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FlyOrDie Tanx Crown?
FlyOrDie Tanx Crown?
FlyOrDie Tanx Crown?
I know over the years everyones been asking for tanx to be updated , but it seems as we lack updates in tanx due to low population of the game nowadays? thats what i think anyway.

id like to inform flyordie , that although tanx isnt like it once was , i have been playing month after month for the past 3 years , even tho its not half as popular as it was , us old players still play the game very often , im not asking for anything huge as an update just maybe something like : introducing the crown icon into tanx , for the top players instead of 5 stars , like , make the 5 star rank only available in tournaments or for second place in the top 20?

a crown in tanx is something iv never seen but i would honestly love to see it ,and i speak for alot of other players who would love this idea..

all im asking is to bring the crown icon into tanx for the top players please!

i am currently 1st on the toplist for tanx and im very tired of looking at the 5 star rank icon..iv had it way to much over the years , please give us a crown icon.

if possible guys.


The queen wears a crown not army members . queen of tanx .     the stars are fine leave it alone 
this is fod not buckingham palace m8.
"stars are fine " , you would state this since you cant obtain them yourself just to spoil it for those who can.

il support this topic as long as i am a member of tanx.
i like the stars myself but they are kind of out of fashion nobody plays for them anymore besides me Zeus & Ghost.
ok then. but could we have 2 sizes big one for jeff and smaller crown for  others >>(y)
Nickhiding on the forums trying to say im big? lol  grow up please.
Big Head? , first of all this was a request for a crown being placed into tanx for the top players , like every other game , i see nothing in any of my paragraphs showing im big headed , if i seem big headed to anyone then im sorry.

but meaty i dont even know who you are , so im not going to argue with an anonymous individual trying to get me into bother.

Yo i guess anytime people like meaty came, and didn't help that much to grow into the progressive way...

Mate meaty, you are a loss of time, to be honest, i've been subscribing during almost 6 years on tanx, and i never saw any kind of update... it's still lagging when u get no sub.

Introducing a crown would just show that FoD hasn't given up on tanx.
The money i invested in subscriptions to play only Tanx, wasn't supposed to finance any other game.

Pw Ρɾієѕt you say you can speak English Spanish & French .stick to french i will use translator . why would you want crown in tanx. it will never happen because its a stupid idea. in the army  chevrons & stars are used . maybe you should ask  for helmet which would be little more apt. you both would wear it well .
Meaty ,

players in tanx have as much right as everyone else in flyordie games to have a crown icon introduced.

the crown was to make players feel more inspired to ascend to higher levels & ranks , battle people for the top spot to obtain that Crown or in tanx Five Stars.

so explain to me exactly which part of having a crown in tanx is stupid billy.

if players like the idea of having a  crown , then they should get the crown in tanx like all other games.

the only reason it hasent been placed into tanx , is because of the games population now.

if this was a couple of years back it would of been a different story.

but it seems to me that your trying to prevent any update to this game , this isnt the first topic you have decided to reply to with a negative remark towards the players ideas.

if your going to reply to a topic you dislike heres a decent way of doing so:

Topic Title : do you like the idea of flyordie introducing a crown into tanx for the elite players?

A Simple response would be something like this.

Yes that would be a splendid idea!

Or Perhaps This one.

No i dont like this idea.

Or Dont Bother Replying Saves time & doesnt cause an argument.

instead of being rude and provoking the poster.

Note : Making fun of a players english is not polite.

i have seen you miss out words in sentences on numerous occassions so i wouldn't be mouthing off about anothers mistakes.

he is free to speak which ever language he chooses
just like everybody else in this world.

jeff  you will never get a crown in tanx. the simple reason is because it was you that asked for it.you would be better off filling in a few job applications instead of forever putting trash in forum . you assume too much .
What i do in my personal life is my own concern not yours.

btw , i don't post trash in the forums , i post ideas & suggesstions , nobody forced you to comment on my thread in the first place either.

you should stop "following me" around this website like a lost puppy and get a job yourself , i am currently in college studying Administration & Information Technology , but thats my buisness not yours.

Btw , why sub 5 accounts at once each month?
so you can troll people on different names ? 
seems to me thats the only thing your good at.
follow me around this website talking trash to me , or my friends o.O

Grow up son.