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Auto Draw  isn't necessay a lot of Moviments
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Auto Draw  isn't necessay a lot of Moviments
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Auto Draw  isn't necessay a lot of Moviments
you could put less movements for AutoDraw if possible,
because, there the Bullet Room when it comes late in the game some pieces left over, example: (2 pieces Both players) and is very annoying moving the piece all the time, when your opponent doesn't accepts the draw never, and wants to win over time.
if you can change that I thank you, thank you.

I'm Sorry my English so bad hehe... lol
I like it how it is 

Have fun Smile more 

:) SKY-22 
I dont understand why an autodraw is called if one player has more pieces and is maneuvering for a winning position.  Looks like we should get the full time left on the game clocks.  What are the number of moves in an end game situation anyway?  Any comments on this?
This is Spot on, if only the developers of the game are watching this forum. It makes no sense to have an autodraw when one player has more pieces than the other, under ANY circumstances!
Why not make the game follow the official rules of checkers:


"If, during 25 moves, there were only king movements, without piece movements or jumps, the game is considered a draw."

So in order to follow this correctly, the draw count must reset to zero any time a non-crowned piece moves, or any time there is a jump.  These things indicate that the game is "progressing".

After 25 moves of each player with no progression, it makes sense for there to be a draw.  If there is a stronger position, that person would have "advanced" the game within 25 moves.  Otherwise, the weaker position deserves the draw due to incompetence of the player in the stronger position.