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Cent Competition - Snooker
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Cent Competition - Snooker
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Cent Competition - Snooker
Rules are simple:

The first player to achieve a century will get 1 month VIP.

The first player to achieve a 120 break will get 2 months VIP.

The first player to achieve a 140 break will get 3 months VIP.

The first player to achieve a 147 will get a whole year VIP.

 - only breaks in normal snooker count (no quick, lite, etc...)
 - your break has to appear on toplists (only subs)
 - you need to post in this topic when you have achieved one of these

Have fun

Nice competition there OP!  

Good luck all.

FlyOrDie Moderator
well that 147 should be no problem to me (hahaha) 
Sounds great. :)
I'll try one of them. :)

Bring it on :D i had 76 2 days ago, cents are tough though you need nerves to hold on.
If someone does 140+ he shud deserve 6 months in my opinion.
Yea and a lifetime's sub for 147 lol, not gonna happen :p Fun to try though >:)
Greatidea of OP! 

About 140 Break is very hard. I has got my record 106 Break in Snooker Pro last 3 Years with oldversion. 
I will but try it.

great try by the OP to make this game even more competitive and fun but ruined by the kids like AWESOME SKILLZ. playing yourself or playing your mate who is putting balls near the corner pocket is simply disgraceful and with no respect to OP and the other players. But we "all" know this is your life Paul so "great job" on your cent kiddo.... 
>103 break

Unfortunately playing your own nick won't help the matter.  Very nice try and better luck next time. :)

FlyOrDie Moderator
So he played himself? lol how sad :(
P.S Rather than receiving a 1 month VIP I will award you with a ban :)

Congrats Paul.

FlyOrDie Moderator
I'm sorry but you gave him a ban for playing himself?

Give me one to than please, it was my idea. As far as I'm concerned we smashed the pack and carried on as if it was a normal game. OPERATOR never said that it had to be a competetive match.

He even quoted himself that people are gonna play 'centuries' or 'cheat' in fully rated. 

Now I might be being a little crazy here but we pay good money to get the benefits for this game.

If myself and Paul had played 60 matches, leaving every time we missed a century what would have happened? That's right we'd have got a ban for 'boosting', which is cheating. 

Ask every old school player who played snooker lite and pro at the start and they will tell you it's more enjoyable than a normal game.

Cya when my ban is over. My mistake, my bad.
Competition is closed. No VIP is awarded to anyone.
Seems like it only creates further problems.
Not what I wanted.