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Gift Subscription
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Gift Subscription
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Gift Subscription
As our way of thanking our most loyal members for their positive participation in our games, they are eligible for a two-months gift subscription.

This includes every player with at least 9 dots in their info.

All you need to do is to check the "claim gift subscription" thing on the login page.

If you are currently subscribed, do not worry, it will not be lost, you can claim it when the current subscription is about to expire.
I'm not really bothered about the gift subscription myself, I hardly ever play anymore and when I do I can just subscribe myself anyway if I want.

But what I would like to see is something like a progress bar (somewhere on your stats page under your current dots?) showing how close you are to your next spot. I have 8 spots and if I knew I was say 80 - 90 % towards my next spot it would probably spur me on to try and get to 9 dots!

At the moment we have no idea how close we are to earning our next spot!

I don't know if this would be a good idea or if it would even be possible to implement on the site, but it is something I would like to see added if possible. 
how long will the gift subscription be available for?
This is an interesting idea and I think it's nice of fod to reward their long-time players.

I just wish that you could earn dots by playing larkinor or that there was some kind of equivalency system for long-time larkinor players.  I realize that this is a nice gesture that fod didn't have to make, but I can't help feeling even more ignored and left out of the community by this.
Was the requirements for this Gift Subscription changed, as I logged on today for the first time is a while and it let me claim the Gift Subscription even though I still only have 8 dots.
Yes, you are now eligible for one month with 8 dots.
Nice one, cheer Operator!

I don't know if this is the way it's supposed to be, and it's no big deal to me but it won't let me into full rooms, is that right?
Umm, sorry about the multiple posts, don't know how I managed that.
The Gift Subscription has been extended to include level 7 members, who will receive 2 weeks in the coming weeks.

Gift subscription should get skilled and tallented players ,not all ... !
I look forward to this :)

my 7 dots many hours of gameplay so its nice to be rewarded
hello, I have 7 dots and from what I hear I should be able to get the 2 week gift sub. I hear it's supposed to appear on my login page, something like "redeem gift subscription now". I've been waiting for a week and it's never came up. I was wondering if this is a tech problem or they got rid of the 7 dot sub? Thanks.
>hello, I have 7 dots and from what I hear I should be able to get the 2 week gift sub. I hear it's supposed to appear on my login page, something like "redeem gift subscription now". I've been waiting for a week and it's never came up. I was wondering if this is a tech problem or they got rid of the 7 dot sub? Thanks.

If you read OP's comment properly he says "in the coming weeks"

The Gift Subscription has been extended to include level 7 members, who will receive 2 weeks in the coming weeks.

Una pregunta na damas que hay con los que tienen mas de 7 años y tienen mas de 7 puntos como es mi caso no hay regalo de nada...please contestarme ....
I'm on level 7 right now and have been since last year, or maybe even a little longer.  I'm glad you guys are awarding us members.  :)  Love playing the Billiards here!

I'm just curious as to how close I am to leveling up to Level 8.  But I won't bother you guys about it.  I know it'll come soon enough. :)
Any indication as to when us level 7 members will be rewarded?
I would like if possible gift subscription to nik  



May I ask when those users with 7 dots will be eligible for "Gift Subscription"?

>May I ask when those users with 7 dots will be eligible for "Gift Subscription"?

Seems it's sorted now.  Thanks FOD. ;)
hiya, im now over 8year whiv this nick and have 7 dots too... why i dont get gift ? have over 15000games played too
The 7 dots not sufiecient for a gift subscription!:)
интересно) прошло два года, играю каждый день... когда же точка номер восемь созреет, а?