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Backgammon update
Backgammon update
Backgammon update
There has been an update to the backgammon game today, whose main feature is the addition of two game modes single game and match game.

Single game: no doubling, no gammon/backgammon, the winner gets 8 points (in case of equally rated players).

Match game: goal is to reach a specific amount of points (5-10-15-20-30) in a series of games. Doubling/gammon/backgammon only in this game mode. Doubling is limited in a way that you cannot win a whole match in one game only by doubling it up.
A match to 5 points worth 16 points, a match to 30 points is for ~30 points (both in case of equally rated players).

Have fun

This is a terrible change and has ruined the game. Please put the redoubling dice back in the game asap tks. 
Why was doubling removed? That makes no sense. It is a major part of the game. No gammon or backgammon? That's the name of the game, to delete these things just for the sake of ratings points makes it a farce. 

1. Now even when winning by a large margin, the leader has to spend minutes every game boring off his checkers. {People will not always or often choose to surrender a game but they could be forced to with a double offer.}

2. The chance to draw even with an opponent is no gone since you can't double and increase the value of the game. {So 1 game is only ever worth 1 point, doubling up is impossible now and excitement is lost.}

3. Focusing on ratings and not the game being played gives credit to the people who waste time and are unsportsmanlike. {So backgammon is no longer the game being play "raise my rating" is the new game.}

I'm not trying to be inflammatory but this seems like a very goofy change. Dumbing down a game like backgammon is disrespectful and really takes away from the strategy, risk vs. reward and overall enjoyment of the game.
Agree with Billy, terrible change, makes the game less exciting and more boring ...
the game getting borring now with those changies we coming here for have a fun not for get board the old version of game was much better please put old version of the game THANK YOU
I agree with all the above comments.

Come on Fly or Die guys, I mean really :-s

Whatsmore you can only set-up to play the multi point games if you are a subscriber.
And now, you not only have to find a Subby wanting a multi-point game, they also have to be one with a similar rating to your own or they won't play you.

In itself they idea of multipoint games is good but the manner of implementation is very poor.

Apart from a multi-point game option I can only think of two improvements/changes to make to the play-ability of the game (properly random dice rolls excepted = diff. discusion)
Firstly: the doubling option should be 
 the dice roll.   Of course that would seem to negate the autoroll but a solution could be a brief, say 2sec, pause before the autoroll during which time the doubling cube is highlighted. Most experienced players already know when they want to double before their next move.
Secondly: a way of removing all the 'dead' players that clog rooms. Perhaps if you have been inert for x minutes and or you haven't responded (positively or negatively) to x number of game requests you are removed from the room, thus freeing up space for users who actually want to play.
Just some extra thoughts guys :-)  Respond away freely :-)
Nem lehet érteni amit írnak!!!
Úgy kérünk tájékoztatást a játékszabály módosításról, hogy az egyértelmű legyen!
Engem kihívott egy játékos, fogalmam sem volt hogy és nem is jelzett semmi sem a neve mellett erre, ennek ellenére a játék kötelezett 3 játékra??? Kérdem én, akkor ez most hogy lehet????
Mielőbbi választ kérek: Zelma
Totally agree with Billy - We all know that change happens, but in this case you have changed a Classic game ! Change is NOT always for the best, you have taken away the very essence of Backgammon, please return it so that we can all get back to the enjoyment and challenge of the game.
I think the changes are wonderful.  It makes the game more interesting, and those  that are not talented, and playing to 32 on a one game basis, will expire!
this is not working, it is ruining the game so please return the doubling cube the way it was. tks. 

B.G. is not a game like chess game. Should be more simple,easy and enjoyable. Your unknown opponent invite u to 30 how can u trust him/her to join the game as u may be stayed in games for hours:). 

Please go back to previous system.
REdoubling please, game without it is not good
  CaptMc  >>> "I think the changes are wonderful. It makes the game more interesting, and those that are not talented, and playing to 32 on a one game basis, will expire!

Do you even know how to play backgammon? Why would you have to play to 32? If an opponent offers a double, you can accept or decline and you NEVER have to offer them a double. So do you understand the rules and how to play?
I don't like new rules. Please return to preivious settings.
Hi, why don't you tell the whole truth? e.g. that the match mode is only available for paying users?
I think the recent change has been made without considering the consequences:
1)an uneven difference of points will exist between the players- the players with low points will never be able to reach the already acquired high level of points of top players. So ,there will not be a  fair competition for players with low points .
2)Players will decline from spending long times in many games just to get higher points.
3) consequently this will cause erosion on the number of players  and the number of games ending in a less exciting game environment.
4)I believe, instead of putting limitations on the points system, fly or die software specialists should concentrate on rewarding wise and tactical moves during a game  and punish wrong moves.This would improve game quality and thus number of players. Thank you,
Ha mar ugysem tartjatok be a jatekszabalyokat, javasolnam a guritas manipulaciojat oly modon, hogy mindig az elöfizetö nyerjen.
This is now even more a lousy lucky game... waste of time, nothing to do with official bg
and another thing . . .
why are the point choices 1,5,10,15,30 ?
it's for a double cube and should be 1,2,4,8,16

AND the double cube doesn't work if you choose 1, so if you want doubling you need to go all the way up to 5 (which is way too time consuming)
We need to get as many players as possible to write into this page, so please get all your friends to tell these guys. I have not had one player like the rule changes, and note that only those who do not play very much would like it, as it is now NOT backgammon, without the cube and potential of x32. tks. 
Real players never abuse the doubling cube like was done here.  Routinely doubling-up to x32 is just silly and has nothing to do with backgammon.  A "Race to 3 wins" to go along with 5, 10 etc... would help.  Faster time-settings are definately needed.

Similar to new time settings for Curling:

15 seconds "shot clock"
 per turn, AND
4 or 5 minutes "thinking time"
 per game.

As seen everyone wants the doubling option back which made the game more interesting and thrilling. I agree that it was the doubling option that made me play backgammon here and now without it. Please put it back.
Hello "dear MODERATORS"!

I know it very well, that this will not appear on your forum, but I have never seen so stupid rules like these like you have created. I played 4 games with an opponent, and win EVERY time, he doubled all the time but I won all games. The last game I did not play till the end, because he doubled 4'th or 5'th time. And I logged out. He did not win me at all in those 4 or 5 games before, I WIN ALL games, but this stupid server took my points because I didn't play the last gama until the end.
If you think that in these conditions I will ever pay one cent for your idiot server, you are very wrong, sweet dreams!
Go on like this, and you'll see that more and more people wake up, just like me.
I join Justeme
Put almost the dobbloing back in all games. Otherwise it will be boring, and I don't havent find the possibilty to change game. What's going on with you flyordie? please make a new update like before!!!
What a TERRIBLE update. I can't even find the match table.
I believe doubling option should exist for minimum of 2 games and not 5. Many players agree with this-since they normally don't have time to play 5 games on end.

Also, you have to consider that during the game, one has a high chance to have his net going down-in which case he will unfairly loose points.
SERAP 25: a 5 point match does not necessarily mean that you need to play at least 5 games. You have the doubling cube option in such matches, so you can reach 5 points in 2 games.
Doubling only makes any difference in match play. 

In case of a single game, it does not really matter if the score is +1 or +96. 


"3. Focusing on ratings and not the game being played gives credit to the people who waste time and are unsportsmanlike. {So backgammon is no longer the game being play "raise my rating" is the new game.}"

The old system was focusing more on ratings, as you could easily double up to x32 a single game, with the only purpose of getting more rating points. This is now not the case, the games is now more focused on playing the game.
FlyOrDie "MarkWallisburgh:

"3. Focusing on ratings and not the game being played gives credit to the people who waste time and are unsportsmanlike. {So backgammon is no longer the game being play "raise my rating" is the new game.}"

The old system was focusing more on ratings, as you could easily double up to x32 a single game, with the only purpose of getting more rating points. This is now not the case, the games is now more focused on playing the game.
You cannot force someone to double to 32, you can only force a double to 2. After that, only your opponent can double, it switches back and forth. So for normal regular players, doubling is perfect. If a kid or a clown tries to double you to 32, that is impossible. 
Terrible changes.  The double cube is an essential strategic tool in backgammon.  Taking  it away ruins the game.  I am going to reconsider my subscription.
The doubling cube has not been taken away, it is still available in match play mode, where it really is an essential strategic tool.

Could you please explain in what way could it be used as a strategic tool in one-game-mode?
"You cannot force someone to double to 32, you can only force a double to 2. After that, only your opponent can double, it switches back and forth. So for normal regular players, doubling is perfect. If a kid or a clown tries to double you to 32, that is impossible. "

Two (or more) kids or clowns can easily double up to 32, this way inflating the ratings of normal regular players.
The decision to double or to accept a double is a key part of a winning strategy.  Now the game is completely watered down - like bowling with bumpers.  Great for kids.  Sucks for everyone else.
to take away the doubling dice, and the gammon/backgammon posibilty in a single game, is taking a lot of the excitement away. A poor form of bg in my opinion
FlyOrDie says "The doubling cube has not been taken away, it is still available in match play mode, where it really is an essential strategic tool."

Reply:  For ALL practical purposes is HAS been taking away, since you can only activate it on a 5 point match or higher - which takes WAY too long.  Please put things back the way they were, or AT LEAST activate the cube on a 1 point match.  

If you keep match play change the choices to 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and if you want to do something else useful drop from 15 min to 5 or 10 to root out those idiots who slow the game down when they start losing.
Have been playing a couple of days with the changes. It's has taken so much enjoyment from playing with flyordie. The game is now watered down and like playing with a child. Another member suggested putting the doubling back and reducing the time as in a match - a very good idea. Please put the game back to the way it's meant to be played.
So when are you going to listen to us server:

I have had 14 people agree with me that I play that the new rule changes are poor and worse and have taken much of the game away. 

I think both those of us who PAY and those who do not and/or cannot deserve a response from you. 
Due to popular demand the settings had been adjusted as follows:
 - possibility to double/redouble in single game mode (up to 4x)
 - match mode options are now 5-10-20

Time control:
You now have 15 seconds for each turn, and an extra 2 minutes for the whole game, which can be used in difficult situations, when 15 seconds might not be enough to make the right decision.
CONGRATULATIONS, I loved the latest changes, there is a lot of morons that waste time when getting lose.

With these changes they will be forced to play, even if we keep waiting 15 seconds for this.

I LOVED the changes, I have to say I agree with the return of the double/re double in single matches. It is fair, up to 4x is more than enough also. dont need to be 32x
This is interesting.
I just played my first game with the updated update.
I would have liked to have known about this second update but my first reaction is it seems good.
The timing (perhaps 20s might be better) is good: 15s + up to 2mins further. I do seem to need >15s if I've got a double roll, just to physically move the counters.
Up to 4x (double/re-double) option plays well.

Thanks for listening to us players FoD  :-)
Not sure I like the new backgammon match system and doubling rules - but still getting used to it.

LOVE the new time limits.  15 seconds is plenty - and the 2 minutes of bonus time is perfect.  I got stuck in a 1 hour match (and we were only playing to 5 points) the other day.

The new time limits are perfect and will prevent time abuse from those abusers of the clock.

The 15 seconds seems short for beginners and in a game where a blitz strategy is employed the 2 mins will get chewed up before the game ends. I don't want to be a downer but the 15 seconds is too shot in my opinion. An extra 5 - 10 seconds would mean a lot.
Dont like the time given its to short in places where conscctions are quick might work but here i regurlay lose tow or more seconds waiting for my pointer to respond and have usualy lost on time have always been anoyed by those in hurry, the doubling dosnt bother me
how can I make the double now or choose the type of play ?
I think you should make it 25 seconds, and still use the 2 minute clock. 

You also need to fix those who sign on but do not play, it is hurting others, so maybe have a five minute window for them to play or leave the site. 

You also have players who refuse to play others, and perhaps you need an automatic rule that players have to play a person who is say 20% of their score. 

I still think that you need to keep the 32X in the game as this is backgammon at its finest and is a huge part of the game. 

Thanks for listening to us and making changes to make it better for us to play.  
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