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2 new C-4 games
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Four in a Row
2 new C-4 games
Posted in 
Four in a Row
2 new C-4 games
I have some ideas; to play "No winning" and "Exact 4 in a row".

No winning
 rules - The "winner" loses (I haven't figured out, is perfect play a draw?)

Exact 4 in a row
 rules - Must have exactly 4 in a row to win (most likely a draw but there are some interesting variations)

I love to solve puzzles!!!
no winning?
The second player just have to put hes balls on top of the starters... :)
Yes, that's the general solution to the puzzle. However, I'm more thinking of forced starts like 452, 471 etc. Are they draw's.
The losing game is only interesting with two-move turns, the way TitOT does it (in "Inversed Euro" mode).

The french site puissance might have it.

As for "exactly 4", interesting idea, I'll have to fool around with that. (If only I were still a student and could devote half of my day to c4 like I used to...*sigh*)

Mjolke, you said you had some mathematical formulas pertaining to c4. When are you gonna post them? Math is my new favorite hobby, and c4 math would be my dream come true :D
Hi, yeah, ur right. I wrote a long post on Dec 15 which wasn't approved by the moderator('s). I wonder why.

All I said was basically:

"2 examples of 
No winning

473727 is BREAK


45243271 is BREAK

Draw is possible only after a minimum of 7 forced moves ..."

It's OT to talk C4 maths in this thread. Send me an email on chess_c4_n8@hotmail.com if you want to discuss it furthermore.
Hey mjolke, did my email go to your Spam folder?

Or do u just be ignoring me lol
I've moved abroad and today was the first time in weeks I got access to a computer. I'll try to answer you in a couple of weeks. I'm not ignoring you bro, lol.