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transporter pikachu
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transporter pikachu
Posted in 
transporter pikachu

Sinds: 13-jan-2010  
 Curling statistieken
 	Positie	Telling van strijden	Win-Verlies	Win / Verlies verhouding
Algemeen	490	2254	1245-963	1,29
Deze maand	 	363	63-37	1,70
 Recente reeks
Tegenstander	Telling van strijden	Score	Positie (wijziging)	Positie tegenstander
20	42 - 0	466 (+24)	374 (-24)
 Laatste resultaten
Tegenstander	Resultaat	Positie tegenstander	Vermeld bij
+2	350	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	350	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	350	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	350	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	350	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	351	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	351	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	351	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	351	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+3	351	2011-12-30 13:12Z
You are pathetic man.

You transporting every day and now you are coming to cry on forum?

You should shut up sometimes, i have never written on forum your daily cheating.

Be a man, you lost another time the possibility to shut up.

Enjoy the game and dont be so frustated if someone get closer you ;)
I can confirm pikachu-pokerkingkong 42-0

And after again now is 50-0 
Who's the pathetic pikachu?,say by by flyordie you transporter cheater(K):)
pikachu and vanhassan are both known transporters. What will happen to them? Nothing I bet.
All pik wants to talk about is van cheats too.lol sounds like a little kid telling on his brother. i will not renew my sub after it is up.too many things need to be fixed and fod cant or wont fix
i have stop my subscribe too after 5 years and more 22500 ends because i see too mutch transport(pikachu and vanhassan).Moderators make nothing so you don't merit my money sry...good curling for ever...Fabrice from France
Hello Team Canada,Brund and Bonobo

I know you are FAIR players,much respect
to bad players like Pikachu ruining this game to the ground
I was subsriber also but like Bonobo i descide not to spent anny more money wast on a site (flyordie) that only support players how pay money every month,they dont care a bit if there cheating and transporting and herassing other players all the  time
So i say its also a atitude problem from flyordie site,that probly going to ruin them when they continue like this
I Think its time Operator or Administrators get involved now,because moderators are friends od so called players
So now they Probly gonne Ban me for telling the TRUTH!
Its 5 minutes to 12 !!! flyordie!!
For all you Fair players out there
HaPPY Newyear and best off Wishes,from Benjamin
There are no moderators in curling and it shows.
The crazies are running the asylum.
The only abuse reports acted on are from the worst abusers. 
Hello bakkenboy,
You might want to look into multi-nick cheater bakenboy with one K.
The player starting this thread used it to abush one of his "enemies".
make than ambush as in sandbagger

Sinds: 13-jan-2010 
Curling statistieken
Positie	Telling van strijden	Win-Verlies	Win / Verlies verhouding
Algemeen	490	2254	1245-963	1,29
Deze maand	 363	63-37	1,70
Recente reeks
Tegenstander	Telling van strijden	Score	Positie (wijziging)	Positie tegenstander
20	42 - 0	466 (+24)	374 (-24)
Laatste resultaten
Tegenstander	Resultaat	Positie tegenstander	Vermeld bij
+2	350	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	350	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	350	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	350	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	350	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	351	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	351	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	351	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	351	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+3	351	2011-12-30 13:12Z

its your friend or not what ever do you job 
This little gem is from the shared account BrasilSidaErtoo used by 5 or 6 players incuding vanhassan.

This offensive nickname has been used to taunt the player known as "erto" by linking him and his country to aids.

Of course these players also used the nick for a little cheating known as transporting.

Some more "shared accounts" as in use. Operators would do well to compare multi-nicks IP addresses to vanhassan's 
Namely mymomcookesbetter Fabian007 and who knows how many more.

Since: Aug 8, 2011 [Inspired Rookie]
Report abuse

 Curling statistics
  	Rating 	Count of matches 	Win-Loss 	Win / Loss ratio
Overall 	179 	104 	51-53 	0.96
 Recent series
 Last results
Opponent 	Result 	Opponent rating  Reported at
vanhassan 	-6 	468 	2011-12-29 18:16Z
vanhassan 	-5 	473 	2011-12-28 01:01Z
vanhassan 	-3 	470 	2011-12-28 00:55
Vanhassan if you want back your crown, no problem, i will give you back.

But please stop crying and accusing me to transporting when everyone knows you are the FIRST and BEST transporter of entire Curling History on FlyorDie.

The difference from me and you is that I have never posted on forum your daily transporting management because i'm not a kid like you.

You want to erase all your opponents calling moderators, so you are free to have your jewellery, but no problem.

I let you to dress your life blood.

P.S. Happy New Year
""Pikachu - Vanhassan if you want back your crown, no problem, i will give you back.

But please stop crying and accusing me to transporting when everyone knows you are the FIRST and BEST transporter of entire Curling History on FlyorDie.

The difference from me and you is that I have never posted on forum your daily transporting management because i'm not a kid like you.

No where do you deny transporting and you go as far as to give back the crown. {Why give it back if you haven't done anything wrong?} Your only defense is "you don't post about other transporters" and that vanhassen does it more than you. Your only request is that he stops telling the truth about you.

Hum, err, Canada.
Seems you are a 0 rater with very few games played.
Yet a prolific, long winded and 

If you knew anything about the players mentionned, you would know that pokerkingkong (PKK) is one of the few players vanhassan actually plays. PKK has dumped a lot of points to vanhassan over the last months.

PKK has  also repeatedly dumped ALL his points to random players only to regain them in a few days of playing.

I think it's very funny that this time he dumped a load to .Pikachu :)

vanhassan has got to feel betrayed to see HIS transport feed his "enemy" and rob him of his precious crown.
Im not denying the xmas gift, Im not hypocrite.

But Its ridiculous all this noise for 1 time I had a pumping.

Erjc is saying the truth, until 1month ago Vanhassan abused to Pokerkingkong for his pumping and now he is accusing me.

I may accept criticism from everyone but not from Vanhassan. He should be the last person allowed to talk
Why don't those who cheat, cheat and cheat again not just get banned forever? Is it difficult to do?

Sinds: 13-jan-2010 
Curling statistieken
Positie	Telling van strijden	Win-Verlies	Win / Verlies verhouding
Algemeen	490	2254	1245-963	1,29
Deze maand	 363	63-37	1,70
Recente reeks
Tegenstander	Telling van strijden	Score	Positie (wijziging)	Positie tegenstander
20	42 - 0	466 (+24)	374 (-24)
Laatste resultaten
Tegenstander	Resultaat	Positie tegenstander	Vermeld bij
+2	350	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	350	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	350	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	350	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	350	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	351	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	351	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	351	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	351	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+3	351	2011-12-30 13:12Z
it's just a proven transportation. and not cry over another just bann as always. I am myself a few times with the same felon gebant been so now he must pay for it. I just want to see how honest they are in fylordie
Why don't those who cheat, cheat and cheat again not just get banned forever? Is it difficult to do?

Anybody care to give me an answer?
I mean
all the cheats!
 Not just one or two...
erjc, I am a subscriber and when they changed the game several months ago, it became jittery on Firefox, so I had to either use IE or have a regular account. I have been on this site for 2 years and I know everything you mentioned. A bunch of fools breaking the rules and transporting isn't a hard case to crack. If you think I am loud, then too bad for you, I couldn't care less. As a paying member, I have the right and duty to point out goof balls that break the rules. 

So if 
 knew what was going on then perhaps you wouldn't sound like a fool. Get your facts straight before you start spouting on your soapbox.
MuddyD - Why not ban all the cheats. I  mean all the cheats! Not just one or two... 

I have wondered this for some time now. I guess the people who run this site don't care about the rules. They seem to do just the bare minimum to keep the smallest amount of order here. 

They may think that one of these children might subscribe one day? 

They may think that it's too much effort to enforce the rules?

They think that subscribers will just keep renewing their accounts even though in the last 12 months, this site has gone WAY down hill?

A lot of companies and websites are poorly managed, include FoD in this group for sure. 

I bet 2012 will have less subscribers than 2011. Who would renew? The only people that will buy subscriptions in 2012 are very new people who haven't been exposed to all this BS, corruption and lack of involvement from the mods and admins here.
Thanks Team Canada for your contribution to this topic
Pikachu so pathetic,he wants to give back crown because he is afraid he gonne get a BAN that he should have a long time ago,how low can a human being go?,he already kissing the ground,Pathetic!!! 
Pikachu is 90 % off all the trouble here,he is yust a litle spoiled kiddo thats crying for his mummy all the time
But like always we hear and see no Single reaction sofar from this Moderators/operator off this site
And i feel sorry for all those nicknames and players that cant reply here because they banned,because these LOW pathetic person pikachu was crying again to the moderators
But you right Team Canada and Bonobo,this site gonne be dead annyway soon if they dont Kick spoiled litle kiddo's like pikachu soon
And for all the rest off the players.........
HAPPY 2012 and the best wishes! to you ...
Atombomb DUISBURGER MenaceIISociety Angel66 SYSTEM SHOCK etc..

You dont deserve reply, God will judge you for your lies ;)
If flyordie was serious about controlling the abuse here they would prune out all the multi-nicks.  The worst abusers, trolls and cheaters have large nick collections.  Easy to spot them as, like dj or canada, they have low game counts.

Most everyone is on broadband nowadays and keep the same IP address for months at time.  Flyordie only asks for an email address to get a new nick but never does any checking, not even a confirmation mail !

So the miscreants already have large nick farms and keep adding to them.  Good luck with keeping this place sane.
do we know who the operater is i would like too thank them for the horse s.h.i.t job that they do.operater you are part of the problem. show us your not guttless get of your a.s.s and do something.
  My friend was banned here because he called some one a transporter I guess not shure 
  Cant believe all these nick's that peple have. It's sad when childish peaple run a good site for honest hounerable peaple. hard to deal with cowards. Any way howdo i get hold of the fliodie peaple I a'm going to ask for a refund on my subscripcion . I unforyunatly subscribed here before I found out what kinda peaple live in this low lfe slum .
   Hard langauge but those who deseve it can feel it and those who don't will be okay with it
Curling is a great sport and flyordie have made to best emulator/game I can find.  All that is needed is a little work to clean up the multi-nick mess.  I am not a programmer but if I can help clean up all the bad accounts, count me in.  No doubt a call for help would be answered by many.

Thanks and Happy New Year
you are too eager to please erjc komentaar Subscribe now or not, I have to slap me silly name or one of your many nicknames you play the angel here but you're the biggest guy here rasist

Sinds: 13-jan-2010 
Curling statistieken
Positie	Telling van strijden	Win-Verlies	Win / Verlies verhouding
Algemeen	490	2254	1245-963	1,29
Deze maand	 363	63-37	1,70
Recente reeks
Tegenstander	Telling van strijden	Score	Positie (wijziging)	Positie tegenstander
20	42 - 0	466 (+24)	374 (-24)
Laatste resultaten
Tegenstander	Resultaat	Positie tegenstander	Vermeld bij
+2	350	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	350	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	350	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	350	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	350	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	351	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	351	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	351	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+2	351	2011-12-30 13:12Z
+3	351	2011-12-30 13:12Z
FlyOrDie is run by very few people.
We simply do not have capacity to monitor 100000 players daily. 
That is why we can "do just the bare minimum".
That is also why we have decided about a decade ago to make it possible for some of our players to have some special tools which can make the rooms "cleaner". They are called moderators, and they are chosen from the players, who have the necessary experience, free time, commitment to make this game even better.

How many of you who are complaining here have ever applied for such a moderator position?

Well mr operater so you think we should pay and work lol.i could see that if its free and thats why i will never pay any more.you should  tell us who the mods are so we can tell you if they are part of the problem.by the looks of it they dont have a clue like you.you never did say what your plan is to fix this problem or are you going too sit there and tell us poor fod its just too hard 
It is also interesting to note that the ones who complain the loudest about cheating, multiple nicks, insulting, do the same themselves (respect to the few exceptions), so they would be the loudest complainers again when someone starts to clean up things a bit.

"pikachu and vanhassan are both known transporters. What will happen to them? Nothing I bet."

Do you have anything that can serve as a proof of what you are stating?
What would you like to see happen to them?

"Why don't those who cheat, cheat and cheat again not just get banned forever? Is it difficult to do?"

Yes it is. 
First thing: "cheat" is not an exact definition. I bet the few players posting in this forum could not agree what is "cheating" (see other threads).
Some of think that playing low rated players is cheating, some of you think that having two nicks is cheating, etc.

Even so, there are quite many players banned forever day by day, what you call "the bare minimum".

"pikachu and vanhassan are both known transporters. What will happen to them? Nothing I bet."

"Do you have anything that can serve as a proof of what you are stating?"

If you check last two games played by .DJ-ATOMBOMB you can see this:

[Male] [Germany]
Since: Jul 31, 2009
Report abuse

 Curling statistics
  	Rating 	Count of matches 	Win-Loss 	Win / Loss ratio
Overall 	76 	976 	477-477 	1.00
 Recent series
Opponent 	Count of matches 	Scores 	Rating (change) 	Opponent rating
vanhassan 	2 	0 - 6 	83 (-3) 	484 (+3)
 Last results
Opponent 	Result 	Opponent rating 	Reported at
vanhassan 	-3 	486 	2011-12-29 22:13Z
vanhassan 	-3 	484 	2011-12-29 22:00Z

Sure it isn't as blatant as in Pkachu's case, and vanhassan got here only 3 points, but it is cheating. And it was before Pikachu got his "free" points so it can be excuse for him that he didn't do it first. And please don't tell me it was an accident because at the moment .DJ uses here his other higher rated nicks, and vanhassan knows that.

Operator, I was a subscriber here few times, and to be honest I would rather want to see my money go to the creators of this game, not guy staring at the results and thinking if game was played fair or not. But on the other hand what you  wrote is unfair to bonobo57. He was a subscriber for so long, and feels cheated by lack of moderation here, and basicaly u reply that it is all his fault...

I don't have any problems with how this site works, but usually it takes some time before players accused of cheating/insults are banned, so you all should be a little more patient about that.
Chris, there I can see two ends won by vanhassan. Could you tell me how can you tell by this, that this is cheating?

Oh, and bonobo57 has been banned about 8 times already for different reasons.
Pretty confusing if he complains about lack of moderation. 

Operator, u see two ends won by vanhassan, I see two ends given away by.DJ in space of 13 minutes. First of all, they both don't play that slow for end to last 13 minutes, nobody here does...
And if they actually played that game how can I believe that vanhasaan, so despered to have the crown, accpeted a chalange from .DJ - former top rated player here, currently rated 86.
For me it is obvious .DJ gave that game away with vanhassan's aproval, which according to FOD rules is cheating. Can I prove it? Sure not... :)
When I look at Pikachu's stats written by vanhassan, I see Pikachu and Pokerkingkong desperetaly wanted to play a game, but server continously was kicking poor Pokerkingkong out.
Can you prove me wrong here, relying only on the stats? I wrote that because I think it is unfair only Pikachu got punished here

PS. I played many games with bonobo, it was always fun, no matter of the final score. If you think there is no need in persuading him to renew subscription, you have every right to do so.
Hi. Im .Pıkachu

Im using this nick to reply to OPERATOR

Thank you OPERATOR to show us you got guts.

Thank you OPERATOR to show us you havent lost your virility.

Thank you OPERATOR to show us Justice is NEVER the same  for everyone.

I always taken this game with fun, to chat with friends (fakes or trues doesnt care), sometimes I said bad words, bad names and i got all back. 

Ok Im not the most kind gamer of flyordie but sorry if Im not a robot.

But at least I never did a screenshot, I never did an abuse reporting because for me its a game

Also I want to say Thanks to all the kids who plays in this site, that they are not able to resolve the disputes with their force but they need to call OPERATOR to eliminate their "enemy".

Kisses my friends ;) 


OPERATOR thank you for GoldenCurl thank you for BMW330i u baned me cause im strong
chris520, see: that's what I'm talking about.
If I do not ban a player than almost everyone moans about it. If I ban him, than some players start moaning about it that it is unfair to ban, other players ask why I do not ban other players. If I ban another one, some players will also ask to ban a third player, and so on.

The problem is that not every player can agree what is cheating and what is not. Many players complained about not banning pikachu. Now that he's banned, other players (including yourself, not only the player in question) will question the fairness of this ban.

If I ask who do you think is a cheater from the top20, that should be banned, probably every one of you will give a different list.

There was a question why not ban all cheating players, why is it so difficult. Well, that's why. 

OPERATOR  i want back the acount GoldenCurl tell me have chance or not 
Banning high profile, high game count players is always a bad idea, unless it's a very short term thing.  Cleaning the mess of multi-nicks used for cheating, trolling and abusing is the way to go.  Nobody 
 a whole bunch of multi.

Btw, I was wrong about the email thing, Email is validated.

Very sorry to see Vanhassan succeed 
 in conning mods to eliminate his "enemies".  Well played, vanhassan, well played. (Not)
erjc's not enough you do anything to get me underground sory but I'm just the best player here, I do not need anyone to get someone off. it was just proven transportation. Now I know that here at fylordie honest operator will thank you (y). erjc please Subscribe now and play more with fullscreen not stingy it's worth your money
Operator, I fully understand you. Just wanted to prove my point about vanhassan, it is ridiculous guy like him started such a thread, that's all.

 everywhere have you jealoes guys .look that chris :s .what ever e say nothing enimore 
So the Operator needs us to decide what "cheating" is? If you ask the 100000 people to decide on something, then of course you will get different answers. How about the 1 person or 1 group of people running this site decide to use their own definitions for cheating. It's outlined in the rules. If you do not have the man power to enforce the rules, well that's an entirely different issue. If you don't care about transporters or people with 20 nicknames that's fine, just say so. Operator don't just redirect the questions back to us and say "it'd hard to manage this site" or "why don't you guys become mods".
Just answer the questions. {Like the question about transporters, surely you know where each person is logging in from etc. Can you ban IP addresses? Again if this is just too much work or some how impossible, just say so and end those questions from coming up again.}
The truth is probably easy and simple, just let people know what's going on with the common complaints, people will slowly stop complaining once word gets around. 

It makes no difference to me anymore. This will be the last time I log on to this site.

No hard feelings but the curling game has become a disaster and I no longer want to be here.

Bye all.
Unfortunately it is not as simple as 1 person = 1 ip address.
You can't even transport from the same ip address btw.

May I ask how many nicks you have? May I ask why did you find it a must to create more than one, when you know it is wrong?

One more thing, before you start accusing us again of "not caring": I counted it for you, there were 500 moderation actions (demerit or ban) yesterday.
I would be very much obliged if you could point me to a direction about where to find those "20+ nicks transporters who make this game a disaster", as I have tried every way I could think of to find them, but only found one (banned before btw).

Thank you

Thanks OP.
Team Canada has announced his/her departure - so I guess there is no point in responding to his/her posts.
I suppose allowing only one player per IP address is too simplistic?
If two or more members from the same family, sharing the same ISP/computer/connection, want to play at present they can. It would seem unfair of stopping them both from enjoying the game, although they obviously can't play with each other - at least not on FlyOrDie Curling lol!
It's only a game...

Family members sharing the same ip is only part of the problem, but the situation is more complicated than that unfortunately. 

Btw, family members (or any other players) from the same ip still can play each other, but there will be no point exchange.

When I was moderating nobody dared to play unfairly because he knew immediately gets banned from me I know the curling and also now resigned from the subscription.I can change again this world for better!
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