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Hi there!
I Understand many players that come to tanx participate in a few matches & either find it boring , to difficult or just don't like it well fair enough , we can't expect everyone to like it , but for those that might be interested in improving i will post some advice here for you.

First of all , you will need to know all the controls & how to use them so please read carefully what i have written below.

Arrow keys can be used to turn the direction of your camera & turret.
Keys (A & S) also have the same function.

The mouse buttons used are Left & Right click , not scroll other then to go up & down the lobby.
Left click is to control where you will place your next movement.
Right click is made for shooting & deploying grenades & mines.

Ctrl Key can be used to make multiple movements at once all you do is hold Ctrl key & click around the map a few times (8) is the maximum amount at once.
However i don't suggest using this for moving when you are more experienced.Ctrl key can also be held down in order to shoot faster all you do is double click which ever you are using (Rocket & Nuke) so you can fire twice which is much quicker then shooting without it.
Ctrl can also be used to fire rapid grenades , depending on how long you hold the mouse button in when firing a grenade it may come out slowly or you may fire 2-3 in the space of 5 seconds(depends on the height and distance you wish to fire them).

Keys for switching weapons. These keys are often used to cycle between your weapons , however i suggest using your mouse to change instead as it is much less complicated.

Example of weapon damage.
Rocket is the strongest weapon but also rather slow.
Nuke is the fastest weapon (My personal favorite).
Grenade is the weakest of weapons as it does 1/5th of the tanks damage capacity.
Mines aren't often used to destroy another players tank but sometimes you can trick people into thinking you have no ammo , to get them close then suicide them with mines.(Cheap but wise if you can't obtain ammo).

2 Rockets Puts your opponent on fire leaving only 1 hit left till explosion so toss a grenade or snipe him with a nuke for a quicker kill.

It takes 4 nukes to fully destroy a tank.( I usually just play with nukes as i feel confident with them).

Grenades do 1/5th damage each time so it takes 5 for a kill.

It is possible to one shot kill someone with a mine , if they are close to one and you shoot it they will just explode instantly no matter what their damage is.

(Double damage) now there is a chaos theory based on double damage as to whether or not someone uses a program to fire one rocket & hit twice the damage then a regular one however this is based on server lag & not programming.

There is no such thing as a program for Tanx or any form of cheating software.

Radar ( Map ) 
now on your top right sector of the screen whilst playing you will see a radar.
This radar is used to display your position , your enemy & any power ups around the terrain.
the white dot in the middle of the map is you.
The other dots are your enemies ( white )
Red dots are power ups such as energy & ammunition.
It is important that you keep an eye on the radar to know where your opponent respawns or may be hiding.
If a player goes of the radar you have three choices.
1: use your mouse to scout the area hoping to find his name somewhere in the distance.
2:F4 ( Tank control mode ) this key allows you to use your camera and look for your enemy , however it also makes you more vulnerable as you cannot move whilst using this key unless of course you make a long move or use ctrl to make a random mix of moves just before you press F4.
3:Move around and wait for your opponent to come back into a visible location.

Note : As a tip for new players , i would suggest practicing moving left & right whilst your tank is facing this direction ( click the link to view the picture )OR copy & Paste it into a new browser tab.

Better to watch the video below

My clicking isn't what it once was so excuse my sloppy moves , i use to be way faster & smooth in moving but hey i guess i got old.:D
I Will make more guides and videos soon , please be patient.

Added : TANX PC Version has a practice mode which is very useful for new players looking to play without worrying about their rating or playing against harder players.

Practice mode consists of 6 players , 5 AI BOTS & You.
Practice against these bots for a while and it will actually help , as when i started using them in 2008 i was only able to obtain 100 points , after a while of playing them i got 300+ easily , so it does help it just takes time.
Added : Shift Key function.

Shift key can be used to change the height of the camera & turret , hold it then move the mouse up & down to adjust the camera angle , this very useful if you spawn in the Energy dome as it will allow you aim higher and have a better chance of sniping.
Added : F2 ( Graphics mode )
This allows you to change the graphics to a lower detail it also changes the shape of numerous objects including the ground and tank.
It will also show squares on the ground , these are where you click to move , playing in F2 Mode is a useful way to create accurate move sets by knowing exactly where to click thanks to the F2 mode.
Anyone who wants to use practice mode , please download PC Version from the link below.

You can stop bumping your own topic because everyone can read flyordie's official guide for tanx or any other games. 
Hello there.

This guide was requested by many new players at the time I posted it.
I Bump this every couple of months so that any new players or anyone looking for a little extra information from an experienced player can observe and perhaps find it useful.

I have been asked countless times for advice in tanx on how to gain experience and improve and each time iv been asked I have shared this thread with those seeking the assistance whenever possible not because I'm trying to be popular in new comers eyes but because I actually CARE about the community and well being of this game.
I believe that inspiring new players to learn helps the game a great deal however most of them don't stick around because they find the game boring or to difficult.
It doesn't take 100+ players to have a good game on here just a couple.

I'm just trying to assist those who need the help whenever I can, I am not interested in being popular or liked by all the players, I am interested in helping the game last longer by motivating the remaining players.

If there was anything wrong with my thread it would never of been approved in the first place as it was never an intention to try and make a better guide than FlyOrDie's version, I made this by request because I listen to the players and do the best I can to help them whenever possible.

I'm just trying to make an effort, is that a crime?
I don't think it is. :)
Tanx... Well, I love playing along side everyone, I am so bad at it! I could do with some good coaching tips, however, I think it could be down to my speed and knowledge.

Kind Regards,
I can teach you sometime if you like.

I was never the best at training people only good at training myself for some reason.
I can try however if you want some advice anytime.
Thanks FTW! very helpful. Congrats on 500 ;)
Hey Buddy, I'm glad to know it helped, just read it slowly try it piece by piece and you should see progress, the game itself takes quite a while to get used to so don't give up.

Thanks btw it's hard to get 500 nowadays.
Bumped for new players to read.
Bumped for new players to read.
nice beginner's guide, Jeff...maybe Danny will become the next "ME" 15 years from now :$
I already know it's a nice guide. Iv had countless newcomers and such compliment me and thank me for making an effort to teach them more about the game.

A dam sight more than anyone else has done for the game. The only person who cared as much as me was Artik.

Danny "Sentinel" is already far better than you ever were, please don't waste your time lying to yourself.
Can't think of a reason to be mad :)
BUMPED for beginners to read if they view this forum section.

Bumped! This threat never gets old!
BUMPED for beginners to read this topic.
"Danny "Sentinel" is already far better than you ever were, please don't waste your time lying to yourself."

He was.
He wouldve liked to hear about how good UBR is but i saw the 1v1s of Sentinel vs Porsche and i cant be more honest if i said that he wouldnt possibly lose against him in 1v1 back or now. Experianced for sure.

Both players who can make a smile on your face now and then, nice memories.
Bumped for the new players. :)
Hi, is this topic where I learn to play tanx again? Lol.

I feel like going back to playing tanx again.  A hug my friends!
@Moderator that deleted my last post, I see why. I had no idea what that word even meant until I just now looked up it's Portuguese meaning. Tornado has been calling me that for years, I returned the favour. Had no idea it was offensive until you didn't approve my previous post. Apologies for using that word, honestly had no clue it meant that. I thought it meant Noob or Friend or something.

@Tornado, let me know if you come back to play regularly and I can come back and give you some games. I don't play Tournaments, it's boring lol unless you play them, then I might. 

hmu on discord @ Jeffy#8908
Bumped for the new players to read.
I remember J from 2008/09, He was already playing better than most others players who already played the games for ages, Those advice were pretty usefully as-well, if i had the time i would definitely play more often but its nice knowing this community in general and i wish it didn't died but no one who wanted it could've stopped it from dying and now its dead. 

But again great memories and a great game in general, fod needs to give it some love and update it, the game deserves it pretty much.
And be sure - you'll find some trainers! or trainors...
Bumped for the new players who might wanna try to start playing it.
Tornado blocked me on his social media page for interactive with him and talk about Tanx and such, He acts pretty nice but he can be though.

Thanks again for the advices since they are far better than fods official onces called by one of the most experianced and skilled players of all time.

The Allies always will win :) 
Ty, Mysterious D(anny). ;)
Bumped for the new players to read.
Jeff best Tanx player all time.
Nice to see my son memorised my parents end life, Thanks :)
"There is no such thing as a program for Tanx or any form of cheating software."

Huns did a lot of D Dossing attacks when they played back in 2006-09 Thats why they came so successful.
Bumped for the new players to Read.
Eu entendo muitos jogadores que vêm ao Tanx participam de algumas partidas e acham chato, difícil ou simplesmente não gostam bem o suficiente, não podemos esperar que todos gostem, mas para aqueles que podem estar interessados ​​em Melhorando, vou postar alguns conselhos aqui para você.

Primeiro de tudo, você precisará conhecer todos os controles e como usá -los. Portanto, leia com cuidado o que escrevi abaixo.

As teclas de seta podem ser usadas para girar a direção da sua câmera e da torre.
As teclas (A&S) também têm a mesma função.

Os botões do mouse usados ​​são de esquerda e direita, não role além para subir e descer o lobby.
O clique esquerdo é controlar onde você colocará seu próximo movimento.
O clique com o botão direito do mouse é feito para fotografar e implantar granadas e minas.

A tecla Ctrl pode ser usada para fazer vários movimentos ao mesmo tempo que você faz é manter a tecla Ctrl e clicar em torno do mapa algumas vezes (8) é a quantidade máxima de uma só vez.
No entanto, eu não sugiro usar isso para se mover quando você é mais experiente. A tecla Ctrl também pode ser retida para atirar mais rápido, tudo o que você faz é clicar duas vezes no que quer que esteja usando (Rocket & Nuke) para que você possa disparar duas vezes o que é muito mais rápido do que fotografar sem ele.
O CTRL também pode ser usado para disparar granadas rápidas, dependendo de quanto tempo você segura o botão do mouse ao disparar uma granada, ele pode sair lentamente ou você pode disparar por 2-3 no espaço de 5 segundos (depende da altura e da distância que você desejo demiti -los).

Chaves para trocar de armas. Essas teclas são frequentemente usadas para pedalar entre suas armas, no entanto, sugiro que o uso do mouse mude, pois é muito menos complicado.

Exemplo de dano à arma.
O foguete é a arma mais forte, mas também bastante lenta.
A Nuke é a arma mais rápida (minha favorita).
A granada é a mais fraca das armas, pois faz 1/5 da capacidade de dano dos tanques.
As minas não são frequentemente usadas para destruir outro tanque de jogadores, mas às vezes você pode enganar as pessoas a pensar que você não tem munição, para que os suicizem com minas (barato, mas sábio, se você não conseguir obter munição).

2 Rockets coloca seu oponente em chamas, deixando apenas 1 golpe à esquerda até a explosão, então jogue uma granada ou pegue -o com uma bomba nuclear por uma morte mais rápida.

São necessários 4 armas nucleares para destruir completamente um tanque (eu geralmente brinco com armas nucleares enquanto me sinto confiante com elas).

Granadas causam 1/5 de dano a cada vez, para que sejam necessárias 5 para morrer.

É possível que um tiro mate alguém com uma mina, se eles estiverem próximos de um e você atira, eles explodirão instantaneamente, não importa qual seja o dano deles.

(Dano duplo) Agora existe uma teoria do caos baseada em danos duplos sobre se alguém usa ou não um programa para disparar um foguete e atingir o dobro do dano, então um regular, mas isso é baseado no atraso do servidor e não na programação.

Não existe um programa para o TANX ou qualquer forma de software de trapaça.

Radar (mapa)
Agora, no setor superior direito da tela enquanto toca, você verá um radar.
Este radar é usado para exibir sua posição, seu inimigo e qualquer energia ao redor do terreno.
O ponto branco no meio do mapa é você.
Os outros pontos são seus inimigos (branco)
Pontos vermelhos são energia como energia, como energia e munição.
É importante que você fique de olho no radar para saber onde seu oponente reaparece ou pode estar escondido.
Se um jogador vá do radar, você tem três opções.
1: Use o mouse para explorar a área que espera encontrar seu nome em algum lugar à distância.
2: F4 (modo de controle do tanque) Essa tecla permite que você use sua câmera e procure seu inimigo, no entanto, também o torna mais vulnerável, pois você não pode se mover enquanto estiver usando essa chave, a menos que você faça uma movimentação longa ou use Ctrl para fazer Uma mistura aleatória de movimentos pouco antes de você pressionar F4.
3: Mova -se e aguarde o seu oponente voltar para um local visível.

NOTA: Como dica para novos jogadores, sugiro praticar a mudança para a esquerda e para a direita enquanto o seu tanque estiver voltado para essa direção (clique no link para visualizar a imagem) ou copie e cole -o em uma nova guia do navegador.

Melhor assistir ao vídeo abaixo

Meu clique não é o que antes foi tão desculpa meus movimentos desleixados, eu costumava ser muito mais rápido e suave em mover, mas ei, acho que fiquei velho.
Em breve, farei mais guias e vídeos, seja paciente.
Bumped for the new players to read.
Bumped for the new players to read!
Bumped for the new players to read.
Entiendo que muchos jugadores que vienen a Tanx participan en algunos partidos y les resulta aburrido, difícil o simplemente no les gusta lo suficiente, no podemos esperar que a todos les guste, pero para aquellos que puedan estar interesados ​​en mejorar, Voy a publicar algunos consejos aquí para usted.

En primer lugar, deberá conocer todos los controles y cómo usarlos. Así que lee atentamente lo que he escrito a continuación.

Las teclas de flecha se pueden usar para girar la cámara y la dirección de la torreta.
Las teclas (A&S) también tienen la misma función.

Los botones del mouse utilizados son izquierdo y derecho, no se desplace más para moverse hacia arriba y hacia abajo en el lobby.
El clic izquierdo es para controlar dónde colocará su próximo movimiento.
Se hace clic derecho para disparar y desplegar granadas y minas.

La tecla Ctrl se puede usar para hacer varios movimientos al mismo tiempo, mantenga presionada la tecla Ctrl y haga clic alrededor del mapa varias veces (8) es la cantidad máxima a la vez.
Sin embargo, no sugiero usar esto para moverse cuando tiene más experiencia. La tecla Ctrl también se puede mantener presionada para disparar más rápido, todo lo que tiene que hacer es hacer doble clic en lo que esté usando (Rocket & Nuke) para que pueda disparar dos veces, lo cual es mucho más rápido que disparar sin ella.
CTRL también se puede usar para disparar granadas rápidas, dependiendo de cuánto tiempo mantenga presionado el botón del mouse al disparar una granada, puede dispararse lentamente o puede dispararla durante 2-3 en el espacio de 5 segundos (depende de la altura y la distancia que quiere despedirlos).

Teclas para cambiar de arma. Estas teclas se usan a menudo para alternar entre sus armas, sin embargo, sugeriría cambiar el uso del mouse, ya que es mucho menos complicado.

Ejemplo de daño por arma.
El cohete es el arma más poderosa, pero también bastante lenta.
El Nuke es el arma más rápida (mi favorita).
La granada es la más débil de las armas, ya que hace 1/5 de la capacidad de daño de los tanques.
Las minas no se usan a menudo para destruir el tanque de otros jugadores, pero a veces puedes engañar a la gente para que piense que no tienes munición, por lo que los matarán con minas (barato pero inteligente si no puedes conseguir munición).

2 Rockets prende fuego a tu oponente, dejando solo 1 golpe restante hasta la explosión, así que lanza una granada o atrápalo con una bomba nuclear para matarlo más rápido.

Se necesitan 4 bombas nucleares para destruir completamente un tanque (normalmente juego con bombas nucleares mientras me siento seguro con ellas).

Las granadas infligen 1/5 de daño cada vez, por lo que se necesitan 5 para morir.

Es posible que un disparo mate a alguien con una mina, si están cerca de uno y disparas, explotarán instantáneamente sin importar cuál sea su daño.

(Doble daño) Ahora existe una teoría del caos basada en el doble daño sobre si alguien usa o no un programa para disparar un cohete y golpear el doble de daño que uno normal, pero esto se basa en el retraso del servidor y no en la programación.

No existe ningún programa para TANX ni ningún tipo de software para hacer trampa.

Radar (mapa)
Ahora, en el sector superior derecho de la pantalla mientras tocas, verás un radar.
Este radar se usa para mostrar tu posición, tu enemigo y cualquier energía alrededor del terreno.
El punto blanco en el medio del mapa eres tú.
Los otros puntos son tus enemigos (blanco)
Los puntos rojos son energía como energía, como energía y munición.
Es importante que vigiles el radar para saber dónde reaparece o se esconde tu oponente.
Si un jugador se sale del radar, tienes tres opciones.
1: Use su mouse para explorar el área con la esperanza de encontrar su nombre en algún lugar en la distancia.
2: F4 (modo de control de tanque) Esta tecla te permite usar tu cámara y buscar a tu enemigo, sin embargo, también lo hace más vulnerable ya que no puedes moverte mientras usas esta tecla a menos que hagas un movimiento largo o uses Ctrl para hacer un movimiento aleatorio. combinación de movimientos justo antes de presionar F4.
3: Muévete y espera a que tu oponente regrese a un lugar visible.

NOTA: Como consejo para los nuevos jugadores, sugiero que practiquen el desplazamiento hacia la izquierda y hacia la derecha mientras el tanque mira en esa dirección (hagan clic en el enlace para ver la imagen) o cópienlo y péguenlo en una nueva pestaña del navegador.

mejor mira el video de abajo

Mi clic no es lo que solía ser, así que disculpe mis movimientos descuidados, solía ser mucho más rápido y suave al moverme, pero bueno, creo que me he vuelto viejo.
Próximamente haré más guías y videos, paciencia.
Your not sloppy imo at all tho :)
Be Ultime Master Pro Entering Ranger.
R? you mean Danger? rsrsrsrs

Bumped for the new players.
Bumped for the new players to read. :)
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