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ld like to know who is the moderator  here    now ? 
obviously nobody, or else Vanhassan and his sociopath figure would've been out of here a long time ago. 
Hello loretta.

There information you asked.


Greetings,Blood23. Peace.
ty moderator 
just want to know  is there any way that impostors can be stopped in curling ?  seems like every friend that i have played    theres an impostor  for each person  its verry confuseing  to  me .  
thnx  for listing 
Hello loretta.

I'm just a member like you, but you're welcome. will always have someone on the forum to help. if you see someone violating the rules made ​​by the FOD, please do not hesitate to contact the authorities.

Rules FOD 

"How to report Abuse and how to make screenshot" Check link Please 

If EVERY friend or opponent is impostor, maybe problem is somewhere else, like between ears.

I really don't know what the problem is?? You have known me for months and today you accused me of being an imposter.I even gave you my real name and told you to friend me on FaceBook and you said you don't add new friends on there.That's fine but there is really no way to prove to you I am who I am and even you agreed with me there. It is a problem that YOU have,maybe someone did do that but all of us doing it is just paranoid on your part. I hope you get your problems worked out because I enjoy being your friend.I can't continue to be accused of things I'm not doing. I get enough of that off the computer.I come on here for the good people that are on here and for fun not drama.  

your friend always,

This whole thread makes no sense. Ir seems like the person who started this thread is young.. or something odd id afoot.

What a waste of server space this thread is. 
no she is old lady from Canada who has lost her mind. she called me an imposter and i told her no its me. she said prove it and i said how?? I gave her my name and told her to FB me.BIG MISTAKE she said she doesn't accept new friends then called me a liar.She told me to put up old pic of me if it was me so i did and she still called me a liar. She's nuts I thought she was my friend. Now since then I have people coming on here saying Hello....then my first and last name sometimes in lobby. so after they did that everyone knows my name I got people coming to my face book and lots of other issues i wont go into here.

Tough break wolfman, live and learn. Keep your info private from now on.
Move on and let this go.
Oh i have moved on mark just wanted to let you know it wasn't young person. I have made alot of close friends on here and have them on FB now and are very close to them. So I guess one out of 10 isn't too bad a ratio.