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gakva60 Nazi monkey says to me is this normal?
ROFLMAO... one that insults many other players is whining like a little girl! tststs
when I say fuck you your mom is ok? OK
I Dont want to interfear,but i can only confirm what Curling stones said here,the childish behaviour and flaming seranades from poker are hoply soon over when he finaly will get his ban
See his reaction!,What more i have to say!!!
thinking first to write something! I always call to let me not as pro-Nazi. So I do not kid yourself into things that do not concern you.
guys pokerkingkong is a funny clown. dont mess with him. if you do, he might cry. 

he is really funny lmao..he lost many games to ME ;) (k)
canada geh raum 5 und lern curling! 20 nicks und hier reinschreiben du witzbold.