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Best Players.
Posted in 
Four in a Row
Best Players.
Posted in 
Four in a Row
Best Players.

Hi all.. Just wanted to write this so people can tell me who they think are the best players at the moment in connect 4 on flyordie.

I would Have to say.. Ferite/Stefan at 1st place, then followed by Simon.

your opinions?
Everyone who plays now does simple boring styles. Therefore it's impossible to say who is a "good" player now. I can't even name 5 to be honest. People who I think are good players are the following:

------> Relfson
------> dreddz
------> Parasita
------> Pink Butterfly
------> Schoko ( plays wide varieties)
------> Gilet Dynamite
------> Mason
------> Simon

There are a few I have probably missed. Some players that are "considered good" are the following:

------> Oewan
------> Babysexy
------> Stefan
------> Maske


The considered good in my books are not that good... Anyone can win with 4,3,6 they need to prove they are better by playing a wife variety of styles... For now my top 5 would be as follows:

----> dreddz
----> Ferite
----> relfson
----> Gilet Dynamite
----> Simon.
The best players at the moment in connect 4 on flyordie?hmmm .Kinda hard to say.. since c4 is like dead now ..But i'll name a few off my head. 

My List.. 

in no particular order :-


Don't forget jeje7, petit, fouracle and Dumpfbacke or do they not play anymore? 
7x6 is pretty boring now even with irregular styles. Try some 8x8.

New board sizes for a new air! And peace, for continue to evolve for the new generation... Otherwise, yeah C4 is dead.
Hello Ob8 to the reply of your question:

Petit coeur - No longer players therefore cannot be placed on this list as this is the current best players.

Dumpfbacke - Just plays low ratings, Can break him in regulars, don't find him good at all.

Jeje7 - Yes jeje is a good player 

Fouracle - Was my mate and a very good player but no longer plays.

I did forget some players as I stated.


you guys forgot to add me as the best player.
there are no good players in this game.. red wins everytime
My list of best active players from the past year (not in order):

petit coeur
Shock Lighting
Divine Knight
This game is dead now so is pointless making lists of the current best players.I will mention the best players i have played(not in order)
God has Given

Now i will mention other players i know but i never got to play with them.That is why i cant make a single list in order because i didnt play them so i dont know how good they are but i know they are great from other players.
Top ten players I've played against the last year are, in no particular order, Fouracle, Yukian, Golbez, Owned, Petit coeur, Metalldave,  Ferite, Dreddz, Ferite and Muggaz!
Yes we know you like Ferite, but you don't need to list him twice!
lmao, didn't see that until you told me now, lol. Well, I guess he's that good he deserves two places. ;)
My toplist:

1. Ferite
2. Stefan
3. dreddz/ relfson
4. Mason
I would'nt post me in the to ten, mainly due too me not being an active player anymore + ive forgotten alot in the harder styles than say a year ago.

But thanks anyway

Best players and it's only my vision: petit coeur, dreddz, Ferite, Fouracle, relfson, Suprafix, Parasita, jeje7, celtic warrior, Mason.

Good games, bye.  
In no particular order:
Jops - Master mind and pioneer with innovative antis and solid starts
Mr.Gordo - Badass guru, one of the first to master perfect play back in around 2002
Cymantex - Extremely strong in diverse styles, very adept in all arithmetic games
Fstal86 - The C4 philosopher, analyzed games with the insenity of getting laid
G-zz0_ - A warrior and a champion. #2 all-time c4 trophies won on Blip
Relfson - Norwegian hero, been around for way too long, good all-round player
o_o_loil - Forget mustrum, this guy is true German pride! Innovative and strong antis
London - Brought understanding to the word unbreakable
Madnessa - Proved that women aren't just great at cooking!!!

I could go on forever listing players who made an impression on me :P

By thee way, a new and exciting form of connect-4 is currently being worked on. I will post more details on it later :)
I had to make another post to mention someone whom I trained antis with a lot and really deserves a mention, and that is:
Timpan, he could always offer a challenging game and he also knows how to play c4 on a chess board!

I meant to say intensity in my last post about fstal86, but I guess I got too excited thinking about the games we played!
My personal list (from whom ive played)

In no particular order :)

petit ceour
Divine Knight
Yukian (Nostalgia)
♏ℓα∂єη Pєтяιc
Silent Rain

Many more, but i forget :p ^^
eliten, don't forget the father of most modern antis: yourself :)

The fod-toptens always get under my skin. Nobody here are close to the swedes. And we can "thank" blip for that.

1. eliten
2. cymantex
3. gzzo
4. supra
5. qwer

the rest of you can go to bed.


golbez is (was?) awsome, same with dreddz and some others, but they dont really match the swedes in playing fast and being redefining. 


Il y a pleins de bons joueurs. Savoir jouer le 436, 437, 426, 422, 444, 116, 417, 4132... C'est facile maintenant et ennuyeux. Je préfère jouer connect 4 en 8x8. J'espère qu'ils mettront le 8x8, 9x7, 8x7... sur FlyOrDiE! 



It was full of good players there. Know how to play the 436, 437, 426, 422, 444, 116, 417, 4132 ... It is now easy and boring. I prefer to play connect 4 8x8. I hope they will put the 8x8, 9x7, 8x7... on FlyOrDie!
Doesn't make sense topics like these one. The best player are who developed old and modern styles. The rest are just copies or followers or ex proggers. Everyone knows who are really the best players. And that's all!!

Hello, I know that you will say it later, but what do you mean about this : ''By thee way, a new and exciting form of connect-4 is currently being worked on. I will post more details on it later''

I'm really curious about it...! ;-)
Could you enlight us about this?? 
Where do you get this information? Are you working on a project?

I can’t post too much about it yet, as it’s still at an early stage of development, but I will say that Jops and I are working on a project that involves connect-4. Besides new board sizes and a very nice feature, we are considering two new ways of playing the game!
That sounds pretty cool. I always wanted someone to develop something like "Gomoku swap" but for connect 4. (Ex. Player one puts out 3-5 stones and player 2 picks color). I'm sure you have something better in mind, looking forward to it. 
This sounds really a nice project, a connect 4 website created by 2 players getting the passion of the game will give a great result. 

I hope you will success to create this website and I will be for sure one of your players there.

All the best,
Sounds good. Looking forward to the new board sizes the most. Good luck.
 @eliten I'm excited! Will you post a thread and tell us more about it? :)
best play are : 
mini king
star legende
petit coeur 

I want to add something. :) 
In the futur... 

A player like Simon or Stefan can become a good example to follow. 
Because I think and it's my right, those players have a potential. 

The problem here is the anger. And the consequences of this anger for some. We need to learn of our mistakes once and for all. Otherwise it's ridiculous. 

Your good goals can become real if you want. And if you working for... Push your limits. And win the respect.

Peace & good games.
Hm... No, the problem is they need to grow up. 

That's it. That's all. That's enough. 

Byeeeeeee good fun to all!
1. I'am Not The Best Player.
2. I can play many styles but not all of them.
3. Sometimes I play for fun and sometimes I play for crown.
4. It's boring to play only for fun when the good players are gone. So who can I practise with? No One..

Thx. Stefan
Pretty sure you played easy styles even back when good players were around, lol.
"So, who can I practice with? No one..."

Exactly! Who here accept to play without accuse all the time his opponent of prog? Or the classic sentence "big noob" ha ha, because he or her don't have enough: experience. For ex, Clark KenF you think really Mason or Ferite are the big noobs of the century? xD Lol 
We can't practice correctly under these conditions, yes Stefan. For many reasons... Not always easy.

Lol, whats the deal with everybody hating stefan?

Matter of fact, he did use to practise harder styles.

Stefan and I used to play some harder styles. :)
Eliten, your description of me almost brings tears to my eyes, my friend.

I agree to your whole list, with the exception of London being unbreakable! He did claim to be tired, though!

For those of you interested, a rough list of the tournament-winners on blip can be found here: 

Do forgive the formatting and some brief swedish!

With regards,
Hey, don't "forget" about me! :D

I won several Connect-4 tournaments, most of them from Nov 2008 to Dec 2008. :D

Toblerone, Tallen2, blem, sexy_amanda92, troca_boy, yngling_av_rang :D

I won more than 50 % of the tournaments I participated in, and I remember I always was lucky with the number lottery. :D

I have forgot... I made a list me too for support this topic. But I'm not anymore agree with that!!

For be honest how can we make a fair choice between players like petit coeur or dreddz? They are true monsters of this game and deserve to be number 1. 
Like many others...

So, I will never again make a list like that for C4. By respect for these players and all the others. (It's a personal choice).
And I don't want be added in any list of "best girls" even in the future. (Except in a simple list of fairplayers).

Best Regards.

i disagree with a forum top lists in general we already have flyordie top lists plus a lot of players use programs.

I don't actually play c4 much but if i do play and play serious for points i get to about 200points.

i'm mostly in 8ball.
Looks like eliten is still going strong =)
