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who are the best players here?
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Go Moku
who are the best players here?
Posted in 
Go Moku
who are the best players here?
who are the best players here?
I AM the best :D jajajaj >:) i'm back to take my place as the king of GOMOKUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU kamahame haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
im best player "gondoruwo" from indonesia. :D
No.1 / mr frenec 
No.2 / 	DavidGuetta  
No.3 / Cuicacabra 
No.4 / Κเหģ Ηẻяẻ 
No.5 / ჯ пêŠŤêẰ ჯ 
this's my opinion 
oh.. i fogot pekingg.. 

No.5 / pekingg 
 mr frenec easy 
 DavidGuetta easy
 Cuicacabra easy 
Κเหģ Ηẻяẻ  easy (program player)
ჯ пêŠŤêẰ ჯ  very easy player..:p :p

maybe im differnt not bad..MAYBE ;) :p
in alphabetical order:

David Guetta
I'm Different
Mr. Ferenc
King Here
New Hope
Rich Witch

These are all the players i never beat LoL.. Well i beat Ciuca once, but that was down to luck 
Nestea and Pekingg obviously, my lovely friends