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Dear Moderators
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Dear Moderators

I would like to express my disappointment at the lack of moderation in the GOMOKU lobby. 
I am being constantly followed and harassed by .Amiga.
She also has secondary nicknames which are -POISON- and .NAOMI
She even insulted me in the lobby saying " We don't need a rice head for a King, we need a Hungarian King"
"The rice head got to go"
How can such racist comments be allowed and tolerated on such a reputable multicultural gaming site such as Flyordie?
As a yearly subscriber Flyordie informed there is a function of permanent MUTE/BUDDY. Yet, once muted and when I logged off and back on again...there she was...mouthing off in the lobby about me.
She also said " This is a Hungarian site and you are not welcomed".
Furthermore, she even threated me that her uncle owns a share of Flyordie and she can get me kicked off anytime she pleased.
Come on!
Simply enough is enough!
I am more than happy to cooperate with your investigation into the matter if required. 

I welcome an opportunity to discuss further. 
Thank you.


A great Thank You to Moderator "THOR" for promptly addressing the matter. Much appreciated.
In future Take a screenshot of the offender using the vulgar/racial words/expressions and send it to Flyordie in an email as the outcome is most likely to come quicker than a post in any part of the forums.

Moderators Read mail as often as possible but may not always be able to monitor the actual incident so be sure to report it with as much detail as possible.


Use this link to send a report message.