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Disruptive and abussive player
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Dear Moderators
Disruptive and abussive player
Posted in 
Dear Moderators
Disruptive and abussive player
I am asking if there is anything that can be done about the player named seven1. He is disrespectful, disruptive, and rude to other players as well as commenting and giving information on games during play. Why has this player been allowed to continue with his actions when others are being reprimanded as we speak?? Not fair if you ask me. Today he has come in to two of my games just to cause trouble. Please do something about him.
Please search the forum for your answer before creating un-necessary threads.

FlyOrDie Moderator
Why is this an unnecessary thread??? I have reported him many times by way of the report button an nothing is being done about him?? I ask him to leave an he keeps mouthing off. I don't know how to take screen shots or I have tried an nothing happened. All I am asking is that someone do something about his disruptive antics. That's all. I see others getting demerits for what they are doing YET this guy is allowed to do whatever he want's?? Come on. An I know I am not the only one complaining about him. Today he came in to a game an did  it again. Not fair to others to allow this to go on. That's all I am saying.
>Why is this an unnecessary thread???

Because the forum is not a place to report such behaviour.

>>I have reported him many times by way of the report button an nothing is being done about him??

I have seen the chat reports and he hasn't said or done anything that warrants further action.

>>>All I am asking is that someone do something about his disruptive antics  

If he is following you around, please use the mute button provided.

We will keep monitoring this user for further problems, thank you.

FlyOrDie Moderator
Aahzmandius,please click ALT+ "print screen" to take screenshots ok:)
I guess you are not seeing what others are seeing then. Oh well I guess he is a favorite here. Thank you but not fair.

i am a one who playes football.i dont know what is the things happening in your game.
well i also dont know to report abuse:D