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 "paz says" Goodbye Friends
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 "paz says" Goodbye Friends
Posted in 
 "paz says" Goodbye Friends
was a pleasure to meet you all here in the game, and enjoy good times, thank you for these good times we had, the good plays and good laughter, peopl countered apologize if someone (some fights), but in general, the good times exceeded divergences, many friends of all nations made ​​it worth the several hours that I spent here.
this is the message that I leave: do not have prejudice of nationality or race, try to make friends of all nations, because we are all equal.
and peace be on the hearts of all of you.
love your neighbor and try to do good.

Hi bro paz.

Sad to know that you're leaving, but I hope you return one day. We hope! All good in your life. PAZ (Y) Take care!

FlyOrDie waits for you. ;)

Poxa vida lamentável,saiba que admiro muito você como jogador!mas quem provou dessa água nunca deixará de beber novamente, até breve!
Why are u leaving? :O 
We just got to know each other! 
That's sad.
Anywho, Take Care Felipe.
See ya, take care. ;)

Senior FlyOrDie Moderator
Don't really know you but all the best m8.

Now I know who left a message on my fb page lol

