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System Tournament updates
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System Tournament updates
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System Tournament updates
We have modified the tournament system in order to discourage the extensive use of dnd and similar functions.

You can take a timeout 3 times during a single tourney. The total time allowed is 180 seconds. This includes dnd, brb or simply leaving the room.

You will be repeatedly notified about the remaining time while on a timeout (unless you left the room).

If you do not "return" after your time is up, or you take another timeout when you do not have more, your tournament ends, the rating you have at that time will be your final rating. 

Being present in a match as a spectator is not considered as a timeout, but you can be put in a match to play while spectating.
So if you really want to watch a match, you have to put dnd on (which will reduce your remaining time).

One more thing:

Non-subs need to have at least two dots to participate in a "public" tournament.
Great news. 
This is exactly what we needed.


Best regards,
Ronnie O.KIEV.UA
Good updates guys, I look forward to playing a tournament soon.

Hemos modificado el sistema de torneos con el fin de desalentar el uso extensivo de las funciones "No molestar" y similares 
(regreso en un momento).

Usted podrá tomar 3 veces un tiempo de espera durante un único torneo. El tiempo total permitido es de 180 segundos. Esto incluye "brb" ( regreso en un momento) dnd (no molestar), o simplemente al dejar la sala.

Usted será notificado en repetidas ocasiones sobre el tiempo restante durante un tiempo de espera (a menos que usted deje la sala).

Si no "regresa" después de que su tiempo se ha terminado, o se toma otro tiempo de espera cuando no tienen más, su torneo termina, la clasificación que tenga en ese momento será su calificación final.

Estar presente en una partida como espectador no se considera como un tiempo de espera, pero se puede poner en una partida a jugar mientras esté de espectador.

Así que si usted realmente quiere ver una partida, usted tiene que ponerse en 
(No molestar) (que reducirá el tiempo restante).

Don Tico
Excellent (Y) and good luck to all tournament

The winners of the last 3 curling tournaments have all used the DO_NOT_DISTURB (dnd) in the last 5 or 10 minutes of the tournament.  The final game is thus never played.  The leader ducks out of the final and 
 that the 2 vs. 3 game will not generate enough points to overtake first place.  

I hoped that "fighting spirit" and "fair play" would push 
 to play the final but these days it seems any abuse of the system is good enough to win.

I suggest a 
5 point penalty
 to use DO_NOT_DISTURB in the final 10 minutes.  5 points and then 2 more every minute until official end.

Thank you.
Play better than them and stop complaining about them using DND to win a tournament lmao
Well done.

Great News,Operator.(Y)

Keep updating,we need it.