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Allowing 'RUNNERS' to win a game
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Allowing 'RUNNERS' to win a game
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Allowing 'RUNNERS' to win a game
This topic MUST be seen by, and responded to, by a MODERATOR. Last night, at about 11:45 p.m. PST, I played two 2-end games against WINDY. As we began, my rating was 333...his was 161. We tied 2-2 in the first game. My rating dropped to 329. Fair enough. In the second 2-end game he scored 4 in the first end. With my last shot of the second end I made a triple takeout and  counted 6, to win the game. Or so I thought. He 'BOLTED' just a fraction of a second before the result of the end was posted - therefore preventing the site from posting the actual score. The site showed a 4-3 win for him. My rating dropped 11 points to 318. If this site wants to maintain any sort of credibility, then it will eliminate this sort of nonsense from continuing. Such unethical behavior cannot be tolerated, by a legitimate site. The solution is simple. Increase the points lost, when someone runs, from 3 to 8. Yes there are times when someone has to leave, mid-game, for a variety of reasons. However, if it is for legitimate reasons, they will not be concerned whether their opponent receives 3 pts. or 8 pts. for such consequences.  Most importantly though, it would put a stop to the type of behavior that I've outlined above.

Rake, Wolfman, Wallisburgh...this is a serious matter for the MODERATORS - we don't need your short-sited, nonsensical comments on this issue.

     I wasn't going to comment on this "Serious" matter until I was told not to. I don't know what kind of country you live in but here where I live we have a thing called freedom of speech. Who are you to tell people not to talk last time I checked you are NOT my boss, Dictator, or spouse.I have had people try that same trick on me but where just a hair to slow. I think if some leaves and its not there turn the remaining player should get his turn and it count especially if it is the 8th stone. If you don't like my short sited nit whitted comment  TOO BAD!!!!!  
 WinstonPHD - "we don't need your short-sited, nonsensical comments on this issue."

Aren't those all of your comments? 

First, why again is a rating soo important to you? 99% of all of your posts are about this topic and 99% of those is your own internet connection.

Second, I'm sure the operators here can make a change where in the last 4 rocks {2 for each player}, the score will count no matter if a player runs. If this happens, people will just run sooner. If there is a slight chance of you getting 4 or more, they will bolt and you'll get 2 still.

So what do you suggest for that issue?
I have a different solution to this problem.   

In the user information it should include abandoned or quit games.   That way you can have a quick glance before you play someone and if they have a high number you can choose not to play.
Well, clearly people are tired of Winston's "nonsensical comments".

As for the problem of runners, no matter what new rules are put into action, there will always be those who run and if the penalty is very high, you'll always have people who lose their connection complaining. 
It's a game and you're playing for fake online points. In the time it took you to write your childish whiny post you could have played 3 games and earned more of your precious points.  

There is nothing that can be done to prevent runners, it is a problem in all sorts of online games and there is no magical solution.  I think the setup they have now is pretty fair and reasonable.  
I would let the other payer finish the game with runner absent.
@ amazurek

 solution, mate.


:) ;\