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The Best Players Of All Time.
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The Best Players Of All Time.
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The Best Players Of All Time.
These are the players i considered to be the best of the Modern Generation.
Please take a few moments to read what i have written about them and share your opinion with my own.
I made the list based on my experiences with these players throughout the years.
Please refrain from posting any immature or unnecessary comments.

Iv known him 6 years now and throughout the years he has given me more support in-game and in real life than anybody else, anytime i spoke to him about my personal well being or any issues i had.
He always spectated my games, giving me advice on how to play against particular players, and he is the reason i beat UAG Tornado & many other great players.
I spent so many hours playing him in 1v1 and never once was it easy to beat him, i see now why people called him "Tricky" and for the way he moves believe me he deserved that Title.
I will never forget the times me & him played in clan wars against UAG as we were easily the "Perfect" team for any two opponents, the only loss we ever had was against Alex & Zeus once or twice and they were a really strong side to compete with.
Luckily for me, Sam was my partner in the decider clan battle against UAG in 2011, and me & him won by a 9 kill advantage over Tornado & Razor to take the series 20-14 overall after being down 13-4 at one point.
I respect him more than i do any other player because of my history with him and the fact he always defended me in every situation, playing him again would be really fun but i won't expect it as he is a full time parent now and i'm happy for him, and hope his University went as well as i predicted.

2.TCA NightWalker.
Artik always done his best to help the new players who would join the game on a daily basis, hosting tournaments for everyone, making countless beginner guides and even guides for experienced players.
He hosted multiple variations of game modes & tournaments that brought entertainment to the game and also a good challenge.
He is the first person to ever consider teaching me how to better my playing in Tanx, and in 2008 he invited me to TCA to help me train and become a better player and believe me his advice helped me alot.
I had a rivalry with him which he disliked due to the fact i insulted him once or twice when he beat me in the past due to the fact i couldn't stand losing.
He was a really reliable player and most of all a really helpful, polite and generous person.
I Am glad FlyOrDie picked him as a moderator as he does a great job whenever he is around and never seems to change his personality at all, always the same considerate person i remember from 6 years ago and just two days ago he was giving me Interview advice for future jobs i may end up with.
He is easily one of the most skilled players of all time, nobody knows the map better than him and never will.
Thanks for all the Help TRAiNOR.

Alex was by far the best 2v2 partner i had in recent years due to our playing styles being completely different.
He had the most accurate grenades iv ever seen and was really smart with the use of hills and a pretty annoying backshooter.
There is no shortage of victories me & him had together in clan wars and there are very few who beat me & him in those clan wars.
He is by far the best Grenade user of the past 6 years, and if you don't believe me try playing him sometime when hes online, i assure you he will not let me down.
Hes a great Friend and one of the most hilarious people iv ever spoken to on the internet and it has been great fighting alongside him throughout the years and i would play him anytime without hesitation just to bring back memories and to have a seriously difficult game.

4.SFT Zeus.
Zeus and i never really got along very well due to the fact he didnt like me when i first started because i was childish and would often start an argument with him or a rivalry which was pointless because at the time i was a newbie and he wasn't.
throughout the years i played against him, he has by far given me some of the hardest matches of all time.
He has a rare move set which seems to change every time i play with him and he knows the map so well.
A Very reliable opponent if you get him fired up before playing against him.
He played a big part in the FTW-UAG Clan era we had in 2011 and he has given me countless clan wars over the years from 5-10 different teams he has been in with different players, including Razor, Tornado, Sibylline, Alberion & alot of other great players.
We might argue often but i will always respect him for the memories and how good a player he was.
Thanks Zeus.

5.FTW GraveRobber.
Bryan never once told me his real nickname from the past but that i believe isn't of importance.
He gave me the most "Intense" games out of everyone.
Always quick and deadly and very difficult to outplay, especially when off the radar.
An incredible all-round player who i really believe was the best of the past 6 years in terms of 1v1.
And the times we played 2v2-3v3 together he always had my back and got me through it into a victory.
Great friend to this day and he taught me so much back in 2009-2010 when i was just getting good at the game.
He is the reason i am so good off-radar.
Thank you for the intense games and support Bryan.

6.UAG Tornado.
Tornado always, and i mean Always gave me a hard time.
we spent more time arguing about who was better than we did anything else.
And most of the times we played it was always a close game of 10-9.
Apart from when i was less experienced and had no idea how to use the radar to my advantage.
Once i became good all-round the map he became alot easier for me to handle but he was easily one of the hardest players of all time and a true leader of his clan UAG.
many people hated him for his arrogance or confident attitude and i understand that, but they have to respect how great an opponent he was.
to this day i wish he still played as he gave me some of the most intense games of all time, he was easily in my top 5 rivals of the past 4-5 years.
Unfortunately due to an incident with a Moderator he was banned multiple times and has been inactive ever since.
If he ever comes back i will practice with him to help him regain that skill as i know how hard it is for people to comeback after many years and play again.
Thank you for the all the rivalries and all the hilarious moments Tornado.

Tali was by far the most amusing player iv ever met on Tanx.
He was never short of words to make you laugh and was always a motivational player.
Despite not playing competitive he sure held his own against the absolute best in any operation.
he taught me how to be a fast opponent, how to move so much quicker than a normal player and because of his help i became probably the "Fastest" player in the game.
In an important & intense game, nobody is as quick as i am and it is because of him.
He always supported me and stated 5 years ago "He is a future general" and right he was.
Thank you for the laughs brother, i hope your well these days and i hope you know how much i appreciate all your support throughout the years.

8.FTW_Fighter/Bullet 9.
Never got his real name but this guy provided me with so much competition anytime he was active.
He never liked me and i think its because of how over-confident i was at the time.
He would often call me a no lifer for playing for such long periods of time.
But in the end i ended up having a good conversation with him and he turned out to be a pretty good guy.
He was a really good player, probably the second hardest opponent iv ever had in the "Flats" area of the game.
He played similar to FTW Shadow in many ways and prooved he was one of the best everytime someone called him out.
I got so many games from him in 2010-2011 and each one of them was difficult, never once did i beat him with ease besides a fluke 10-5.
He is by far one of the all-time greats and many people know this based on his clan history but i personally would like to thank him for everything he did for FTW back in the old days before i even played the game.
If he ever returns i will practice with him as i know he will still be as good as ever.

9.TrA_Dryciez/SR Crucifier.
Brandon always provided me with both humour and competition.
The rivalry i had with him was probably the longest of all time and still goes to this day, anytime he returns we fight.
I always beat him however, he is one of the all time-greats and always provided me with a good challenge in the last 3-4 years.
Unfortunately the game losing players also made him leave due to having nobody to form a clan with to compete against FTW he decided to call it quits and leave.
He always claimed to win so many Tournaments and throughout the years he was active around my time he only won 6 or 7.
However i know he won alot in the past as i have seen the Medal table so i give him those wins as deserved unless Minni played on his nick for him in those tournaments.
Thanks for all the hilarious games Brandon & i hope for a few more in the near future if you come back.

Blood never liked me and probably never will but the guy gave me countless fun games in rated ops and in tournaments.
He was one of the most annoying grenade users iv ever met.
He was arrogant and very confident of himself hence the name "best".
He provided me with tons of intense games in ops but the most fun part of all was competing with him in Tournaments in the past year or so.
definately one of the best of all time, one of the quickest and most accurate players iv ever played against, and believe me i know who is good and who isn't, this guy is by far in the top 15-20 of all time.
He no longer plays (that i'm aware of) but i hope he comes back as it isn't the same without a player like him to compete with.
I had a rivalry with him FTW-UAG, one which wasn't long lasting in the "clan era" but its still a rivalry i know we have till this day and if he comes back i know for a fact he will provide me a good challenge like he always does.
Come back soon blood, i know your around here somewhere.

There are many other players i could list but making a thread about them all would take me more time and FlyOrDie wouldn't approve such a huge thread.
You guys all know who you are.

Friends & Rivals, you guys gave me the best gaming experience possible throuhgout the years, and i thank you for every moment.
That includes all the people that dislike me or FTW.
I appreciate all the competition you have given me these years and i promise you i will continue to provide you with a reliable opponent.

Other old players such as TerminatorAzteca, TANK MASTER, BROCK LASNER, Massacre UpR, Klayton, TERREMOTO, UnidosRevolution, Minni Me & Twister and a few others, i will easily say you guys are some of the absolute best of all time just because of opinions and the very fact that i was the only one willing to argue with you guys over that history, claiming you were over-rated was a mistake and i understand now why it was.
You guys were easily some of the greatest of all time, it's impossible to determine one "Best" of all time due to the fact there has been so many incredible players throughout the years.
I can only hope that the ones i have had issues with can forgive my mistakes and start a fresh with me perhaps.

There are so many more great players i didn't mention because FlyOrDie wouldn't approve such a large thread if i had done made it.
You guys all know who you are, you know i enjoyed all our moments and possibly the future moments if any of you ever comeback.

Thank you all for the great rivalries, conversations and all the memories.

Take care everyone.

lol Jeff...really? y is bullet in 8th place...i guess u never saw his matches vs Tornado...u think Tornado is hard...n i agreed, he was...but everytime B9 play Tornado he'll make Tornado look like 007GTO...n u know who that froob is lol. From you're list eventhough it hurts me to admit i think Sam deserves 1st place...but after that mehhhhh u got it all wrong but hey is ur own personal list and we all have diff opinions lol. Taliban shouldn't be there at all...maybe if it was in his prime yrs which was around 05 he should be...but u talk about modern generation n he lost 50% of his skills...which makes him not part of the "new generation" as u said it. In my personal view this list would go like this 1. Shadow aka Sam-antha. 2. GraveRobber 3.B9 4.Tornado 5.Zeus 6.Alex (debetable tho..maybe he could be around 4th play with Tornado) 5th.Cruxifier and 6th Blood...i play Blood n he wasn't that hard. 
This list was made for the best players of the past 4 years, and the ones who weren't here in those 4 years should not be offended by this thread.
I Should of chosen a different title for the thread but it's to late to edit so don't be hating on me for my mistake, thanks.

I named a few at the end who I believe were the Original Great players back in their own time.

I Missed many players because I had no more space to type.
One in particular being Jason, who taught me how to play flats and motivated me to becoming one of the best of the Modern Era, which i did and to this day still try to maintain which is difficult due to the lack of competition.
I'm not on the list? Wow it cant be a serious post then :)
This actually is a serious post and at least give him credit for taking the time to acknowledge other players. I haven't seen you contribute anything like this yet.

I will take the time to be serious for once and say kudos to you Jeff for taking the time to acknowledge other players. It really is impossible to say who the all time best player is because it almost came in phases. When I came in, flats were the real skill. Back shooting wasnt common from a lot of players,  and the Brazilians were the only ones who really used grenades very well for the "most" part. I had to adapt and use grenades. I never did get great at back shooting because I never had to use it. Players I faced didn't do it, but the moves and accuracy they had were superb to many more common players. I am not saying either is better, it is just different times and playing styles. 

I miss the old days but honestly realistically it will never be what it was. The rivalries and talent we had on this game... There was nothing I loved more at the time than beating FTW all over the place. Granted you were not here when I played this game in my prime. You may have waxed me, I may have waxed you. Who knows and who cares. Regardless I honestly do respect you and what you have tried to contribute to this game.

On another serious note, and I am not joking...I would come back and play a game if we can set up a 2 v 2. I say me and you vs Acid and Sam. Let me know the time and if I am off work I will play it.
I have no interest in adding attention seekers who don't even play the game to any sort of listings, better luck next year kiddo.
Phwoar. After seeing some posts from you baiting others on these forums over the last 3 years, the audicity to call anybody an attention seeker in unbearably ironic.

However I just posted for a bit of a laugh, didn't expect you to be so upset over a bit of a little harmless sarcasm. Deary me >_<
When I played for a brief while in 2012, I had still beaten the in form top players of that time: Zeus, Sam, Jean, DarknessGhost, etc. and with them I also had nearly 50%  win loss ratio in duels with the exception of Sam. That's about 7 years after I left the game and played only for 2/3 months :)

The only new player I couldn't beat was graverobber because I didn't have sufficient practice time.

By the way Jeff, I had beaten you too.


Anyways, I don't have time to argue as I am busy with completing my medical degree.

I'm far from upset, I'm more curious as to why you persist on trying to provoke me anytime I make a thread here, taterz.

Yes Brock you beat me once 10-9, had no idea 10-9 was worth a screenshot as i usually only kept one 10-4 10-5 depending on the amount of effort i put into the duel with my opponent.

Here is an example of poor sportsmanship, since you felt it was necessary to post one of me behaving badly.


Not trying to start any beef, just keeping facts straight. BROCK, posting a 10/9 pic and boasting about it is hardly respectable, especially when your opponent was toying with you and driving straight at you for fun. Taking an ss of a 10/9 win in itself is rather... distasteful. Everyone that knows me knows that I never take ss's of victories because if you have to take a picture to prove that you can win, you're probably not as good as you think you are. I didn't see you play vs Sam, Zeus, Ghost, etc. but rest assured I have played vs you and all of them and the skill gap was quite astounding. I don't doubt that you were skilled at one time, but your 'come back' was hardly a come back, because you had not yet become good enough to consider competitive. Don't reply to forum topics with nonsense, stick with facts and show that you're respectable and have class. 
You say you didn't want to start a beef with me but your message contained enough substance and tone to sound like that. I always respected you, and I always considered you a great player. "classy and excellent" player in fact. Out of all the people, I didn't expect a post like that from you.

The reason I couldn't beat you was because you were all around good player and possessed excellent skill in all departments. All the other players I had beaten with the exception of Jeff had one or two weaknesses that I could exploit. You had no such weak department as well as Jeff. For instance, Zeus was always very aggressive and that could be exploited. Darkness ghost was very good but his movement was easy to read and if you moved a certain pattern, he wasn't able to shoot you. Sam had excellent pattern but once again if you move a certain way he wasn't able to shoot you. I COULD NOT FIND ANY SUCH WEAKNESS IN YOU. 

If you notice all the other players I have mentioned that I had beaten, I never provided a screen shot for them. I never even took screen shot of me beating anyone. Why? Because they were all classy and respectable players. In fact, I was friends with most of the players I mentioned.




In fact, I read Jeff's reply to my post and didn't want to bother replying. I actually believe he is the one who asked you to post here.

I really don't want to reply to any of these topics as some of us have real lives to live.

The reason I believe tanx is dead is because there are some really classless players here, and I don't want to name names.

Despite all of these, I still respect you Grave. Just make sure you don't sound like you are attacking someone personally. 

If you were able to exploit my weakness you wouldn't of lost 39/40 games we played.

And you couldn't beat Grave because you were the same as pancho, all you did was chase people around the map, you can't play off-radar, you can't backshoot and you sure can't move.
There is no argument here, what I have written are facts.
What an interesting top list players and everybody calls me Razor.. Of course I won over 70 tournaments by myself.Everyone knows I always laugh when I win tournaments. Even TCA Nightstalker knows that because I beat him dozens time in tournaments. You come here and tell me I only won 6? I think you saying six because of my "good behavior" in flyordie. Everyone knows I win loads and loads of tournaments. Unfortunately I left as the title of having the most tournaments medals :)LOL Minni me wish he played my accounts, but he doesn't know how to win tournaments that well anyways.. But anyways I had my good years in tanx and had a good time until I met you.. We had a good battles and of course a lot of bickering.. But yo, my time is over because no one even plays any more.. At same time, I don't even play video games as much I used to 2 years ago, I been partying, meeting girls and working out.. But yo, Play hard and Work hard. Move on bro, tanx is dead. Life is too short, try go out and make a difference. Tanx is no difference. 
70? last month you said 60 lol make up your mind on your amount of imaginary victories :$
You aint won 20. never mind 70 LOL.

All of your names were permanently banned throughout the years, those victories do not count towards leaderboards.

I can only find 5 of your nicks listed on the overall Medal table.

TrA_DrYcIeZ 5 wins.
TrA_Drycie 2 wins.
Brandon456 4 wins.
TheRedWarrior 2 wins.
Ftw Crucifier 1 win.

Your "So called" other wins don't exist because of two reasons.

1. They never happened.
2. The nicknames you won more on were permanently banned so they do not count on leaderboards.

Which means you only have 14 wins according to FlyOrDie.

Nice try however, even I have more than that.
Brandon won more than 30 tournaments on Sr Crucifier nick in 2008 but how would you know your a newbie 
your the only tanx player in tournaments others come from pool etc.. so its not a big deal to win tanx tournament
if you had played in tournaments in 08 you wouldn't won a single one 

Oh its a troll, I remember you, hows it going Mr.Random?
"UBR Porsche"

B9 Was a very good player I agree but not as good in the past 4 years as he apparently was back in his prime so I never got the "REAL" Fight from him, however he did give me tough games so I placed him in this list out of respect, and the list by the way is not in "ORDER" it is 10 people I believe who were the "Best" and gave me the most fun, difficult games throughout the last four years.


Thanks for the response Justin.
It's always good to talk to you and other old players, especially the more dominant ones like you & minni.

I would love to play a 2v2 with you three any time just for the laughs as you guys always made me laugh so much in-game.
I know your probably not going to be nearly as good as you once were and I'm not interested in beating you like I was a couple of years ago, those threads I made "FTW-XC" were to try and bring you guys back to the game to get a little life back into the lobby, and because I wanted to learn more about the past from you guys.

I have no problem admitting you guys were Elite in your own time, and probably still are today if you played enough but I understand why you don't, I still play because I enjoy it for some reason and because my connection is terrible and I can't do anything else with it.

Although there is no way to say who was better "OVERALL" i believe you were way ahead of me, you had more people to play on similar levels and you had a full clan of people with similar skill as yourself always at your side to back you up.

I Had ftw's but not all the time and most of them couldn't stand me because of my over confident arrogant attitude.
I always use to go around claiming to be better than other people to get them to play against me so i could improve and get more people active on the game.

It didn't always work, but sometimes it did, especially when i had a feud with Azteca although he was pretty easy at the time he still couldn't stand me and did everything he could to compete with me in 2010/2011, he quit the game for Runescape, I mean seriously RS? >_<.

Other people like Rayos and b9 were good indeed but they weren't as good as you guys were, especially in an important situation where you risked losing.
Nitro was so kind to inform me of the FTW/NBK/XC clan battles and I'm well aware of what happened and all I can say is well done.

I have never played you unless one time you played on a private, as I often find myself playing some insanely difficult privates with styles I can't say iv ever seen, so who knows, but whether I was to lose or beat you honestly makes no difference as playing you or with you would be a pleasure regardless of the situation.

I have more respect for your clan and "Sam" than I ever will for anyone else because you guys are what made this game challenging back then.

I'm sure if you were active these days and got the skill back you would give me a hard time.
Who knows, maybe you would even without being active, some people are really good after years of inactivity, Massacre  was, and All4x was quite the player for someone who played once or twice through a 5/6 year period.

I had the chance to play so many of the old players from your time, and only a few of them stood out in terms of overall skill, and I believe Terremoto was the most difficult out of them all, excluding yourself and Minni obviously because I haven't played you that I know of.

Iv seen all the old threads, where you could call clans out, and I never saw them responding claiming to of beaten you aferwards so that says it all in my opinion.

I believe I would of been better back then because of the different variation of players and the fact I would of played so much to get as good as possible.

Getting credit from someone like you is alot better than all the hate I get from people like the ones responding to my threads on a regular basis.

Apparently it's impossible to give any sort of praise to players when your me, as they all seem to hate my guts because I'm FTW, and because of my over confident attitude in the past.

I will ignore all these "little" haters because a response like that from a player of your history is more respect than any of these haters could show me.

Despite making beginner guides and trying to host mini tournaments for the remaining players all they seem to be capable of doing is flame me on the forums for my efforts, I'm glad to see you didn't do the same.

I'm looking forward to perhaps playing with you in a 2v2 or a series of 2v2 matches against those two names, however it might be difficult to say when as I never see Sam any more unless he popped in recently and I missed him. Anyway, hope to see you around more often Bud.

Hilarious statement indeed considering a Senior moderator informed me that Sr Crucifier only won 4 Tournaments throughout 2008-2011.

You may be correct on me not winning them back then because I was new at the time, but what's also correct is you aren't in a position to call me a newbie.

I have played for 6 years and I have beaten players 10x better than your buddy Brandon, he was good in tournaments but hopeless in clan battles and terrible in 1v1, I lost count of the amount of times he called me out and lost 10-3 10-4 10-5 on a regular basis.

And I beat him 10-4 on that Crucifier name in 2009, which is partially why he hates me, you weren't even around unless you were using a private because those are your other nicknames and all I remember is them being in the 150-200 point area, not impressive.

If you feel that there is a disagreement here between us, feel free to call me out any time as I always love a game with a hater.

But at least do it on your own accord instead of Brandon asking you to post on his behalf.

I Know he did because you haven't posted once since the date your nickname was created in 2004, making it slightly obvious you were asked to come here to back him up on a false statement which he seems heart set on believing himself.

Last I remember, I beat brandon 10-5 in his "so called prime" infront of All4x and Graverobber two years ago, and believe me his "so called prime" was terrible compared to alot of the other players from the old days.

He tried so many times to bring back his precious "TrA" Clan with multiple players and each time he did he was dominated in clan wars by me & FTW Shadow & FTW Eliminator.

He tried to do the same thing in 2011 under a clan called "SL" which was apparently named sons of liberty.

Him & Kobe thought it would be an easy win, little did they know it was only easy for FTW.

They only played once and they lost.
Brandon finished 5/20 in that game me & eliminator had against him & Kobe.
And boy did I feel sorry for Kobe having such an awful partner.

And I wouldn't be lying if I was to claim Brandon only won those tournaments in 2008 because of his fellow clan members hunting all the good players in the Tournaments under the names below.

Sr Nightmare (Corps Strong) (TrA Sharkbite).
Sr Moonlight (UKCBaller).
Sr Martian (NavyStrong) (CALIBER_BROS).
Sr Shredder (XC Guardian) (MARIO_BROS) (Dark_Revolution).

That's right, I remember it well they would hunt anyone else close to his rating so he would have easier opponents to win the tournaments, it's actually pretty clever.
He did indeed win multiple tournaments throughout the years but since the names are permanently banned and not on the FlyOrDie records anymore they do not exist and is why they do not count.
I gave my credit to him in this thread, which you were no doubt not capable of reading before you made your response as it wasn't exactly written in a polite manner was it?

You do not know me well enough to call me a newbie, and judging by your taste in nicknames I wouldn't consider you a threat of any kind in-game.

I also find it quite amusing that every time someone defends Brandon in an argument its always someone who was never any good at the game.

Brandon made his own hall of fame years ago and put himself as #1 under every category on that thread.
He done it in the past aswell before my time and it was exactly the same.
Nothing he said was true other than him winning a "good" amount of tournaments, not an insane amount like 30-40+.
I am yet to see proof of those Victories.

As for me winning Tournaments lately, I don't do it for the numbers, I do it to keep my sub going and because I'm online when the Tournaments are running, not my fault if they are full of people from other games ;).

Like I said above, don't like me or what I have to say?
You have multiple options.

1. Ignore me.
2. Play me and attempt to prove me wrong on the "newbie" statement you made.
3. Keep it going and make yourself look even more sad by defending a known troll.

Make a choice.

However I would advise you that you do not attempt to insult me in anyway as your most likely to end up banned as the chat filter on here nowadays is way more strict than it was in the old days.

Don't come on here and try to badmouth me, Brandon. We damn-near grew up together on this game and you know that I could almost always pull off a win no matter the map. Your victories in tournaments started after i quit.

Oh BROCK ! i'm sincerely surprised u add me (Jean) in the top players group lol... 

I never was part of it mate lmao. 

And considering you've beaten me when i was in an inactivity period, it's almost fun to see my name in that topic ^_^.

It's very hilarious xD

No point arguin here, i'm pretty sure people don't even know me rofl, so let's give it the importance it has : 0.

Cool list.

  Oh lord, The Best Players of All Time by Jeff?? Is this some kind of a joke? Jeff, you do not deserve to write about this topic because you were never around in this generation where there were lot of players playing tanx at the time. When you were around, you were probably a noob. You think you know everything about the past or whatever, but you don't. Lets talk about what I know about Jeff, He goes on tanx 24/7 and never takes a break. That's all I know about Jeff lol.. Anyways for the people who doesn't know me, I am razor blade 55.. 
Lets back up here, The topic should be " Jeff loves Razor" LOL.. I mean, all Jeff does is talk about me and beating me and saying I didn't win lot of tournaments? All I hear is bunch of lies. I know that myself, I won too many tournaments, pretty sure I won over 70 tournaments.. That's when there was over 100 people playing when I was around. I wasn't really the duel master or whatever, but I can be really good at it at duels sometimes, but I was always the tournament master and probably always wil since the tanx is dead. I got too many stories saying Razor won over 50 tournaments and in fact, I won 4 classic tourney in row on Sr Sr Crucifier.  Even Minni Me, Nitro, Sam, taliban forces, Erixson, Snake Solid, Brock Lasner, Final Day, Uag Tornado, Twister, and lot of best players would confirm it.. 

Jeff, it sucks that you not in the best players of all the time by any of other players who do not list you in it.. I mean I see my name, twister, sam, alex and lot of other players.. But I don't see Jeff name in it.. You want me to show you how to become a legend? Here a Razor's advice, your not a legend bro.. Legend is basically a reputation that is witnessed by lot of people.. That's why there's lot of players always mention me in their forums :):):) But only time I hear jeff stories is by jeff.. Mad funny man.. not your ridiculous pictures of beating people and your talk.. But yeah your good at duels, but not around when there were lot of people playing in this game.   TAKE CARE KID
You aint won 20. never mind 70 LOL.

All of your names were permanently banned throughout the years, those victories do not count towards leaderboards.

I can only find 5 of your nicks listed on the overall Medal table.

TrA_DrYcIeZ 5 wins.
TrA_Drycie 2 wins.
Brandon456 4 wins.
TheRedWarrior 2 wins.
Ftw Crucifier 1 win.

Your "So called" other wins don't exist because of two reasons.

1. They never happened.
2. The nicknames you won more on were permanently banned so they do not count on leaderboards.

Which means you only have 14 wins according to FlyOrDie.

Nice try however, even I have more than that.

Umm Jeff, you have more than that? I am looking at it right now? Can you explain it again? LOL you only won 1 tournament LOL.. Listen Kid. you won 14 because lot of good players don't play anymore.. I won 70 or more when there were lot of best players around in the game? Beat that KID :):):) WOOOT I M THE BEST :):):) I M ALWAYS TOURNAMENT KING :):):) WOOOT Take care pal
Brandon, you were pretty good at Tournaments I'll give you that, but like you mentioned, you were poor in duels for some reason.

I gotta be honest, I barely remember "Jeff" when all the greats were around like Pancho, Tali, Snakedaddy, Medo, Ultra, Bryan, Klayton, Terremoto etc. 

Just a kid with a loud mouth and no social life.

You can,t beat him. so you insult him ? tank master
Someone mentions you as a sign of respect and you call him a kid with no social life? What a disgrace.
TANK MASTER is absolutely right and he can beat jeff anytime TOMMY is probably a pool or darts player that has nothing to do with tanx and thinks jeff is actually good because he could bank 470 on zeros *cheers*
xenophobia is jeffersons name lol

josmurff11+jadeFlower if your not the same person. you will be the guys that get disqualified most weeks in tanx tourny . plus you both havn,t used those nicks in ten years . you must be running out of gift subs by now :).
blah blah blah. that's all you old players ever do. honestly makes me laugh :)
i played tanx until 2007 afterwards tanx went downhill 
i remember when tournaments had 120+ players in 06~07 
and i won't ask anybody to sub me because i don't play this game anymore 
Lol tank master, I gota admit, I was loud mouth back in old days, but yo, you were only around when i start playing the tanx.. And when you left, there were lot of good players after klayton, taliban , snakedaddy or w.e.. that time, i wasn't so bad at duels, but after u left, i was pretty good at duels, then quit the game and came back and blah blah blah..  
TANK_MASTER - Shame on you, thought you were more respectable than this.

Brandon - Lost count of the amount of 10-3s I did on you & the fact me Sam & Alex destroyed every clan you formed to take us out makes it all the more amusing every time you reply to my threads on here acting as if you were something special.

Josmurf - Never heard of you only saw you struggle to get 10 points in tanx, you calling anyone a newbie is laughable.

Peter01 - ;\

You can all hate on me all day long if you want It doesn't bother me one bit. actually makes me laugh quite a lot seeing you all trying to flame me because I beat you all effortlessly.
TUPA was king of the power ups back in the day. 
lol Jeff, Josmurf was good but in his prime...i knew him from 06...he use to detest bankers.  You don't know this jeff ofc ur a 08 player lol :) 
Max, every single person you claim was good I have absolutely destroyed other than Justin. you obviously have poor judgement.
From the 2nd post and forward was all pointless xd... All what jeff did in his own words is respect the ones he cared.
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