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Getting to grips with it all - my struggle
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Getting to grips with it all - my struggle
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Getting to grips with it all - my struggle
I have recently returned from an extended break from this game and have a few points to make about the new version.

It's been a nightmare. Don't get me wrong, I think a lot of what's been done is great. Indeed, when I first entered the lobby I was taken aback by the opulence of it all. The lobbies have had a lick of paint and the balls are shiny; fantastic.

However, wonder has since given way to a great sense of disillusionment. I can recall cursing the painful lags that ruined my every game those many years ago, I remember my amuseument at being able to screw back when I was tight on the cushion. But no more. improvements have been made. And improvements they are! Yet, I yearn for the quirks that I so lovingly mocked this site for. The archaic design of the lobbies had charm and players seemed happier.

More importantly than mere aesthetics is the impact these changes have had on the gameplay itself. Firstly, the game is much more realistic and I appluad this site for that. However, the scale (ball size:table size) for pro snooker these days seems to me to resemble the way snooker lite used to be. It encourages bigger breaks and that's great but it takes away from the tactical emphasis that I loved this game for. Centuries would be screen-shotted and shared on the forum quickly followed with a flurry of replies congratulating the player on what could only be described as a magnificent achievement. These days that challenge is gone.

But let me not strike too sentimental a tone! All is not lost. The trendy new design will pull in a new generation of players and maybe YOU could score that magical 147 in the next game you play! For me, time will tell. 

DanielCraig B-)
Nice post Daveyboy :D welcome back btw, maybe one day we will meet again. :p
Hah hello mate, its good to see at least you're still here. Definitely up for a game if we're fortunate enough to bump into each other!
Underwhelming comes to mind Davey boy... reminds me of a certain night out in Deal... UNDERWHELMING who falls asleep in a nightclub lol
sounds like Deal hasn't changed much since i lived there as a kid!
There was a cool little pub with some live music! and a nice cafe which did a quality hangover milkshake... my Dad lived in Deal about 60 years ago, he said it hasn't changed lol
Hello man, I am new here also and I am glad to see that this is an active community!
david ya old bugga lol , amazing everybody comes back here for more punishment lol ! .
I could tell it was Dave from the needlessly flamboyant way of writing. 
Hell i'm very new here.. salute you!! hope to enjoying my stay:)