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I would like to personally thank the moderator who reset Candygirl to 0 :D:D:D 
really they did that just out of curiosity why?? does anyone know I have and idea but would like to know. 
yes  its good candygirl is back at 0  (H) theres a few  more yet that needs to  go back to 0  :)
and no its not me  lollol :)i will always be 0 LOL
They need to do that with ROCKET RONNIE !! What he is doing on this site is an ABSOLUTE FARCE !! It destroys the credibility and all the positive principles that this great game stands for.
ok "candygirl" play only vs 0 to be 600 but he is not alone.More 100 players try the same and?
Never he speak bad and this is very important.
Look the real danger with "head catfish".Moderator have  banned more 50 nicks and he is again here for insulting every times.
For me you can play only vs 0 but never you can insulting people...
Sorry again for my bad English...
Fabrice from France