Okay I seen enough of this spam/abuse and childish attitude.
Pumpkin, at the time I wanted to help others improve at the game, currently there are many programs who end up making fair players trying to learn the game to quit. All they want is to play against other fair players.
Now because I decide to quit because I think my education is more important than playing an online game; you think you can just post random stuff insulting me?
I think you need to read what you say and then ask yourself " who really is the childish one?" In future do not insult my friends and grow up. I think it's time for you to learn what reality is, and not what some "smug" words over the internet are.
If you got a problem with me, deal with it.
To anyone else, I am still willing to teach players, if you want a few games or just want some help in learning styles, then just post a reply asking me :)
Good Games all and good day,
Kind Regards,