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Seeing the IP. address of your opponent
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Seeing the IP. address of your opponent
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Seeing the IP. address of your opponent
I would guess that around 95% of Flyordie gamers play from a static IP. address.  To greatly help with the fairness of ALL Flyordie games, it would be good if all players IP. addresses were made visible to their opponents during gameplay. 

In network play on various other sites and online gaming, the IP. addresses are visible to the players. It is far too easy with the current set up for players to 'hide' behind their multiple nicks of varied ranking levels. 

Someone can repeatedly cheat.. or lie.. or be verbally offensive to others..  etc etc.  And then just simply return incognito with a different username. 


Why not name and shame?  Less players would abuse the system, and more genuine, honest gamers would return..  and probably more subscribers too.

This would cause countless amount of problems.

Firstly I can find out your address with this information, not a good idea on an online gaming site.

Secondly it is easy to hack a network with someones IP address.  (With the right tools and no life obviously, but those people DO exist)

>Why not name and shame? Less players would abuse the system, and more genuine, honest gamers would return.. and probably more subscribers too.

I for one would not subscribe to a game where my IP address is visible on an online community.  I might as well leave my house keys in my front door when I go to work, with my car running in the work car park..

Sadly, I cannot find any advantage of your idea, and i'm 100% sure the developers of this game would back me up on that.

FlyOrDie Moderator

Okay clearly IP address is not the answer, but i'm sure there must be another way. 

With multiple usernames and absolute anonymity, it is far too easy for the spoilers to spoil.

I can't see a problem with multi niks as long as ratings are not transfered between nicks which is cheating and should adressed by the approprate measures as for ip adresses there all over the forum and are used to connect with other players when in a privately run tournament .Tournement have lost there popularity in the last couple of years If thunder wants to leave his keys in his car then fine with me I hope it is a 1969 GTO judge haven't driven one in a while .
There is no need to transfer points between ones own nicks.  What they do is to "protect" their highest rated nick by playing with their 2nd or 3rd best nick.


 --> 350 Rating
 --> 300 Rating
 --> 250 Rating


a) If a 350 rated guy plays 
, its an even / fair game.

b) If "350 rated" plays 
, he needs to win by 3:2 ratio.

c) If 
, then he needs a 2:1 win ratio win just to break even and not 
 rating points.

I hope this makes it clear why "multinicks" are such bad sports.(to put it mildly)

Try it out in the rating calculator;


and see for yourself.

I am certain that instead of an actual IP. address there must be some other safer way of indicating to the players WHO potential opponents actually are.

eg.  if my actual ip address was given a code by flyordie anytime it was used, so lets say 'xb3z'

then anytime a username had 'xb3z' beside it would mean its highly likely that its me. people would know my code, but they wouldnt know anything else (like my location or where my car keys are!!)

It would make it a far fairer place if 'MR 50 nicks' had his code show up beside all his many usernames whenever he entered the gaming rooms.   

VINNY, an honest guy might think that.  But It really is trivial to change IP addresses.  It is an inconvenience at most.  That is why there is no rules about multiple nicks.  Totally impossible to enforce.
You hit the nail right on the head.

It is possible to "fingerprint" browser/Operating System/JavaVirtualMachine but also easy to mask or change those.  Cookies or "watermarked" copies or the game client are also easily thwarted by clearing Browser/Java cache.  Anyone can set up any number of Virtual Machines and keep their tracks individual per PlayerID along with different IP's.  Tedious but rather simple tricks.


This (clever :) ) guy had a possible way to track nultinicks...  But really huge resource hog and overkill for this issue.

A lot of really smart folk has devised schemes for "Online Identity" over the years, but nothing is workable short of turning the Internet into an Orwellian nightmare :( 

Goodday and good curling
Is it cheating to have two players from the same household using the same computer? Both my husband & I play and though I am no techy, but I imagine we would show the same ip address. I can't believe we are the only household with multiple players
Hi there,

it's totally fine to do that. 

posting a ip adress is a bad idea .Would like see the number of nicks a player has pasted by his name then you can choose to play a player with multi-nicks or not play him
why do u want ip addresses you sound as if ur up to no good and under the human rights act section 5 the right to privacy u would get sued
You sound as if you're up to no good 'curling_grate'....
you are nothing, spout drivel all you want.  ;)
ha ha ha ha ha ha lose the argument did you :@
LOL sorry mate, but what argument ?  are you having an argument with yourself?  if so, be calm...  relax.  :S

you can carry on with the sad trolling and stirring to attempt to wind me up all you want, maybe one day you might eventually get that screenshot that you so clearly crave... 

don't give up!!  :D
