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There is now an option for you to subscribe your friends if their funds are running a little low :p

This will also come in handy for the likes of WDW league if the admins want to subscribe winners of special tournaments.

Please follow the below link...


Happy subscribing :D

FlyOrDie Moderator
do you need to know their password to sub a friend ? 
No, you don't need to know the password in order to subscribe your friend :). This feature was introducted to allow subscribing others without pushing players to nickshare (lending nickname and using other's account), which is against the FlyOrDie Rules of Use. I actually see this as a good opportunity for players' leagues and clans to raise their activity :$.

FlyOrDie Moderator.
so will the 2 nicknames be linked???

I have won a league trny before and they said winner gets sub, i never did and have not played league since...
i might start playing a bit more now
Posted and Translated for  Spanish users that read us here (general forum) , hence, we doesn't 

make different  posts with the same topic.

Traducido Para los usuarios españoles que entren aquí ,asi no se crean muchos post con el

mismo contenido.
 (because we all come here ) λ.v.kﺴ-ģλвяìξқζ× bye bye to all :O ;\.. 


Ya hay página en Español! 
"so will the 2 nicknames be linked???"

No, they won't be linked. As I said before, this feature allows to subscribe other players in a way which doesn't contradict FlyOrDie Rules of Use :).


P.S. Well done on the translation, gabriek ^_^.
> P.S. Well done on the translation, gabriek ^_^.

Ty Artik {{(>_<}}}  xD.. ;\..
Paypal is now available as a payment method as well.

There are no excuses for not purchasing a subscription !
What happens when you try and subscibe
someone? Do they have to accept the 
subscription or does it automatically
go onto there account. And are they told
who gave them the subscription?
Re: aldersboy:
After completing the subscription procedure the nickname you gifted a subscription gets subscribed automatically (after some period of time, depending on subscribing method), there is no need for the subscribed person to approve the subscription or do anything alike to get it. As for whether they are told who gifted them the subscription or not - well, they might be, if you tell them in e.g. flyordie chat rooms :), but I doubt it appears on their login page/status page.
Though, subscribing someone without notifying them - seems to be a very strange idea, as for me :). Though, possible...

Hey OP, can you add +386 in onebip? i really need this
I wish clans would actually use this.