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Quiting -> Tanx
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Quiting -> Tanx
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Quiting -> Tanx
hey, some of u noticed i no longer login to tanx anymore.. its got boring for me. i found a new game now. had some fun times on tanx but it never gets any better.. i shall miss sam, jeff, boss(gamer) , alex, ducky,nightwalker , lady gaga , jean , nitro,brock lasner( brocky if u see this, its to bad we didnt get to duel more. we only duled twice this whole time and it was 1-1, we never got to break that draw ,, hopely one day we shall :O ).. i shall also miss tina , sib , danny and all the ftw's. if i forgot your name i sorry!!! and i also sorry to the person who gift me sub this month, i never got to use even a day on it :( .. <(>.<)> 

for those who dunno this nik my other niks are
Kreaper, Ftw Grenade , scary light / Erik.

hope to see you in tha future thats if you havent got fed up of tanx yet and tha fact that it hasnt gotten updated in over a decade now :O ..
and if u see this tca nightwalker, you wont be having trouble from me anymore , tanx is now safe :) ,lol 

Bye -> Bye
The Famous Four Words: They Call Me Kreap.
Something il miss.

Since nobody else had the decenty to reply to your farewell post i will.

Sorry it took so long to reply i had a demerit again lol.

but you know me not one to take the doctors orders LOL.

What a shame im starting to play regularly again and your gone lol.

sad to hear your leaving bro hope everything goes great for you.

you know iv seen alot of players come and go , alot of them don't progress much at all , but i have to admit you progressed by a large amount in the space of a couple of months great job bud.

As long as i am around this game youl always be welcomed back by a "familliar Face"  , you ever come back need help il be there.

Thanks for your support anytime i was playing also.
always cheered me on , no matter what anyone else says i respect you for who you are.

Re-Add My Msn if your ever online - puntang2008@hotmail.com.

Thanks for all the fun memories Erik
Look after yourself.
All the best.


hey erik 
Good luck with your life bro 
Time goes on and things change 
We had fun with our friends in tanx and more 
You were a reason for me to play tanx 
Now it's time for something else for you. 
Have a good life friend, 
and I hope i ever speak you. 
y did u have to left boss man :( miss u bro 
Creeper how dare you forgot me??????is me Maxxxy...can't believe you mention Jeff in your farewell list but not me? is it because i don't like wearing black sneakers? :) (...) ...nah...gl in w/e your planning on doing and i had so many gd times with you :p. Even though sometimes you would get annoying as $#%# lol.

NOTE: Please avoid ambiguous remarks, thank you
[Edited by: Mervin on 05.07.2012 14:31]
ProudCatholic : he clearly stated he is sorry for anyone he did not include in his farewell post.

i somehow doubt he would of mentioned you tho since you got him into trouble all the time.
UBR DI3HARD will remember us always to that specific player id liked the most. He was a perfect friend for me, Sentinel and many others, I will always see him as the first commander of UBR in big matches (2v2, 3v3) with Mallory and Admiral and UBR Warrior, Imagine if all guys were back together. We wouldve been the UBR clan who would be always remembered, but ill go on. :)