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Subscriber Advantages Being Limited
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Subscriber Advantages Being Limited
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Subscriber Advantages Being Limited
Many non-subscribers are sitting in the lobby, blocked from playing due to advertising timers.  FOD has stuck ads everywhere that hold up or detract from the game. 

There are also too many players signed in and sitting in the lobby who are not there to play.  And many non-subscribing players stay signed into the main room while playing in a different room.  If the main room is close to capacity, other non-subscribing players who actively want to play are blocked from signing in.  

This issue could be resolved simply by having non-subscriber's names disconnected from all other rooms once they begin a game.

FOD wants players to subscribe, but they have limited the advantages by using ads that hold up play, and by allowing players to stay signed into multiple rooms while playing.  The result is that as a subscriber, many times I haven't been able to find anyone available to challenge. 

FOD should also consider limiting the number of Guests who can be observers in a game.  Subscribers ought to be given priority as observers in popular games versus competing with Guests and non-subscribers for those positions.
You tell them girl but FOD will do what they always do......ignore us.
good call H M well said, hope ears listen to ya
I dont know but I was told that High was banned because of this post. If so why is post still up? I don't see anything wrong with it. Just one paying customer's opinion. She is one of the best people on here and I just can't see her being banned. I will dearly miss her. 
FOD I think its scandalous if a frail little old lady at 87 who is deaf, housebound & blind in one eye could be punished for the above post. This is her only enjoyment & she saved hard to pay for her sub so surely you can get this sorted asap?
If HM was banned because of voicing her opinion on the matter, it is the lowest act fod has ever pulled. All the subjects she raised are very true and should be dealt with ASAP
So you all believe everything that is written in an online forum?

Then I state that High Maintenance has never been banned for voicing her opinion in this post.
No it was put down as bad sportsmanship but she was never given a reason as to what you actually meant. All correspondence was ignored so as you still have it on record its not too late to still clarify it. Also I forgot about The Lakers nick, R.i.p Lakers