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how can you improve your game?sometimes everything is going good,and the other day anything goes wrong.like your pc don,t do what you want
and I thought we might get some strategy talk out of this post... Can't hope too hard.
Hi there,

A good way for players to develop their skill is by taking a close look at how aiming and power go together. How much sweeping and the trajectory of the rocks will be determined primarily from aiming and power, and secondly by sweeping. Aiming wider allows you to have less shot power but more sweep and in the end ending up in the same position. The main difference between a shot with little sweeping and a shot with more ice and more sweeping is it's trajectory. The wider aim and less power, will start wide and typically have potential to curl more. 

Your first step should be getting to know the basics. How much power do I need to get to the button, and how wide aim must I have. It is advised to start off by applying a little bit less power, more ice, and more sweep if you are not comfortable with your power control. The sweeping allows you to adjust the length of a rock much more precise than using only power generated from hack. 

When you know how to do basic draw shots, takeout shots and how to aim in order to end up where you want your rock to go, you can start applying strategy. However, I would not hesitate with practising the skill aspect of the game a lot. The better your repertoire of shots, the more tactics you can apply in a game situation.

If you have any questions, just ask.