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Thoughts for   THE VAMPIRE
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Thoughts for   THE VAMPIRE
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Thoughts for   THE VAMPIRE
Hello all fellow fod users. Its been bought to my attention that a very good friend of mine on here is fighting a battle with terminal cancer.

Many of the older regulars on our site will remember the vampire lge in 9 ball. Vince was the head admin and we always had fun tnys.

Apparently he has just 2 weeks before this horrible disease will send him off to a better place.

Personally id like to say ty for the memories m8 may the 9 ball always fall in the pocket you aim for.

Thinking of you and yr family at this hard time.

With regards geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee as u used to say hello to me in lobby.

yr m8 grant 

[Edited by: geelong6 on 02/07/2012 6:45 PM]
Very sad news & well early before his time I feel as well as everyone else. I was in shock when I first heard this & it wasn't easy to accept. I met Vince years ago in Vampire league & known him my teen life. We turned out to be great friends over the years & liked wrestling & such. I found him to be quite humorous & full of life online. I bet we played over a couple thousand & some matches against one another if not more. "Cut-throat" pool we call it haha. If it was playing or chatting with him; it was all good times. Though we never met, I'm glad to be a part of the FOD family with him & even called him "dad". I will certainly miss that "sonnnnnnnnnnn :p" greeting from him every time we would speak. Thanks "daddddddddddddd" for the 6 years of memories & inspiration you gave me in my young life on here. Hang in there bud. Sending love, prayers, & wishes to him & the family all around from N.C., - Ryan 

& Thanks Grant for making this forum.

[Edited by: geelong6 on 03/07/2012 3:47 AM]
Very sad news

Sending love, prayers, & wishes to him & the family all around from N.C.,

Sincerely of my part too.
Vince, I have known you a long time and my prayers are with you and your family. I enjoyed many days in the league(s) with you and I know (for a fact) everyone laughed at your sillyness and banter (you cheeky lil' guy lol).  Best Love to you!




I was a regular member and TD of Vince's league and as Grant mentioned it was a great league, one of the best.

My heart goes out to Vince and all of his family at this very sad moment.  He was a friendly guy, never any trouble and was keen to make people on FOD happy by running his league.

Again my thoughts are with him, his family and friends.


FlyOrDie Moderator

so sad to hear this news vince you was always nice to me in lg and i enjoyed chatting with you may the gates of heaven open wide for you and the angels inbrace you with all there love and affection always in my thoughts my friend all my love with you at this sad time 
A Prayer For My Friend

Lord, I ask You to bless my friend who is suffering right now.

Where there is pain,
may he find peace and mercy.

Where there is self-doubt,
may he gain a renewed confidence.

Where there is weariness or exhaustion,
give him understanding, patience, and strength.

Where there is fear,
reveal your love, and offer to him your courage.

May your spirit always be joyous and
the rest of your  days rich and full with love 

And may you always know that you have friends.
Awful to hear such bad news like this and not only that amongst us we have had the honor to meet him and play with him. 

My thoughts and wishes are with his family and friends. 


To all of his friends. Vincent passed away  shortly after 6pm. July 8/12

He went peacefully in his sleep surrounded by his family. His pain, at least, is over.


RIP Vince.  My love and sympathies go out to everyone involved.

FlyOrDie Moderator
RIP My very dear friend, a perv and a flirt you may have been (in the best possible way) and something you often admitted yourself but you were also a dear friend, always there if people needed you and ran a league which has so many good memories behind it that you will never be forgotten...

Give them hell wherever you are Vince!!!
Rest in peace old friend...
I was a TD in Vampire league years ago and we shared many great times through all the tourneys.
A true gent among the FlyorDie community who I am sure will be missed by many xxx
R.I.P..although i didnt know him , its always sad when someone passes away , my deepest respects to his friends & family , i wish you well at this difficult time..very sorry for your loss

i hope u in a better place were ever u are bud i knew u long ago on here wen u first started vamp league n yes was one of best played many tourneys there wen i went to 9 ball that was anyways u will be sadly missed man..
I have just heard this. My tears fall freely. He was so young. We were best friends for about 10 years. I wondered why I never could find him. He always called me his yellow rose of texas. I will always remember him fondly. Loved him lots.

Played in the league a lot with him. Funny guy. Miss that league. Sad to hear this.

First time I saw this, im sure he has been lounging in paradise since. Vince was a friend of mine. Thanks for the memories.