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Snooker, big breaks.
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Snooker, big breaks.
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Snooker, big breaks.
Just now while playing snooker, as has happened many times previously, my opponent left the game and i couldn't continue my break. I was in the middle of a sizeable break (4 reds and blacks) with all reds in open play and the black available in both pockets. Now this made me really angry :| Surely there should be a way that you can continue your break after your opponent leaves? Have the developers ever thought about adding this or a similar option? Please reply folks, 
Michael (p dash).
they said its not possible, i agree its annoying ofc
Ha ha you need to get used to it. I had 10 reds and 9 blacks with a possible 147 on with all colours on spots and reds open yet my opponent left on 89 which annoyed me. Made plenty of 100's since but don't think I will ever get that opportunity to make a 147 again. Anyway's I agree with your comment about that there should be an option to continue the break even if the player has left or as a punishment maybe dish out double points? Points don't matter to me but others they may mean more and perhaps not want to leave in order of having their points effected?
As Fod God (lol) I fully support idea of possibility to continue break even opponent left room. Lost many good 100+ chances by that. I can even understand that somebody get bored or angry watching somebody else on high break, but me and some others play here MAINLY to make good break- no rank or win.

Strange is that some players who know how hard is get cent also leaves on break- like Kauto Star 5 made to me on ~90...

So mods, developers and others- think about that option- cant be hard from IT point of view.
It would have been a nice 100+ ;)
strong +1
 for this feature.

Everytime I break past 30 points I am very afraid that my opponent leaves the game. It goes as far as I can't think of something else. Every moment he/she can disappear and my precious break ends.

Imagine Ronnie is at 140. His opponent stands up and leaves the hall. Will the referee abort the game and print 140 as the final result?

For me its a matter of course to 
 leave the game if my opponent is building a high break, I would even support him via chat if possible.

Is there any update planned for this feature? Please tell us if it is not possible and for what reason so we can understand the issues.

Thank you FOD!
I would like to thank NewBorn for this post as it motivated me to play some of my best snooker, including 4 centuries since this post with a new personal best of 131 ;)

If you have any more lies you wish to post about here me pls do :D
Very nice Kauto just don't overtake my 137 :D
lol m8 I would have beat it, had i not missed an easy black off its spot :p
Haha always the simple ones. I just want 147 now!! :D
Dear moderators,

Once again... today twice opponents left room on good break- so I couldnt finish it... First was 87, second... 116...
Some players pay to play, pay for fun of making breaks.
There shouldnt be a big problem to make functionality allowing finish break even opponente leave room. 
Please- develop it. Many people asked for it already.

Say sorry I left would be enouh Kauto. Ty.
My +1 for this option

It happened to me many times, and no matter how many points I have scored at that time, particularly frustrating if you are already close to your personal best, especially if you already scored more than 100 ...
And my special thanks to Stefen Smoke a lot for his patience during my best break 124. 
Therefore, I fully support the introduction of the possibility for the player to finish the break whether there is an opponent in the game or not. 
Hello so we want all to play in respect and let all to the end by me happends too sometimes so that frustration,

and so come on people lets play respectfull for another  
Yes indeed there should be on option to continue break even if opponents leaves the game.
+1 for this needed improvement! :)