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Is Tanx Dying?
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Is Tanx Dying?
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Is Tanx Dying?
I have told lots of friends about tanx and they come back and tell me that high ranks bank on them or pizza bully's them or madmike chases them around. The end result is they wont play tanx! If they feel that way im sure that others that  have come to play have the same thing happen to them. Jeff is the only person I know of that has taken the time to write how to play tanx in a forum post! Thumbs up to you Jeff and Jeff and I are not friends I never even talked to him. The reason that there were so many players back in the day is most likely because the game was new and the players had the same skill as everyone else.The ones that can catch on quick turn in to the legends!! Those days are over and will never come back because now tanx has players that have been playing for  years or are the real pros (im catching up) and this game is a skill game which means it takes years to get even a little bit good. The new players that play and stay have something in them that most people don't its called the will to win and get better (never give up) I tried talking to players here and am ignored most of the time so I gave up talking to any one.Tanx needs players like xcninja who is very cool in my opinion this guy will talk to you if you talk to him! Bottom line is there will always be good players and very good players, very very good players like Jeff and Exterminator (I hope I spelled that right)  along with the legends from the past! I also know that most of you don't know me but im around and im getting better everyday lol. So maybe when a stranger on tanx puts his hand out to you shake it! It most likely would make a big difference to the new players and they would stick around. Beware im getting better every day and can own some of you so called pros and im not kidding either lol!! Thumbs up to all the cool tanx players and there are more than I mentioned! I hope I didn't offend any one with what I wrote except the two at the top you need to chill on the new players. This line is for the forum trolls I don't care what you have to say if it isn't positive!  Later
although i haven't spoken to you before you sound like a pretty decent person.
I hope you get better at the game.
i would love to login one time ages from now and get whooped badly from a new player , atleast it would show people are willing to learn & keep the game going.
I have tried to keep it going for like 3 years , by constantly calling other clans out on forums for a fight , tryin to make tournaments for the active players , doesn't always work , but atleast i tried.
but thanks for your opinion of my playing
Usually people just insult me anytime i try make any effort for this game.

Yea tanx is dead , im lucky if i play once a week , not due to being bored but nobody is online anymore besides people that troll like members of XC.All of them except Tyler , Nitro , Sam , Wolf , Cody.
Have had beef with me just because i tried to revive this game where as they would rather let it die.

As for old players , ultra & minni were the best.
Modern players would beat alot of the old pros tho due to more strategic styles of play being created since they all left.

I Posted that guide in september to help new players & some active people that were looking for information to improve ,it helped a few that i'm aware of but alot of the new people that join play once , think its either boring , or impossible so they just leave , i guess alot of people don't have the patience for it which is a shame.

Anyway if your a newer player in terms of skill , i hope you one day get better then me , it would be nice to see someone go for the same goals i had on here.

Tanx is in my opinion not going to ever be what It was. And Thump I thank you for the compliment. I do not mind speaking to anyone on tanx. I am a cool guy. I treat people as they treat me. As you see FTW WARRIOR (Jeff)can not reply to a post without making a negative comment to an XC member. I troll around as he saids....Jeff how come you didnt tell me you were owned twice<----yes i said twice buy a UAG Maluko? I thought you were the best? Now see Thump the same respect he gives me I give him back. The way you can try an avoid (nic hiders) chasing you, is making ops that lock them out. Example: if your rate is 105 and u want 150. You make op 85 to 160. Most nic hiders have low rate (under 50). Im not telling you this will solve your problem or any others problem,s but you will have a more enjoyable time on Tanx and be able to get your rank without 500 rank players beating you down while there hiding on a low rate nic. Now if your not subscribed and I am in Tanx just ask me to make u an op..I have no problem helping you or anyone else out. I am very familar with the map (back shooting) etc etc etc. So any questions feel free to ask. Remember the whole idea is practice and knowing how to force your challenger to a position where you have the advantage, and you can make the kill.I do play people on Tanx like Pancho who (cough,cough) pwned UAG Maluko 10-7.Hmmmmmmm...I have screen shot so (Jeff) if you want the proof just ask. I play Dreamtaker and respect him.He is an old school player who is a very tough opponent and he is cool as ice.When I am on tanx just ask man...I will gladly speak to you.Thanks again ;) :$ 
Its true i cant reply without a negative comment towards your dead clan , as your entire clan did nothing but talk trash , go around bragging and causing trouble , in all honesty your clan is a bad influence to newer players of this game , im glad they all quit , the game doesn't need egomaniacs like you.
LMAO Jeff look at all your previous posts...... LOOK IN THE MIRROR. 
John sit down , its not as if you can prove me wrong on any subject you werent a good player lol.
tanx is indeed dying and i don't think is gonna recover. I mean, you might see somewhat movement but nothing to the point that is gonna give signals is gonna be like the gd ol days. You people should move on YOLO!!!  
Jeff, I would say sit down...but thats all you do. I heard you were like 350? You have no idea again what you speak of. Did I ever say I was a "GOD LIKE YOU CALL YOURSELF". No I did not. My rank like I have said before was at my best 413..steady at 375. And I have an idea for you. Its called "Weight Watchers". Im sure they will ship it to the UK, but you cant eat the whole shipment at once.Its called eating in Moderation. And I know what your thinking.... "Is there jellie Doughnuts". I think there could be..but I think there made out of Tofu. And the Jelly is a fat burner paste, I am sure you will enjoy it. You are actually no good.In fact FTW Shadow (sam) is and was 10 times better than you as a player and a Clan leader. Ask anyone they will agree. Your just a big mouth with a bunch of privates and SFT....lololololol. By the way more people have came back to Tanx since I have been here. You have tried but your an Epic failure. Seems as though your the nobody? < I would say the proof is in the pudding..(but you ate it). Theres always Missouri if the truth hurts? ( Its and American saying I am sure that flew way over your head ). I still do feel bad for you. And that was sincere.
Can you try posting once without insulting me?
The game died like 6 years ago, yet i'm still here how sad.
I've seen livelier graveyards.
I was looking through bank statements at the amount of times iv subbed on here since i can remember in 2008 and iv subbed a total of 43 times myself, aswell as subbing others monthly when the game was more active in 2010 when i took over ftw with sam, i was subbing 5-6 ftw members monthly because i cared about them and the game itself.

but this isnt a graveyard yet, its close but not 100% dead yet.

Just need to find more people to play. Not that complicated. 

I mean, just invite people. That part isn't hard.

Problem is, you have to download java now. That's why I don't play anymore. 
>Problem is, you have to download java now. That's why I don't play anymore. 

You need Java to play must game platforms..  It takes all of 5 minutes to download.  Just do it :p

Senior FlyOrDie Moderator (.. and bad Tanx "Player")
The saddest thing just happened. I logged in to play just a few minutes ago, but there was not a single other player :(

Thats a daily issue brock, happens every day at certain times, im pretty much finished myself, i have next to no interest left now.

once a week lol!!!I have seenu there everyday nice try
Tanx died years before most of you started playing. I don't really check these forums that often, maybe twice a year now-a-days, but for anyone who remembers Kobe, Jeff seems like his slightly deranged offspring. That being said, atleast he's trying to keep this game alive for the other 5 people who still enjoy playing it, props to you kiddo. 

The way to get better at this game is open 6-man classic ops. Fight your way to the top, or get steamrolled.

tanx died because Flyordie doesnt advertise tanx on other websites... i mean how hard is it?? but anyway i recently returned and its so dead but im hoping it will get more players soon... i wish the owners could have some mercy and atleast find a solution because they have completely forgotten about us.

"Syr" Is there any particular reason you post negative comments towards my efforts every year?

I Can't say I ever recall bothering you especially since you weren't even around the game the 6 years I was.

So why your so abrupt to all of my threads is beyond me.

In the past I acted childish to attempt to get people to come back looking to play against me to shut me up and give me some competition, not because I personally am a child believe me I sure am not a "kiddo" as you put it.

And for your information I am not similar to Kobe in anyway.
The only possible similarity between me & him was my desire to be one of the best in this time (The Modern Era).

That desire is gone because I already earned the respect of my clan members, rivals and my friends on here.

You are neither rival nor friend but you seem to have a small problem with me and I would appreciate a valid explanation for your issues with my efforts to make this game a little more active for the remaining players.

All I am doing is trying to make a small difference to make the time this game has left enjoyable for all of its loyal members that remain.
Just because a majority of them aren't as skilled as some players doesn't mean they should be considered random players, I believe in treating them with the same amount of respect as I would a Veteran coming back to the game.

I have no problem with you nor do I anyone else for that matter so please explain your trouble with me as it would be much appreciated.

You apparently have no idea how to accept praise. Before you write another wall of text.. don't.

Jeff, I would say sit down...but thats all you do. I heard you were like 350? You have no idea again what you speak of. Did I ever say I was a "GOD LIKE YOU CALL YOURSELF". No I did not. My rank like I have said before was at my best 413..steady at 375. And I have an idea for you. Its called "Weight Watchers". Im sure they will ship it to the UK, but you cant eat the whole shipment at once.Its called eating in Moderation. And I know what your thinking.... "Is there jellie Doughnuts". I think there could be..but I think there made out of Tofu. And the Jelly is a fat burner paste, I am sure you will enjoy it. You are actually no good.In fact FTW Shadow (sam) is and was 10 times better than you as a player and a Clan leader. Ask anyone they will agree. Your just a big mouth with a bunch of privates and SFT....lololololol. By the way more people have came back to Tanx since I have been here. You have tried but your an Epic failure. Seems as though your the nobody? < I would say the proof is in the pudding..(but you ate it). Theres always Missouri if the truth hurts? ( Its and American saying I am sure that flew way over your head ). I still do feel bad for you. And that was sincere.
Hahahhaaa.... roren omg <3 your are now god hahahhaaaa

That is what you call gettin told ;)
Two more forum trolls?

Wow you guys never get old huh.
Tanx is finished now prob due to people getting sick of the way Alex and warrior conduct themselves on the game
Tanx is dead because most people got jobs, went to Uni/college, got bored, don't have a PC anymore or just don't like playing it because its old.

Some left because they couldn't beat me and that's the dumbest reason to leave the game, if you can't beat someone the next best thing is to make the effort to gain the experience to become better than the person that beats you, not all players can do it tho..especially now.

I'm nothing to do with tanx being dead, i had the same Goal as Trainor and many other Veterans, i wanted to revive the game, i did the best i could Advertising it on countless forums and gaming community sites such as EA, Dragonfly and Digital Extremes, and countless more.

I made guides for new players..
I don't play new players rated as i don't think its fair.
I even give them advice in Premium tournaments on how to play if they are new or need help, instead of taking advantage and beating them, i prefer to help them.

What exactly is wrong with that?

You can't stand me because i'm from Dundee which if i recall correctly is barely over a mile away from where you live "Fife" unless that was a lie from your side.

You seem to believe i'm an old man or ae person in his late 30s to 40s when i'm only 22.

You can't stand the clan "FTW" because you were never a part of it and could never beat the members of FTW in ranks, tournaments and most of all respect.

You dislike every single player who is better than you at the game, when i had a rivalry going with Seus earlier this year you were insulting me and he told you to shut up, then you started insulting him, whom you were apparently praising for being capable of beating me after losing to me like 10 times in a row.

You are jealous, and dislike the fact i am still a decent player where as you are a sad little nickhider who never got any better whom only cares about lowering the ranks of good players because you can't surpass them by playing legit.

So you spend your time on the forums trying to put me down, blame me for the game being inactive and trying to make everyone else dislike me aswell when i haven't done a single thing to them other than try to help them improve.

If you continue to flame me, blame me for nonsense on the forums, i will just ignore it in future as i don't see any point in arguing, we should be trying to get the new players that join the game to stick around..not make them leave by arguing.

And your no saint either so don't patronize me, thanks.

I've played Tanx once and for me I've never really personally played and playing it once was enough for me 

Games like Darts Checkers and Four In A Row which I mainly play darts out of these are more funner but don't appear to be dying 

Sorry I don't know any of you guys here but i'd firmly also sadly say

it isn't dying.
Its DEAD. hahaha
Tanx still has players who are subbed and play on a daily basis which means the game isn't dead thanks to the loyal people who login and play on a daily basis.

Stop trying to spark an argument where it isn't necessary.
"basingstroke" I understand your opinion and i respect the fact you were honest about it.

I enjoy other games on FlyOrDie including all the billiard games and sometimes darts even tho i'm hopeless at them i still enjoy them. as winning isn't everything.

Alot of the people who quit tanx over the years left because they kept losing to the same players and gave up.
Alot of them left to work or go study in college or go to University, this game used to have 120 people in two rooms and sometimes more a long time ago.
Some left just because they found a game they enjoyed more or because they got Permanently banned, or perhaps because it just eventually bored them into quitting.

I didn't quit because i always seem to enjoy a good little fight in-game.

And as long as it has subbed people, and others logging and playing on a daily basis it will never be an accurate statement to say "TANX IS DEAD" as long as someone still plays it.

Few numbers is always better than no numbers at all.
But it is dying, and has been for 5 years +, less people each year but atleast it still has some people online daily.
I'd play again if it didn't require a java download, which I can not do. 

Thread about HTML5 replacing Java (Tanx) no ETA on it tho.

What is it that stops you using Java?
You don't trust it? I can understand that ^_^
according to my medical knowledge...tanx is in fact dead. With a heart rate of only 1-3 players and somtimes even 0 pulse...tanx has gone to the other "side". I declared tanx officially dead as in 9-30-14 R.I.P tanx...you shall be remember :( 
Many ppl have there point of view and I respect that cause it shows who they are. Sadly this has been talked through many times, nickhiders is what makes the game fun but notbas fun killing thous who earned them and this is where the moderator from tanx come in cause every game should be judged by its accordance and not by rules applied without knowing the game and habits that will rise through time.

Now for thous with bad criticism is understandable on how tanx looks currently. But with a little group effort it should do the trick (just like Thump said, saying hi or provide tips on how to help will encourage and help him or her get better). But I keep forgetting that this kind of bad criticism and habit killed tanx in the 1st place and not the nickhiders or bankers etc <--- that is why moderator with tanx experience should run it. Please do read my last topic for tanx.

About the glory days is a harsh way of putting it cause as long as that person is alive we can always come back and retest our skill in this game but we all did put our part in a roll for great moments. Rivalry will always be part of it cause we all want to be the best.
In my opinion the main problem with Tanx in the unfair rating system. If you are zero points and lose 3-4 to a player who is 100 rated, the result is that you gain zero points or even could lose points. But if the 100-rated player is so good, then he shouldn't had lost 3 tanks to a noob. Take for example the chess FIDE rating system. Being a 2100 rated FIDE, if you lose 1 game out of 3 to a beginner (e.g. 1400), you are losing a lot of points because the system is intended to balance the ratings and reflecting that the beginner is not as bad and the expert is not as good.
In fact even games made by people who have no experiances in creating a game have more players daily than Tanx, so yes its dead.

In fact the whole Tanx Gameplay is bad because i play for few weeks and own the game already with 99+ pnts wondering if a subber comes around, with it doesnt. Only good players are privates and a poser which i sadly share my name with.

Sorry for my bad english using translator.Bye
That poser is obviously me, and you're upset because I declined your friend request. Honestly why would I add someone I don't even know? That's right I wouldn't. I'm going to assume you're Danny using a VPN, since that's usually the case for a name like this.

The fact you couldn't spell Jefferson correctly gives me the impression that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. The word "Jeferson" isn't even a real name. It's not related to "Jeff" nor does it look like it nor is it similar at all.

Tell your buddy Papatru-BR I said hello, we both know I'm always one step ahead of my haters, I'm sure you already know that tho Anderson. You can't fool me. And Tanx is dead because people like you quit repeatedly and don't stick around long enough to get into it. You talk about not being able to find a subscriber to make you an op? Subscribe and make your own. I make ops for everyone who asks me nicely, if someone demands an op I don't make it. Wouldn't kill someone to show some manners.
I have no idea where your desillusiol stuff comes out, My name is Jeferson and no, My friend Danny or whole UBR doesnt cares what your telling or acting to. Your as low as Max. but then more skilled and yes,

Jeffy let tanx die. no offence. Know the stories thats enough. Better be no loggin on by getted verbally insulted by a punch of rorens impresure who lived a life no one be able to stop him being a mofo. ;)

Next time talk in portuguese, didnt understood half u sayed.
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