Just like too give a heads up, too the current fair players who i enjoy having games with, and also i will list the correction of the current toplist, as i think its a joke how many programmers & runners are in the current top 20. First, the best & most fun to play with mooooom jf40 mioy jeje7 goodenough Dark Prince Babysexy Premonition Yukian muggaz dreddz LAMIA Viriul or Viritus or something lol ermm yea, thinks thats about all ive seen so far after my week back, but for fun i'll mention a few old great players, also OwNeD i want to play 20+ games sometime :p OwNeD golbez Divine Knight qwer Bradspeleran Jer0me Bandicoot And finally, my version of the current toplist, im just removing the current players which run and prog in the top 20, all that remains are the true top 20 players. Thanks. 1. Dark Prince 2. jeje7 3. -_ToMoRroWLanD_- < yes me, im just saying as i see it 4. witch007 5. muggaz 6. Pw Prince 7. Silent Rain 8. x̸X̸xANGELx̸X̸x 9. Suprafix 10. Yukian 11. dreddz The rest of the current top 20, you all bankers, programmers, and runners Just saying what i feel :) Don't like it, dont look Thanks.