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New Champion will be??
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New Champion will be??
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New Champion will be??
Now that Trout seems to be gone, let's all predict who will be the new champion!  Say someone who you think has the ability to stay the champion for a while.

Please make it a subscriber because only subscribers are eligible for the crown.

Sargent Killman
I'll believe Trout has gone when I don't see him for long enough.
Vinnie and Lionking are both definite contenders for the crown if they were subscribed, as well as Benji and possibly me too. I know none of them are subscribed but I believe they are 4 of the best players this game has right now. Trout will be back though. 
What tells you that Trout will come back?
It will be me...like it or lump it! >:) (A)
Aww wullie, you're such a sweetie pie. lol
It was sarcasm at its best g a y b o y :>
Oh, Wullie, sooo adorable :)
Doctor Greenlyness
Jenny is cool, gives as good as he gets.
I hope it's Gab or Anna to put all you macho guys in your place
I'm making a run for the top this summer so watch out.
dont make gabrielamihaela moderator please sche is not fair she sey all the time when she is moderator bann 2 som1 

please wake up moderators sche  is very dangeres for fylordie

thank you 
@gothfather: this has nothing to do with my topic...start your own rather than infesting mine, thanks.
id rather see a new champ with trout here as all will jus say ah if trout was here they wouldnt really be the champ lets be honest guys.
talent if around fav
wind if took serious
maldews if played at all strong player
hog if he kept current consistency outsider
way i see it champ is highest rank sub or not we all know who is highest at given point.
so by your logic man in black then if agilon keeps playing new players and weaker players like he does then he will get top number,also knuckle heads on here transfer pts to themselves (how pathetic) but we all know its done and who does it, so you can't go by top score alone, look at tourneys and constant results when good players play each other and I do think both anna and gab are worth mentioning at being at the top 
Well, wolfman...you can be mean to me but I won't be mean to you.  I got to 600 playing people rated 240+.  I just play weaker players to maintain it now...I will most likely play higher ranks again soon anyway.  Focus on your own game now.
I wasn't being mean its just you and pilou do that I was just telling the truth and making a point about you cant go by points that someone has also Ive played 0's and got my behind handed to me but they had experience I have seen you and pilou playing brand new players with little experience so you get 5 or 6 pts or whatever Ive watched the matches and other guy was still trying to figure out power and aim and was lucky to even get a rock in the house It's kind of like if you where playing a 4 or 5 yr old that's not sportsman like to do it all day like that
Gab was banned she wont get mod

20ı4 Holland
FlyOrDie Member

>Gab was banned she wont get mod

I don't know where did you get this information, but your statement is definitely not true.
i concede that popint wolfman that goes wothout saying that u are playing worthy players
As I can recall Trout used to be fairly easy to beat - when did he get to be the best? : )
Snella I have a 3-0 record vs. you. So I don't know how I am "easy to beat" :)
Obviously there's no need for absolute correlation between win-record and whether or not you're easy to beat.

You never met me at the height of my game (i.e. when I had a functioning mouse), although you've got a good game, it's not that hard to see that your strategy is exploitable and quite easily beaten with proper execution ; )
I played you 3 times over a year ago, how can you remember my strategy pros and cons lol. And a functioning mouse :) c'mon man they cost less than $10 for a new one. McDonalds garbage men can even afford that!
trout, obviously you left an indelible impression on snella,for him/her to remember so much about your game style from so long ago. It is also interesting that YOU remember how many times you played and when, you are doing much better than I could ever hope for in that regard. Hoping everyone has good curling in the future. (but as a side note there seems to be a lot of petty jealousies toward you)
Wolfman I like Trout as he's kinda funny & maybe some people are jealous, always said too much b!tching at the top. Trout has a mouth on him too so don't be fooled, I have seen & heard a lot both sides.
Nicest thing you've ever said Wullie :D thanks 
Meh. Jealousy? Maybe. But probably not. To me it's like comparing Pelé to Maradona. I was the champ in my day, and Trout in his. Of course it's easy to say that Pelé was better than Maradona, but unfortunately we'll never get to see them both play at their peak. Trout and myself had each our eras.

It goes without saying though, that it is clearly possible to point out exploitable strategies without being capable of exploiting them yourself at current skill level.