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Backgammon-proof of cheater
Backgammon-proof of cheater
Backgammon-proof of cheater
I entered into a game today with a player who was very rude to me but while he was being rude, he let me know he has a program to cheat. I made screen shots of the conversation. This conversation started within three rolls of the dice. 

What does it prove exactly?

Must be quite a lousy program considering the mentioned player's performance...

I would suggest to keep a healthy suspicion when you read something in any online chat window, as there are many individuals who tend not to speak about reality in such circumstances. 
I have come across many individuals that are rude and offensive - i believe it's their childish ploy to try and throw you off your game.  I have sent several complaints about this, i would like to know from the programmer what actually happens when there is a complaint.
Thank you
what is the point of cheating? The only person it affects is yourself  so why bother? There are som funny people out there!