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snooker tournament changes 2012-02-02 19:00UTC
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snooker tournament changes 2012-02-02 19:00UTC
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snooker tournament changes 2012-02-02 19:00UTC
In today's tournament, we are going to try out a new format:
- Opponents will be assigned by the server.
- Everyone without active dnd/brb signs will be assigned an opponent, so if you don't want to participate you must activate one of these signs!!
- After a match finishes and you return to the lobby, you will have 10 seconds to indicate you need a break (activate dnd/brb sign). Else, you will be given a new opponent when available. Usually, it will take 10-30 seconds to get into a new match if appropriate opponents are available.
- You won't play the same opponent again until one of you have played another one.
- When the tournament is over the server will wait up to 20 minutes for unfinished matches to be finished.

We tried to make the new system to mimic a Swiss tournament format, however, without forcing a fix round time. The tournament will be supervised. If we find any problems or the system does not work the way it is intended we will switch back to free matchmaking mode and the tournament might be enlengthened.
Whoo that sounds great.
So it does mean that the old rating system of tourneys doesnt count?
Just wins?


[Edited by: Translator on Feb 2, 2012 5:59 PM]
what room is the tournament in?
Tournament will be held in the Tournament Room, as always. If you exit any Snooker room (by clicking on the exit sign in the bottom right corner) you will get the list of rooms then look for 'Tournament Room'.
Scoring will be based on the old system.
Please note, if you always played an opponent with same score as yours then it would work like an elimination system. However, it's too strict when each match last different. The server will enforce matches between players with a difference in score of no more than 16 points. That way each frame will be worth at least 8 points. Matches between players with same score will be preferred though (they will have much more weight during opponent selection).
Nice, will be fun to try out, hope it works :)
this is how all tournaments should be...
no-one can loiter in the lobby continually refusing to play you
Very good really, but ... how this will affect the real punctuation (out of the tournament) of users? because it may happen that the system is set to play a player  " ball 14 " vs other " ball 3 ", guided by the points scored in the tournament and not the real score ..  If the  " ball 3 " were to lose too many points will be subtracted. [ I have used as example ball 8, because I guess I will also be implemented for this game ] but it is also applicable for snooker.  Thanks. 
Verry good idea with this sistem :) ..i hope will work. 
gewinnst eh nicht schaf also was solls :p
Well done, sounds good. And more chances to win tournament, because of players who play only against weak opponents..
why wont it assighn me to a game 
In today's tournament we are going to test a new scoring system.

There will be more points for a win compared to previous version, if there is point difference between the players, and less point deducted in all case.

Two player have equal points, winner gets 16, loser gets 8 deducted (16-16 before).
If there is a 16 difference in points before the match, winner gets 12, loser gets 6 deducted (8-8 before).

The purpose of this change is to encourage playing instead of sitting with dnd, and not to "penalize" players who are paired with non-equal players.

todays snooker tournament showed how bad is this system