: stupid questions will lead you to wrong answers...
I know you are sharp minded, so you`ll understand.
R.I.P Steve Jobs

"Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." 
couple of the songs i really liked:) one of em once i understoood it i nearly fainted.... but the best one.  * *in my opinion, was the guy that got carried to  Ohio in a swarm of bees:) how cool is that..:) mustve been nice bees too ,cuase he didnt get stung....:)
one of the more entertaining posts ive seen ,, thnx:)
Why thank you, puss, I am glad you like it!
See what happens when you understand things...?
My new target: Finding Nemo
Environment:Troubled waters
My expectations: Nemo is not (seriously) brain damaged
Expectations from friends: wish me luck!!!
Miscellaneous: I hope to find him until the next Ice Age....


Rite, and the lemon is all bue......
Ms. Eva...ca sa nu raman cu datorii.. aceasta melodie este pentru tine  :D.. 

Hello kido, there is nothing to loose.
hey its been awhile.... hw about a game ? 
Mrs MakeYouCry, you`ll love this one...I know I do!!!!

I`ll look for the fatty one wearing glasses, at least he is trying...


As the main story of this post ends, allow me to thank all those who joined me into fun.

beautifull songs

wow romani :)
frumoase melodii

uite una si de la mine 
Multzam` Vlad, ai dreptate, e praf lumea asta!
"If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her..."

Cheer up, people, as the world is going down, anyway; good luck to all of you!!!!

Just one Eva
... having a rough day? Visit the nicest place on the Internet. #lovetheconcept #huggsmaketheworldgoround

"You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting... "

"....So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."


Alor mei-Mrs MakeuCry si Vlad:

Din celalalt colt al pamantului ma gandesc la voi si va urez ca noul an sa va aduca bucurii si impliniri si, vorba cantecului: 
"Şi-mi place câteodată să înfrunt
Necazurile, stresul, gândurile
Cu mâinile sus în aer
Sus în aer!"


La Multi Ani!!!


To Mrs and Jelena:

My lovely ladies I will fly to Europe today, I just can`t wait to see you. Have fun and don`t take seriously any annoying moron.

Hugs and kisses
To Jelena and MrsMakeYouCry, two SUPERGIRLS that helps me believe that friendship`s still possible...

Pentru Andreea si Jelena:

Doamnele mele, voi sta departe de FOD pentru o vreme. Am inceput sa reactionez la diverse mizerii si sunt tentata sa platesc inapoi cu o uriasa suprataxa. Nu-i stilul meu...
Cand imi va fi dor de tine, am sa-ti las cate un mic semn aici. Poate mergem in vara in vacanta impreuna, ar iesi de pomina.....Keep up!!!

:O Valeu valeu Lucia 
De cand te afecteaza pe tine mizeriile virtuale? Eu zic sa te pregatesti pentru suprataxa  :D mult mai funny..hai razgandeste-te ca daca nu ....dau o fuga pana acolo :D
Te pupic si sper sa te revad curand mwahh mwahh
Hahaha, "I `m ritchff, I`m independent...."


Is yours, is yours, is all yours, ye wash the head with, hahaha!!!
For Mrs, Jelena, Steph, Raeanne and Annie, the few women here having a beautyful soul, happy 1st of March, ldies, this one`s for you


Thank you, that song you could find on previous page of this post.
ANOTHER CME IS HEADING FOR EARTH: Sunspot AR1429 has unleashed another strong solar flare, an M6-class eruption on March 9th at 0358 UT. The blast hurled a coronal mass ejection directly toward Earth (movie). According to analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, the cloud will arrive on March 11th at 0649 UT (+/- 7 hr) adding to the geomagnetic unrest already underway.

GEOMAGNETIC STORM UNDERWAY: At first, yesterday's widely-reported CME impact produced little in the way of Earth effects. Since then things have changed. The wake of the CME was actually more effective than the CME itself in stirring up geomagnetic activity, and now a moderate geomagnetic storm is underway. 
Willing to listen
Always there
A heart that’s open
Kindness so rare.

Eager to help
Always sincere
How lucky am I
To find a friend so dear... thank you for sharing your kindness Eva,a smile on my face is always near, when i come to this place and find you here....
Thank you, Kitty, you are so sweet!!!
To few monkeys with my regands: fire won`t solve it for you...


Talhotblond is the true story (and screen name) of a beautiful teenage vixen who uses internet game rooms to lure men into her cyberspace web. 

When she discovers she's been double crossed and lied to by one of her victims, she wants revenge, and unleashes a fantasy online that escalates into real-life murder. 

All because of a girl no one ever met in person. 


lol Creepy.. cant be as twisted as Kyrah though......
no chance 
I won`t pretend I am wise, no, I have not reached that level yet, but I will give you some guidelines that I, myself, am following:
-be careful what you ask for others, you might get it;  try and think, first, if you can handle the consequences
-sometimes you might get what you want and sometimes you might get exactly the same you give
-look closely at yourself and stop blaming the others for your own mistakes; assume, recognize and try to fix your own bad issues,  do it for your own good
-try and have fun with the others not at the others, you are not in the position to judge if you do not understand them properly
-give up on small talk and stop mislead others, acting like that won`t cause you but trouble
-sometimes meanness is just worthless

Every post in this topic tells a story about things that happened in here. Some are critical, some are self criticism, some are warnings, some are appreciative, some are like: "look how beautiful world can be", some are just like: "let me share the fun with you, people"  It was my way to tell the stories, unfortunately, nobody asked me what I was trying to say.....
I used to have fun with you in here, people. I gave each of those who asked what they were asking for and, even I got back just crap, I used to say: "well, people are just people, why to hurt them back if you can help them pass over their bad moments" and I ignored the meanness. But, this time, some of you, went too far. You put into my mouth bad words that I have never said and charged me with bad things that I have never done....

At the end, allow me to tell you a little secret: life is too short to loose time with crap,  just blink and you`re old; and yet there are so many beautiful things that you haven`t done, so many beautiful places that you haven`t seen and so many new good stuff that you haven`t tried!

And if is just meanness that you can understand, well, so be it, I can payback aswell, is easy; let`s see how does that feels when happens to you
Take a guess:


By the way - ROMANIANS:


"...But many who are the greatest now will be least important then, and those who seem least important now will be the greatest then."

IMO The Best New Album in it's Entirety I have heard in a long time.

Enjoy - AJ 
AWESOME, AJ, thank you!!!
 "....Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over
But had me believing it was always something that I'd done
But I don't wanna live that way
Reading into every word you say
You said that you could let it go
And I wouldn't catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know..." 

By the way: thank you, mate - pointed arrow...sharp!

PS: "third time lucky".....who?

third time ive tried to post this song. maybe someone not like official video. :s
hahaha "....nu-mi pare rau..."


oare si Jeny e tot tamplar?


awwww, Veto!!!


Andreea? Crezi ca vor spune multumesc pentru dedicatii?
You didn`t give me today, c`mon Anth, just give me tomorrow...


I love it, guys, thank you!


[Edited by: Mervin on 07.04.2012 21:58]
Love bites. 
Classic track....timeless 

Listening to HYSTERIA after hearing that lol 
I`d like to clone this one


with the one that shows up here:


well, a girl can dream.....
Why thank you, mate, you are a nice surprise, didn`t know that aussies likes good music....
Humans are the only animals that has lost the ability to detach...
AJ, you`re meeeeeeeeean tempting me like that with those motors.....

Errmmmm, what`s with the punches at the beginning I wanna know?

Heres one for you, enjoy:

Lovely Eva and yeh i do rem tht one , tday i kissed nt only the rain but some dust from Sahara also :D
hahahaha, excellent, thank you!!!!
cheers for the Van Halen 

Heres some more Aussie Stuff.


They playin one of their final shows soon Fri 11 May - UNSW Roundhouse, Sydney, NSW., go check em out.

Im going Fri 25 May show - Palace Theatre, Melbourne, VIC 

Not bad!  You`re going with or without me? (haha, I like shocking you).
Yea for sure, cruise along... your buying 1st round :p


Nirvana brings back so many good memories....
Thanks a lot, mate, I knew you are a gentleman.
Do i detect some sarcasm? lol :p


A U S S I E    P R I D E ! 


Well, mate, then make me feel welcome.

(sarcasm? LOL, you`d know if it was...)
You`re invited, I`ll be driving one of those cars.


Ah, kitty, so cute and sweet, thank you!!!
To Andreea:  Iete cam asa e, doar ca, in realitate, sfarsit se scrie:  EHT DNE...


Alrite, mate, now cut the crap and come share some fun and few games with us, will ya...

(errrmmmm ....waiting!!!!)
Whoaaa, is that your wish for Tooth Fairy, mate:burning beds....?

Well, I`ll help you with some water, then:


"Oricat de departe as fugi pe pamant, m-as intoarce la tine"

`Cause the walls start shaking/the Earth was quakin`


And don`t you dare

But I would love you to:


well, how about that?
Andreea, ca tot era vorba de vara, soare, mare....


asteptandu-te pe tine sa vii, am gasit asta, enjoy.

Oh, yes, Oeen remains one of the best, thank you!

To AJ in Stereo:

Just because you think is :

the best you could do is....?

Well, mate, mixed emotions brings confusion...I wonder if hatred is the strongest human feeling


Hahaha, Mrs, eu nu dorm deloc....multzam` de cantec!!!


eu am CHEF
Thank you "England" I love Coldplay.
How about these guys:


AJ, baby, please come back only when you`ll know what you want, as I don`t have a clue, honey....

To Andreea:

Pisy, incepand cu 1.06 a.c. sunt detasata (consultant) la clientul cu care a semnat compania. Va fi circuit inchis, nu-mi permit sa accesez nika private. Nu am facut schimb de emails, dar, daca termin ce-am de facut in timp util, in Septembrie am vacanta. Intre timp oamenii astia imi perfecteaza dosarul, e un check up riguros, tre` sa behave (oricum timing-ul e perfect, incepusem sa ma duc cu "curca la strutz)....Hey, n-o uita de tot pe Eva B, we`ve had a great laugh, you and me....

Send my best to all our friends, and kiss Jelena for me, please (errrmmm virtually speaking) Nu-ti uita flinta, tine-o incarcata si la indemana.

in rest, ramai tot asa, esti perfecta; have fun,

Marialucia Vlad
(chiar asa ma cheama,acc to ID)
Fie si-un lup mancat de oaie: btw, ajuta-l pe nimurug, e in cadere libera si, de data asta, daca atinge fundul prapastiei praf se face; e gogoman, egoist si are un orgoliu nemasurat, dar, per total, nu-i un om rau....Explica-i ca nu de un psiholog are nevoie (sigur se duce la psihopupu), ci de o motivatie real pozitiva si un prieten/anturaj bun, sanatos si cu intentii bune (deh, greu de gasit), si, la dracu, nu ma intreba de unde stiu sau de ce-mi pasa, n-o sa-ti raspund....
AJ, baby, please come back only when you`ll know what you want, as I don`t have a clue, honey.

I never left. , ummmm only when I know what I want? " what are you talking about?"
Im lost Eva?? I got no idea what your reffering to?

You feeling ok?
Hahaha, AJ, thank you for the help, no, I am not totally ok, but who is...?

errata: back=this topic.

Merv, ther is not any link to access in your post, would you please try again? Thank you.
OMG, kitty, that was so sweet, thank you.
As for me... I am always looking in the wrong places; do you think I should change the setting?

Heres one potential way:



anyway not:


that`s definately not for me....
Great and funny song, England, thank you, but, errmmm I am a bit confuse...and when a woman is confuse....


Is it now?


PS: There is not such thing: poiseon, you just ate junk food....
To the nicest and kindest person I have ever met here:


I really hope you`ll give it a try.
i will be always grateful that those who give positive thoughts and encouragement speak the most, there is a reason why those who lurk in obscurity come out only to complain. you've made this a happier place Eva. thankyou:)
yes,eva you are great girl!
To Lew:

I am in exile already, so please don`t ban me!!!


(errrmmmmm, I`ll pay you 30 pounds if you`ll ban bloke and azza, shhhhhhhh!!!!)
Andre, shall we go for the trip before this age comes over us?


great movie, enjoy...
I am so sick to feel like..


can I get some spoile?
not 4 all but one of the better bands ELO I HAVE ALL THEIR LPs  :) and a record  player :d
At the begining of this topic I wrote :

"My new target: Finding Nemo
Environment:Troubled waters
My expectations: Nemo is not (seriously) brain damaged
Expectations from friends: wish me luck!!!
Miscellaneous: I hope to find him until the next Ice Age...."

I don`t know how else to say it, just this way:


Would you, please, show up?

Insanity is creative; Van Gogh was insane. Do not flatter yourself, you are nothing but shallow....


and is the last time I answer.
OMG, "jajaja" you were the salt and pepa`.  Thank you!!!


Honesty is a very expensive gift, that is why I am not rich...


"...What does a snail have to do to reincarnate? Leave the perfect trail of slime?"

I`d add: why most of people are wasting precious time spinning around the bushes?


Let`s come back to the start: good morning, theres a lot to live, still....
To you, matey:
Even your brain is like the proportions of a Styrofoam peanut....




For my ladies Eva and Andre...miss u
kisses...love u!!!
see u soon...

and that from the end of the song pass to the haters there..:D
OMG, missy, you rock!!!!!
Please let the drummer kick that. You`ve been missed big time.


With all my love,

"Nothing fixes a thing so intensely in the memory as the wish to forget it."


Thanks, England, I hope is fixable, `cause, I am a sinner...


I take it that you have done already topics like "global warming, save the whales, end of the world", and now you bother your only neuron remained to find my censorious....

And necause I know you like it loud, here`s something for your efforts, mate:



I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints
Welcome to LalaLand Mr. Iorek "The Bear" Byrnison ("Im the worst aussie type-o: half educated"), here`s one for you to make you feel the warmth (sinful kinda):

To Mrs: 

"This was to be my final hit. But let's be clear about this: there's final hits and final hits. What kind was this to be? Some final hits are actually terminal one way or another, while others are merely transit points as you travel from station to station on the junky journey through junky life."


Is a 1996 movie, but still actual.

Well thanks for the welcome, Eva "to B or not to B."  I remember that eliminator car from the ZZTop vid.  I had that album.  Some rockin songs on it.  

See you again soon mon ami ("what, an aussie speaking french??!! Outrageous!")
Hahahaha, Mrs, please watch this:


Is the only way that Eric Clapton and Salam will show up, tho....
Iam speachless as i was waiting for mr.Salam to show up..hahaha
Good one Eva mawh
Alrite Mr. Iorek "I`m a bear, am I?" Byrnison, deal, but will be just one child, a lil` boy, and you`ll wipe his....and change the pampers....


Hahahaha, Garry Lewis, this one`s for you:


I dont care just what you say, I'm gonna like you anyway...doo doo doo   Thks for the ditty eva, i like it...and you  :-)
To Iorek: Patience is a virtue...sorry mate, I`ve been disconnected due to a power interruption, so, please come back!

Mrs, let`s dance while Janetta is not around to beat us...

Who else is coming with us?

Taking your virtue requires patience also.  I used to be chronically impatient, so I went to the doctor to see about it, but left after 10 minutes cause I had no patience (and neither did the doctor.)  I also used to be indecisive....but now I'm not so sure.   
Why thank you for clarify, Gary, aren`t you a sweetheart!!! 

As I once read in a book, hunting is much more enjoyable than eating the hunt(the book was written by someone who doesn`t starve, obviously) glue me if I know what we both are having here....Shall I call it "The Game of Seduction"?


To Iorek:
How about late dinner at "True Blue Motor Inn", Rockhampton, Queensland 4702 , on September 2nd? I`ll bring "Edie" 



* There are things that I would tell to Gary and things that I can tell to Iorek Btrnison only...


I was asked today, how come I stay so much online here. I will answer now, here: I am living and working in a foreign country, without my friends, and recently, pretty far from my daughter. As I have not much in common with most of the people I work here, I have not much to do except some sports. Thank you all those who were concerned about me and my life, and, allow me to ask (them) the same question: how come that boys and girls at 18-25 are staying connected here, under different nicknames, all day long, spreading hate and insults and sarcasm(a bit too young for sarcasm, I`d say, instead of going out with friends or enjoy some time with their families.  Would you, guys, like to answering this question, please? 

Thank you
Iete Eva..cand vine vorba despre cele doua cuvinte.. :D..sa-i credem?

That song I did put for you few pages back...
Well, according to a male friend of mine, men always tell white lies....I am not wise enough to....but one thing I can tell"


Is the reason why I took this attitude:

To the one I used to call "colomba cotta" - a.k.a "gugushtiukul amorez":



Hi Eva, Today is the start of my weekend.  I was just watching some of your youtube posts.  The cartoon one was very cute.  I see you like Queen too huh.  Here's a good one by the late great Freddie.  

Dinner at the True Blue Motor Inn?  Sure, you bring Edie and I'll bring the champagne and chocolates.  :-)
To Gary Lewis:
I am out of Aus. for the next 3 weeks, I am sorry, I didn`t know they`re gonna send me somewhere....Just keep in your mind: should be chilli & cinnamon chocolate from Fango and I`ll promise this:


missed you,

Thats the nature of your work I guess Eva.  Enjoy your trip wherever you may be going, and don't work too hard.  I like Chasing Cars too.  And I missed you.
To Iorek:

Ah, bless your li`le cotton sox (sized 10) and kiss your left eye, you missed me, huh! Well, I`ll keep that into my mind and I`ll refuse to look at the fancy yankees here (errmmm,,,, maybe just sideways a little bit), I`ll work hard and I`ll shlurp ice cream all day long.....

And you, chicks from the Oz, don`t you dare fancy my Iorek, or else you`ll get me like this:


I`ll try catch up with you later today, mate, please don`t make me wait for too long.


What's the ice cream flavour?  I love caramel.  And yes I do take a size 10 sock (how did you know).  And size 10 hands too.  And you know what they say about men with big hands and big feet right?  They have something else that is big. Yes thats right...big gloves and big shoes.  Don't wait for me in the games room Eva, because I don't know where you are in the world and what the time difference is.  You could be in Timbuktu.  I have to go away for work tonight anyway, so I won't be online for 6 days.  Ciao sweet lips.
many victoria's...may have got the area code wrong, did u get a message from moi?
"Ciao sweet lips"? Oh, you just burned your suitcase (in a NY minute, babe)!!!

The first day he made the sky,
The mountains, and the spiritual abysses. 
The second day he made the rivers, the seas
The oceans, and the sentiments 
Giving them to Hamlet, Julius Caesar, Antony, 
Cleopatra and Ophelia 
To Othello and others 
To master, they and their descendants, 
Unto eternity. 
The third day he gathered all people 
And taught them the tastes: 
The taste or happiness, of love, of distress, 
The taste or jealousy, glory and more 
Until all tastes had been accounted for. 
Then some characters came along late. 
The creator patted them fondly on the head
And said the only thing left for them to become 
Was literary critics 
To deny his works. 
The fourth and fifth days 
Were dedicated to laughter. 
He let out the clowns to do somersaults 
And let kings, emperors 
And other unfortunates have fun. 
The sixth day 
He solved some administrative problems 
Plotted a storm 
And taught King Lear 
To wear the crown of straws. 
There was still some waste left 
From the creation of the world 
So he made Richard III. 
The seventh day he wondered whether 
There was anything left to do: 
Stage directors had already 
Flooded the earth with posters 
So Shakespeare decided after so much labour 
He deserved to see a show himself. 
But first, as. he felt quite exhausted, 
He passed away for a while. 

(Marin Sorescu)
Hey i got back a little earlier than i expected.  I'm afraid i don't have any suitcases to burn Eva.  I travel light, one duffel bag only.  Hope your American sojourn isn't taxing you too much.  And i hope your well.  Talk to you soon.  Ok i won't say 'ciao' anymore...and the 'sweetlips' was meant to be a compliment my dear, but i can see how it may have sounded a little bit wrong.  So, arrividerci baby!  Talk to you soon.
To Gary Lewis:

As my program went crazily busy and I won`t be able to login here much, please let me know when you`ll be on(day and hour-your time zone), thank you.

To he`ll know who:

Your game just turned on a very dangerous path and I don`t know that your insanity will save you this time. Wheels down, pal, end it please, it will cost you highly....


Hahaha, good one, iubi, care-va-sa-zica nu sunt numai eu "disturbata / conturbata, errrmmmm, etc" de lipsa cratimei....


Im online Friday Sept 7, at 9am AEST (Aust Eastern Standard Time).  I imagine your at least 12 to 14 hrs behind.  I like the poem :-)

By the way, i got rid of pidgin and downloaded yahoo messenger.  So cancel the old id i gave u and use iorekbyrnison185@yahoo.com    
Ah, your secret is safe with me, thank you for sharing with me, only, darlin`

You`re being missed...
To Mrs:  Ah, dovleac!  Well, vezi sa fie cu zahar si scortisoara, multumesc.


alta mai boring n-am gasit.

holly folly dolly (u_baby)..you still here and there i see in ur mad little unusual world.i hope your keepin out of trouble my love and not sufferin the effects of the world..

Newkso darling, I am going with the flow...
How`s your boy? Did you teach him surfing? Oh, tell me you still have your hair and didn`t get a huge belly as most of the married men. Would you strip for old times sake?

Glad to "see" you,

Hahaha, Mrs, that`s so much me, two days ago....look what`s the solution:

To Mrs: nu ma intreba, ca iete ce-ti raspund:

PS: esti iubibila, alintabila, mangaibilia, giugiulibila, etc

Miss u my ladies...

Big kiss for my Eva....mwahhh


Omg,did u make cry this guy Andre..:D


LMAO J thts gold really made me laugh..miss ya mwahh
To someone who was very rude today: if we cannot have a decent hello or a decent conversation, I would prefer the distant silent, thank you.


Ah, Rami, n-ai vrea tu sa-ti pastrezi ghiuveta intacta la tine in baie?


By the ay, Rami, ca sa nu ti se strice toata instalatia, ian vezi tu la Verginica...se multumeste cu o bere...atatica-


AD 60 the Romans land on Anglesea to fight a last battle against the ancient druids and attempt to wipe them out.in the East a warrior queen Boudicea,of the Iceni rises and unites the tribes of the celts against the Romans she decends on Colchester the sacred temples of the romans are sacked and raised to the ground she then marches on London.This is the history of this land this is our Dna!
Why thank you, England, I do love all the stories and fairy thales about druids.


Bodicea got beautfuly thrashed by an old Roman general and a hand full of troops though they had ample reason for the revolt. 
"I've got to stand up for myself
This society don't care about nobody else
I've got to be strong
Even if I know the feeling is wrong
I've got to not care
Even if I know this world is meant to share...."


" Look, I'm not really an affectionate person. People aren't meant to be together forever."


"Right now you might be reading this on your smartphone or sitting in front of your computer screen. These days we’re all so connected to the virtual world. This connection even includes dating, mating and relating.

There are those who will spend days, weeks, months and even years connecting via cyber space with no real intention of meeting for an in person date. Many sit behind a computer in their safe space feeling fulfilled with just a virtual relationship. For those looking for a serious relationship who have connected with these types, can we agree it’s frustrating?"


I choose real life, so, good luck to you people!

Eva B
Ah, one more thing: when your pride will allow you to think and your EGO will shrink, you will understand that there is no such thing: "the fantasy world I live in" with no ink, Oink-Oink.


Eva,this video made my day.:) so i wanted to share ,i lol'd so hard that i made a piggy noise trying to breathe again.:p
Kitty sweety, there is no video and I want to see it and laugh aswell. Try again, please, thank you. Till then, check up on this one:

I feel sorry for the butterflies
When I turn off the light,
And for the bats
When I switch it on . . .
Can’t I take a single step
Without offending someone?

So many odd things happen
That I want to hold
My head in my hands,
But an anchor thrown from the sky
Pulls them down . . .

It’s not time yet
To tear up the sails.
Let things be.

(I feel sorry
To Iorek:

The snail’s covered up
Its eyes with wax, sunk
Its head on its chest,
And is staring into itself.

Above it
The house,
Its perfect work,
Which it loathes —

Round about its house
The world,
The rest of the world,
Ordered according to certain laws
That disgust it —

And in the middle
Of this universal disgust
There it is —
The snail,
Loathing itself....

(The Snail
Un dragon nu si-ar tatua niciodata un cocalar. Invers, insa, se intampla cu regularitate.


As I need a break from work, I`ll do this for the next week:


Join me
Pe considerente de genul: ia-ti alta, asta are gauri...


merge si aia: "lupu-si schimba parul, dar naravul ba..."
sorry that funny vid didnt post,it was the video from the gangnam style song, i thought the way he dances was funny,:) but ,,, heres another version of the one you posted for me.
 although i dont get online as much lately, it means even more now when i recognize the names of those whom i can always count on for their positive thoughts and uplifting spirits, thank you for being,,,,you:)
Multzam` Vlad, ma bucur mult sa constat ca iti place muzica buna. Iti urez ca acest decembrie sa fie excelent pentru tine. Asta e pentru tine:


I love the poems you've posted here Eva:) I would like to share one that shows if ones searches , they can always find some sunshine , even in what first appears to be a cloudy day.  "BIRDY BIRDY IN THE SKY,   DROPPED A POOPY IN MY EYE,    BUT I DON'T WORRY  I WON'T CRY,  IM JUST HAPPY,  ELEPHANTS CANT FLY.
Hahahaha, kitty!!!!

That`s similar to "turn the other cheek"
Well, kids, you better ask Santa for the proper toys.


R.I.P  Tal and Jeff; Estella I know you miss them too. May that bombings will never happen again.

Ah, me gusta Compay!!!


Any1 knows how to dance on this music? Vamos!!!
La vida es un carnaval


Why aussies cannot dance latino salsa?
Let me repeat as, I see you do not understand: is none of you, ok?


To Lorna aka Streamline: leave the doors open missus, you might have a nice surprise.


Let me think a moment.....NOPE, you can`t


move on!
Well, I know you would love this:


but at the moment you`re into this.....


Good luck!!!!

"Those who are the hardest to love are the ones who need it most"


V8 racing car demo held in Surfers Paradise (QLD) over two days, starting on 18th of February. I could solve , this way, any dispute ,in a sporty manner. I`ll be there and dare

Here is a challenge:

Few days ago someone asked me "Are you feeling carniverous?" "Absolutely" I said...

"Remember it is all about the get. We cannot make a splash if we only get the gets that everybody has already got. I need the ungettable. Got it?"


"-What happened to your neck? 
 -I bit myself shaving."


Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.... 


"Oh, can you believe this guy? So sensitive, so devastated when it comes to some CHUBBY FAT FRENCH guy but stomp on somebody's heart in real life and where is his sorry arse pity then. No where. Why? Cause he doesn't get, he never gets it."

Assured me that he is: 


"- Do you promise not to laugh? 
 - No."

So she sigh:


Lecţia de limbă română. Profesorul întreabă:– Ion, ce este deznădejdea?– Deznădejdea e atunci cînd mergi seara pe drum, în faţa ta merge o fată frumoasă, iar cînd să te apropii de ea, apare un autobuz şi ea pleacă.– Bine, bravo, Ionele!– Vasile, ce este deznădejdea?– Deznădejdea e atunci cînd mergi seara pe drum, în faţa ta merge un băiat frumos, iar cînd să te apropii de el, apare un autobuz şi el pleacă.– Hmmm!...– Bulă, ce este deznădejdea?– Deznădejdea e atunci cînd mergi seara pe drum, în urma ta merge Vasile, iar la orizont nu se vede nici un autobuz.


Anunţ pentru femei:"Nu căutaţi bărbatul perfect. Astăzi stau în casă!"

Are we all real or God just went delusional?


(Am i now?)
" - Is this love?
  - No, makes part of the game"


Yep, I am delusional...
Lectia 2:

La şcoală învăţătoarea întreabă:
- Copii, ce urmează după 69?
O puştoaică din ultima bancă:
- Apa de gură doamna învăţătoare!



Un tip se duce la doctor să afle ce e în neregulă cu el.
- Problema dumneavoastră este că sunteţi gras, îi spuse doctorul.
- Aş vrea şi o a doua opinie, spuse tipul.
- Bine, sunteţi şi urât, îi răspunse doctorul.
Lectia 3:

O studentă blondă susţine examenul la Economie. Subiectul: teoria economică a lui Adam Smith. Profesorul observă că studenta blondă nu are idee despre teoria economică şi dorind totuşi s-o promoveze, o întreabă:
− Dar care este prenumele lui Smith?
Fata se uită în sală poate vreun coleg îi va şopti, dar în zadar.
− Hai amintiţi-vă, este atât de simplu!
Fără rezultat. Profesorului i se face milă de studentă şi părinteşte o întreabă:
− Atunci, spune-mi: cum îl chema pe primul bărbat?
Blonda roşind şi evident ruşinată răspunde:
− Petrică


....imi sopti el tandru, si-si mai supse o masea.
Stimati domni si doamne (stati un pic sa ma "stric de ras"), asa, unde ramasesem? Ah, da, exista si Lectia 2, intarzie nitzelush, e la biroul de traduceri, s-au poticnit la cifra 6 si la cifra 9, scrise (din pura intamplare) impreuna.

Rabdare si tutun!!


To you: we`ve been there before, I was not an "inconvenient" and I won`t bother you now, so :


Would of been the sweetest Birthday present, Gary, but, hey, who the heck am I to complain....


“We need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.”


Did you get any?
Madeline, Rallu, Janette, Esther, Izabella, thank you for the great surprise, you made my day shine!!!!


"With a little love, and some tenderness 
We'll walk upon the water 
We'll rise above this mess"


Why thank you, meow-meow, that was cool!!!

this one`s for you:


Tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch to be sure.....
(Murphy`s law)


"Viata e ca parul din cur: scurta si plina de cacat"

(Mihai Margineanu)


"I walk against the stream
Far from what I believe in
I run towards the end
Trying not to give in"


To the "roosters": Of course, anything that flies, is food....


"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." 

"All I know is that even when destiny really want to accomplish something, it can´t do it alone, you still have to build the bridge to the one you love."

"..If we never see each other and you´re out walking one day and you fell certain presence beside you that would be me... loving you wherever I am."


Prietenie marcheaza o viata cchiar mai profund decat riscurile love. love degenereze in obsesie,prietenia nu este niciodata nimic dar de partajare:) thank you for all you've shared Eva.it's always nice to see your thoughts to my posts.
Hahaha, chocolate be it, then, puss!!!
Eerrmmm, can I have this kind of chocolate, please?


You can easily guess where I`ve been in the last 3 weeks...


my recommendations:

Alrite Radu, here it is:

"...John's got brewers droop he gets intimidated by the dirty pigeons
They love a bit of it..."


"Ha-Ha! Well now, we call this the act of mating
But there are several other very important differences
Between human beings and animals that you should know about

I'd appreciate your input"


"Take him by the hand
Make him understand
The world on you depends"

To the few and new, friends in here:) ....did i see someone with cat whiskers in this video?,:)
 How cool is that?:)
Thank you Steph, I am always happy to see your funny comments.


Show me a miracle as I need to believe!!!
When I was a teenager, my Mom used to advice me: keep your eyes wide open and dare everything, you do not know what miracle could wait after the corner. 
Few days ago I needed for a miracle and I remembered her advice, so I put on my smartest white dress and went out chasing miracles. 
"Here you go, take this" says the taxi driver and, in a minute, I was all soaked...well, there are few more steps till the first corner, ahhhhh, the neighbor`s dog was here this morning. Finally the corner.....
-“Well, do my shlissel challah look realistic?” said this guy taking a p.ss...
-Not really a miracle, I concluded...
Is ok, as I come to you and: show me a miracle, people, as p..p happens every day after each corner....


-“I wish it need not have happened in my time," 
-"So do I, and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”


If you say jesus backwards, it sounds like "sausage":) my puppy whispered that into my ear one day,sometimes she say's the cutest things just for a snack.:)
Excellent, thank you, Steph. I'd try posting here, but it seems that someone doesn't like the music. Oh, well, life can be poor without….
I hope that you keep trying anyways..iv'e always thought the postings here were positive, friendly, and most importantly.
'This is how we show our love':)

"I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!" — Dr. Seuss 

A friend in So cal invited me to come and experience my first rave.it's warm there, wish me luck ,,>,<,, plane leaves this morning.
Have fun, Meow Meow, it is the right moment to do that; here is something for you:

I would like to ask FOD why and what is with this persecution that you, FOD develop over me? Thank you in advance for answering.
If I could find a souvenir, just to prove the world was here....
Thank you, Kitty, you rock!!!  This one is for you, I hope it will make you laugh, I know I did laugh:


Yes, SKY-22, the song is pretty good, and yes, happiness might be a "Castle of glass", but you should :

Valeu, "Prajiturica" (hahaha, what a nickname!!!!) ce-i cu istericalele alea, aia numesti tu muzica?  Iaca un sfat de la mine:


Try it, could be good for you
Look at Bobby, if you do not think that he is happy, just watch his toes (hahaha)


Aldo I suggest you to wear some boots, toes might look tempting for the poisoned bugs...


So: don't chase imaginary butterflies into something highly Illegal, and stop eating wild berries.

Song seems fitting to an apocalyptic encounter or perhaps the end of the universe..

Just picture a planet on its way to collide with mother earth and this song.
Mike, Ron? Come out, come out wherever you are!!!

Don't hide in the basement, guys, is the rainy season and you know what can this brings into your basements…..water, yes, and the monster of loch ness too….


To "rosita bonita chiquita chihuahua": a solution for you, little one:


Deh, Poke, te facusi IT-ist, ca daca te faceai sofer de camion, iete ce te astepta:


Spring has sprung, the grass has riz, I wonder where them birdies is?  so tired of the clouds and rain, I hope to see them stars again. 
Hahaha, Kitty, we, for sure, will handle rain, there is other thingy that is hard to handle, so I'd say:  "oh but Austin, whatever you do don't fall in love .We've already lost 007 and 008"


If I should ever fall,I will keep my eyes wide open ,If only to catch who may fall in afterwards. 
Hai noroc si….vorba romanului: cand o zbura porcu'


si ca drept dovada:


Hahahaha, pur si simplu nu m-am putut abtine!
Ah, dar stai, ca sa inteleaga tot englezu':


Nu-i nimic, de aici inainte mananci doar acasa….

And this one I absolutely love (let me check on the stable):


Si ca sa incheiem epopeea pentru ca tinde sa devina mai lunga decat a lui Homer, draga mea, da-mi voie s-o spun pe aia dreapta si sincera: nu-ti lasa dosul batucit de suturi, nu merita timpul pierdut…. 

In ceea ce ma priveste, ei bine, recunosc, inveti multe toata viata:


Does anybody knows a good space to race a speedy car without getting police on fire, in NJ-NY-PA areas?  God, I feel so free, I need to express it!


I'll appreciate your input, thanks


errrmmmmmm give me few millions of kisses, I won`t mind
Vor trece inca multi ani pana ce romanul va invata sa-si iubeasca si sa-si pretuiasca, cu adevarat, locul de bastina; oare va invata ce-i respectul de sine si ce e cu adevarat valoros -oare va reusi sa constientizeze toate acestea pana la sfarsitul Timpului? 

"Ca multi te-au batjocorit, te-au furat, te-au hulit si inca o mai fac, tarisoara mea draga!"


Ahhhh, carrrrrrrrrrrsssss!!!!



Let me watch by the fire and remember my days
And it may be a trick of the firelight
But the flickering pages that trouble my sight
Is a book I'm afraid to write
It's the book of my days, it's the book of my life
And it's cut like a fruit on the blade of a knife
And it's all there to see as the section reveals
There's some sorrow in every life
If it reads like a puzzle, a wandering maze
Then I won't understand 'til the end of my days
I'm still forced to remember,
Remember the words of my life
There are promises broken and promises kept
Angry words that were spoken, when I should have wept
There's a chapter of secrets, and words to confess
If I lose everything that I possess
There's a chapter on loss and a ghost who won't die
There's a chapter on love where the ink's never dry
There are sentences served in a prison I built out of lies.
Though the pages are numbered
I can't see where they lead
For the end is a mystery no-one can read
In the book of my life
There's a chapter on fathers a chapter on sons
There are pages of conflicts that nobody won
And the battles you lost and your bitter defeat,
There's a page where we fail to meet
There are tales of good fortune that couldn't be planned
There's a chapter on god that I don't understand
There's a promise of Heaven and Hell but I'm damned if I see
Now the daylight's returning
And if one sentence is true
All these pages are burning
And all that's left is you...
“I have never seen a wild thing feel sorry for itself. A bird will have fallen frozen dead from a bough never having felt sorry for itself.”


How about that, Pepi? (Who the heck is Pepi....)
All the world's problems are caused by the fact that intelligent people have doubts and fools certainties....


On September 3rd 1973, at 6:28pm and 32 seconds, a bluebottle fly capable of 14,670 wing beats a minute landed on Rue St Vincent, Montmartre. At the same moment, on a restaurant terrace nearby, the wind magically made two glasses dance unseen on a tablecloth. Meanwhile, in a 5th-floor flat, 28 Avenue Trudaine, Paris 9, returning from his best friend's funeral, Eugène Colère erased his name from his address book. At the same moment, a sperm with one X chromosome, belonging to Raphaël Poulain, made a dash for an egg in his wife Amandine. Nine months later, Amélie Poulain was born.


Doubt this one would ever make it through and eventually reach your ears (would be the 8th wonder but hey mods think how cool you'd be if you could do miracles :p)




And since you're getting along with techno lately:


We do not get unlimited chances to have the things we want. Nothing is worse than missing an opportunity that could have changed your life. No matter what her name is, she'll always be Eva to you.


Being single is not necessarily a bad thing. It is much better than being in an unhealthy relationship with the wrong person.


In the end, it's not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away.

Before I go to sleep, I stop and think what It would be like If I talked to you again. I always wonder what It would be like to text you and say how are you? 


I'll be back, when the day is new, Till then I'll have more ideas for you:


Because we have always the choice of our actions...


Beautiful day to all! 
... RIP Robin Williams‬. The joy and laughter he brought to the 700+ people in attendance will be a highlight of my time on the Hilltop.


Wake up people, someone wants to make our heaven a hel.l. Let`s just teld them STOP WAR!!!!

What in the world did you do, FOD?  Whay so many ads positioned faulty? Is almost imposible to play any game in here. Can you, please FIX IT?

"From the ground up we will rise 
I tipped my hat to the highest high
Every day is a compromise
If this is low, I'm looking for high.."


Good afternoon FOD, thanks for your persecution, you rock when it comes about this...
"Is it our friend we are grieving for, whose life we knew so little? Or is it our own loss that we are mourning? Have we traveled far enough that we can allow our tears to fall?"
.............."There is no past that we can bring back by longing for it. Only a present that builds and creates itself as the past ithdraws."............................

"Everything will be all right in the end... if it's not all right then it's not yet the end."


To who I used to be:

"Most people live life on the path we set for them, too afraid to explore any other. But once in a while people like you come along and knock down all the obstacles we put in your way. People who realize free will is a gift you never know how to use until you fight for it. I think that's the Chairman's real plan - that maybe one day we won't write the plan, you will." 
– The Adjustment Bureau-

To who I am now:


You need to get out more,drag yourself out of that mire,and face the real world,because you are living in a false futuristic past.
The real world, hmm, everyone watches appalling pictures on the news....thanks but no thanks lizzard.
To Steve and Sarah:

May new baby Leah fills your lives with happiness and your hearts with love and, Steve, you need to learn a lullaby


The way that you persecute me in backgammon game, just because I come from Romania, went way too far FOD. Shame on you, guys!!!!
Thanks FOD, you keep doing this and you will reach 0 players!!!!
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