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Pop out tournament
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Four in a Row
Pop out tournament
Posted in 
Four in a Row
Pop out tournament
It's fair that ppl who like the pop out variation get an own pop out tourney, so far so good - BUT why is the normal c4 tourney canceled?
In tournament plan every month ONLY pop out tourneys till february !?!?!?!?! Isn't FOD able to make 2 tourneys?
Would be fair for all player.
i fully agree with you 3areNOTenough


I really appreciate you make tournaments.
I play 4 in a row for almost 6 years and trust me, I couldn't ever imagine you will make such a thing as Pop-Outs.
Well, you made it.
My request is simple and very important for me and many other players: Please make tournaments only with original games too.

Thank you very much, 
I agree! Miss Connect 4 Tournaments.

// Leanage